More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

Put into perspective, the new surface pro 2 base model is only 50 dollars more then a 64gb iPhone 5S! Now that is something CNET would NEVER say lmao.

i'm not really sure why you're comparing a phone to a laptop, or why you would want a reviewer to do that either. they're apples and oranges , aren't they ?


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

i'm not really sure why you're comparing a phone to a laptop, or why you would want a reviewer to do that either. they're apples and oranges , aren't they ?

Well I can compare whatever the hell I want considering the fact that CNET compares an iPad to a Surface Pro lol.


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I appreciate the feedback. It is true that the Pro holds a unique place in the PC space. As a standalone PC I'd probably enjoy it. As a tablet it still wouldn't be very practical for me but to each his own. Portability is good considering is versatility and ability to use just about any peripheral.

Dollars to donuts it may just come down to preference. The touch covers for both Surface models should be bundled and the justification ESPECIALLY for the Pro just doesn't hold water if you want to give people a little incentive to spend their hard earned dollars.

The Pro is a solid device. Its still too heavy as a tablet and In my opinion its still pricey but that's ok.

The Surface 2? Without the type cover, (on a device loaded with Office no less), and a still weak app store is not worth the money they are asking for. Hopefully it will be just not now. The compromise is getting old...


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

What is the average amount of minutes/hours that a person holds a tablet? The weight issue with the SP2 is getting ridiculous. I know when I use my RT, it's either with the kickstand or on my lap. Do people really hold their tablets for that long amount of time that it becomes a issue. This reminds me of the weight issue with Lumia 920. Apple has convinced everyone that we need a app for everything.

Simon Tupper

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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

What is the average amount of minutes/hours that a person holds a tablet? The weight issue with the SP2 is getting ridiculous. I know when I use my RT, it's either with the kickstand or on my lap. Do people really hold their tablets for that long amount of time that it becomes a issue. This reminds me of the weight issue with Lumia 920. Apple has convinced everyone that we need a app for everything.

when I have my touch cover folded to the back of my Surface RT I can definitely say that its too heavy to be comfortable to hold for a long period of time. But remove the keyboard and the issue is gone imo. The Surface 1 is a nice tablet, but I'll have to admit that that the surface 2 is tempting even if I most likely won't buy it


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

Well I can compare whatever the hell I want considering the fact that CNET compares an iPad to a Surface Pro lol.

The iPad and surface have similar intended uses, and markets. The surface definitely wants the huge iPad market to notice it, and switch.


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

How can you compare a full latop, running a full a ****in toy?? You can't do crap on that iPad compared to a pro. Does it offer USB support? NO...does it offer 256ssd? NO....does it have a core i chip, you guessed it NO. iPad is nothing


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

The Surface Pro 2 should be compared to the MacBook Air. Anything less is just an insult to the Surface Pro 2, it really doesn't matter what the dimensions are of the Surface Pro 2 being a tablet/laptop hybrid. If the internals aren't even close, it doesn't make any sense to compare it to the iPad. It would be like comparing a the Surface RT or Surface 2 to the MacBook Air.


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

What is the average amount of minutes/hours that a person holds a tablet? The weight issue with the SP2 is getting ridiculous. I know when I use my RT, it's either with the kickstand or on my lap. Do people really hold their tablets for that long amount of time that it becomes a issue. This reminds me of the weight issue with Lumia 920. Apple has convinced everyone that we need a app for everything.

I agree. It amazings me the number of people who point out the weight. I mean, 2 lbs people. Are people that weak in 2013?

I don't know if its Apple that convinced everyone they need an app for everything, but I tire of the "app junkies" who need to point out the differences in the app stores. Ok, Windows don't have an app to teach you how to tie your shoes, or help you operate a door knob, I get it. So, If you are one of those people who choose an operating system based on the app store, maybe Windows phone / tablet isn't for you.


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

What is the average amount of minutes/hours that a person holds a tablet? The weight issue with the SP2 is getting ridiculous. I know when I use my RT, it's either with the kickstand or on my lap. Do people really hold their tablets for that long amount of time that it becomes a issue. This reminds me of the weight issue with Lumia 920. Apple has convinced everyone that we need a app for everything.

On numerous occasions I have been stood up on a busy train holding my RT in portrait mode playing pinball fx2. After probably about 30 minutes I have to stop playing and put the RT in landscape as it starts hurting my wrists. Doubtless I could use an ipad for longer but pinball doesn't look very good on a 4:3 screen :winktongue:. Note that's 30 mins holding it in portrait. Have never had a problem holding the RT in landscape


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

On numerous occasions I have been stood up on a busy train holding my RT in portrait mode playing pinball fx2. After probably about 30 minutes I have to stop playing and put the RT in landscape as it starts hurting my wrists. Doubtless I could use an ipad for longer but pinball doesn't look very good on a 4:3 screen :winktongue:. Note that's 30 mins holding it in portrait. Have never had a problem holding the RT in landscape

That's the point. Probably doesn't matter what your holding, surface or iPad after that among of time it will get tiring


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

This guy Brooke Crothers, the writer of this ****ty article and biased pov is a true Apple evangelist. !
Ho w dare he did even a comparison of a Surface device, coz all he writes about is apple !!

For more proof, please read the articles or coments that he has written.. !!

he is a paid Biatch !

Brooke Crothers - CNET


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Apr 9, 2013
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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

The iPad and surface have similar intended uses, and markets. The surface definitely wants the huge iPad market to notice it, and switch.

the Surface RT/2 have similar intended users as iPad, but the Surface Pro is a completely different crowd which is definitely smaller. Sure the Surface RT/2 wants the iPad market, or else MS wouldn't advertise like crazy with comparisons.


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

The iPad and surface have similar intended uses, and markets. The surface definitely wants the huge iPad market to notice it, and switch.

Surface RT goes head to head with the iPad

Surface Pro goes head to head with laptop and ultrabooks.


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

How can you compare a full latop, running a full a ****in toy?? You can't do crap on that iPad compared to a pro. Does it offer USB support? NO...does it offer 256ssd? NO....does it have a core i chip, you guessed it NO. iPad is nothing

Well, your no's were correct.

The iPad appears to be something though, as opposed to nothing. Toy is defined as a learning, associating, growing thing by people on Wikipedia. I know you meant it in a derogatory fashion, buy I'm going for positive. Any device can be made a toy, and turned into fun.

You also described the pro as a full laptop. It is not. It has limits as does every device. It's fine that the iPad is not suited tor rugby, just as the surface is not suited to shark fishing. They both are very capable in their own regards though.

Will the market recognize it ? Man I hope so. Competitions always benefit consumers. As of now, the iPad doesn't have competition from Microsoft, only android in the tablet sector. Is really like to see a three abreast finish.


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

the Surface RT/2 have similar intended users as iPad, but the Surface Pro is a completely different crowd which is definitely smaller. Sure the Surface RT/2 wants the iPad market, or else MS wouldn't advertise like crazy with comparisons.

Yes, we know this, but the naming and marketing schemes are currently failing to display this.


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

Yes, we know this, but the naming and marketing schemes are currently failing to display this.

I get what you're saying...fair enough. Im starting to think this may be the reason the of color change for the Surface 2? Just a distinguish between the S2 vs SP2.

If i was a consumer and walked into the store i wouldnt know the difference. But the same can be said for the Macbook Air vs the MB Pro..


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

Well, your no's were correct.

The iPad appears to be something though, as opposed to nothing. Toy is defined as a learning, associating, growing thing by people on Wikipedia. I know you meant it in a derogatory fashion, buy I'm going for positive. Any device can be made a toy, and turned into fun.

You also described the pro as a full laptop. It is not. It has limits as does every device. It's fine that the iPad is not suited tor rugby, just as the surface is not suited to shark fishing. They both are very capable in their own regards though.

Will the market recognize it ? Man I hope so. Competitions always benefit consumers. As of now, the iPad doesn't have competition from Microsoft, only android in the tablet sector. Is really like to see a three abreast finish.

It was more of how you can ccompare the 2 devices. iPad vs RT yes, but not Pro because you can run legacy full apps like the desktop and you can't on iPad. Processor, SSD, etc. Are not options on the iPad and I believe the 64 or 128 iPad cost as much as a pro with the networking inside. iPad is good at what it does, but its not in the same league as SP2


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Jun 8, 2013
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All these news from engadget, cnet, verge are weird .. they seem to see this differently from us. they have facts to support this of course, i hope they sell decently well. they are good devices.

also, to expand on this....

I agree, on bigger websites, it just seems to me that no one can figure out what the Surface Pro is. "dur dur dur is it a laptop or tablet? Me can't figure it out dur dur dur" (how I read every one of these reviews on other sites).

I don't know if its clickbait, or the writers have some agenda to keep their Apple purchases as "the right thing" so they don't admit they're on an inferior product (because why else would they lie??) or if they're just plain stupid.

During the keynote, I'm pretty sure I heard Panos say "its a full PC with a tablet body" at least 3 times. At Build 2013, Steve Ballmer called it a hybrid. Every other executive has either called it a hybrid or 2-in-1. I just honestly can't understand what these people are seeing that I don't. They'd never call the iPad "basically an overpriced big iPhone that you can't make calls on". Its a tablet. The Pro is a hybrid. How hard is it to understand??

My 45-year old dad picked it up in one day and trust me, if it wasn't for his email app on his iPhone, he probably wouldn't check his email because of the technology hassle, so why can't "professionals"?

I don't know, these "journalists" just constantly act like they were browsing one day and the Surface just showed up and they're scrambling to figure out what it is.


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Re: More CNET bias - Surface Pro 2 "Comparing the Surface Pro to the iPad can get pretty ugly"

CNET is apple diehard fans...

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