mobile viewer


New member
Dec 26, 2008
1st problem ive found. NO internet connectivity while connected. Im running a q9c winmo 6.1 stock ROM.....nothing connected. email...cetwit...opera...all said no network connections found. oddly, they found connetions when disconnected from PC and when connected to actual redfly unit.

LOVE IT THOUGH!!! great job
any ideas on using this as a tethering type app as well? i see a wide range of possibilities with this going forward
I just downloaded the mobile viewer beta. I have had no problems with internet connectivity. Opera connected just fine. BTW I am on and XP laptop and my phone in a VZW Samsung i-760. As I continue to use this beta I will post any other experiences. So far it's been about 20 minutes so we'll see how it goes.

im on xp too...prob just a quirk with the phone...wouldnt suprise me with how anemic the q9c is LOL

It's been a day or so using the Viewer software. I have actually been at my desk the past couple of days which is when this software can shine. I have always liked the option to take notes during a phone call. The problem in the past was having my BT keyboard (Thinkoutside) handy after I take the call. With my Redfly I have been more likely to take notes during the actual phonecall. Using the Viewer software I have been easily able to document these calls 100% of the time. The updated phone drivers and firmware update also corrected the lower taskbar background color issue I was having that could be corrected by a soft reset after the Redfly was connected to the phone via USB. That reset step is no longer needed.

The only hiccup I am experiencing at this point is whenever I disconnect the pnone via the Viewer control panel. It disconnects fine but everytime (inside Viewer) I select "File, Exit" I get the following message window on my main screen.

RedflyMobileViewer.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x02e293f3" referenced memory at "0x02e293f3". The memory could not be "read".
Click OK to terminate'
Click Cancel to debug.

I have tried both options and this error message continues to pop up everytime I exit the Viewer software. Not that big a deal but the only bug I have found so far in this beta.

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The only hiccup I am experiencing at this point is whenever I disconnect the pnone via the Viewer control panel. It disconnects fine but everytime (inside Viewer) I select "File, Exit" I get the following message window on my main screen.

RedflyMobileViewer.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x02e293f3" referenced memory at "0x02e293f3". The memory could not be "read".
Click OK to terminate'
Click Cancel to debug.

I have the same issue on my Vista and XP boxes.

I appreciate you guys giving us feedback and the more details the better! We will look into this asap and see if we can dupe it. And I will post back when I have an answer.


Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY
Thought I should post this here instead of the other thread where people are debating cost:-

Magically I was able to connect, so I had a quick play.

The new Beta 2 of Bolt seems to work OK at default 800x480 resolution. Deosn't seem to want to run at 1024x768.

Opera Mini runs fine at 1024x768, if a little slow. I'm fairly sure the slowness is down to my phone (BlackJack II) rather than network or Opera.

Iris browser also seems to be OK at 1024x768, but I guess their servers are slow, as page downloads take a lot longer than the size report in the taskbar suggests they might (120k page can take a couple of minutes).

Gmail app works fine at 1024x768

Pocket Excel has ooodles of space to wok in and seems just fine.

General responsiveness is OK at 1024x768, but there is definitely a slowdown, unsurprisingly.

[EDIT] Weird - apparently Task Manager will not work at resulotions higher that 800x480!
Quick feature enhancement suggestion -

I'd love to be able to drag/drop files from my PC to Mobile Viewer. I'd expect to be able to drop the file anywhere, anytime, but have Explorer open up to accept the dropped file.
Quick feature enhancement suggestion -

I'd love to be able to drag/drop files from my PC to Mobile Viewer. I'd expect to be able to drop the file anywhere, anytime, but have Explorer open up to accept the dropped file.

I'd second that. Quite honestly, though I'm a big Redfly supporter, I wonder about the utility of this viewer as anything more than a 'proof of concept', other than the potential as a quick drag 'n' drop.
Just an idea for those wanting drag and drop of files, have you tried using Tools, Explorer and then dropping the files into the window that opens?
Quite honestly, though I'm a big Redfly supporter, I wonder about the utility of this viewer as anything more than a 'proof of concept'

OK I don't think it really has great value for most of us, but here's three use cases that I have for it

1 - conference presentation. I'm a eLearning developer. I have a interest in mobile learning I demo stuff publicly a few times a year. Mobile Viewer is one way I can access my phone and show it alongside my main presentation instead of swapping devices.

2 - If I worked in an office, I could easily monitor my phone messages etc from PC, maybe use my phone for personal browsing if IT is tight. Of course I have to convince IT to let me install the Mobile Viewer software ... but I work from home and don't actually care about this

3 - a company with mobile workers who use their phones for everything, maybe use RedFly on the road, might want to deploy Mobile Viewer to make for easier access to phone data while the mobile worker is in the office/at home because a full PC screen/keyboard is more usable.

I think you are right that most of us will never care about the Mobile Viewer, especially at the $40 price point. But then most people have no use for a Redfly either ...

Put a different way, I think Mobile Viewer can solve the needs of a niche market, but most of us are not part of that niche :-)
And don't forget how agressive the Celio programmers are. The abilities that a program like this has now in the beta stage does not equate to the abilities it will have a year from now. (Judging by what we have seen so far.)

Take bluetooth. It seems reasonable to expect the Redviewer to have bluetooth at some point since the Redfly front-end device unit does..

So you're working away at your netbook and you instant-on connect with your mobile phone from the Redviewer, from four feet away, and tell the mobile phone to start playing music. You get a phone call, the music stops . . .

My point is that this is a beta and from the pace of the updates we've been getting on our Redfly front end devices, it seems to me that there will be little things (like drag in drop, like bluetooth) that may make the Redviewer much more of a value later on down the road.
Guess I'm going to be the oddball. Installed the 163 driver & firmware. It works great. After a short time using Treo Pro/Redfly, this version seems to have fixed all my previous issues -- mouse & bluetooth. However, connecting to my Toshiba tablet laptop, the viewer software refuses to recognize that my phone is attached & usable. I've rebooted the laptop, done several soft resets of the phone, uninstalled & reinstalled the viewer (including another reboot). Still no recognition that the phone is there, despite the fact that both SPB Backup & ActiveSync do see the phone.
Question for Laurie:-

F6 and F7 activate the left and right softkeys in Mobile Viewer. I know this because the same is true on the Redfly, but I don't see it mentioned in the docs. Did I overlook the mention?
No, you didn't overlook that. I will get that added to the next rev of the docs.


Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY
Oddball out here; or I must have done something wrong. The Redfly itself works great. The Viewer software, however, presents me with a background that is a reflection of my PC desktop and if I click the connect button, the window itself becomes unresponsive.

Installed: - to phone - to phone
REDFLYMobileViewer.exe - To PC

AT&T Tilt
Windows Mobile 6.1
No cooked ROMS
Windows XP SP2
Activesync 4.5.0

Any help would be appreciated.
Bill, not sure what is wrong here - but I doubt that you did anything wrong.


Can you email with this issue and then one of the guys can help figure it out with you directly.


Director of Engineering
Celio Corp | REDFLY

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