MOSKITO app for WP7 keep moskitos out !


New member
Oct 14, 2011
The application emit a very unique high frequency sound (ultra sound) that the insects dislike. The pitch of the sound is so high that most humans will not notice anything.

Keep the application close to you and enjoy the outdoors without bites..

There are about 3500 known mosquito species in the world and they all react slightly different to the repeller.

Developed by Ziad Khazzaka
Computer Center
Tel: 00961 3 707891
Web: Welcome to Computer Center Website, The World In A Software.
Interesting. I'll give it a try here in Florida, U.S. The running joke around here is that the Mosquito is the state Bird. During the evening hours you can surely bet they will swarm and cover you in minutes.
Never noticed any Mosquito that seemed to know it was supposed to dislike these ultra high frequencies also good point about the battery drain, what is that like?
Never noticed any Mosquito that seemed to know it was supposed to dislike these ultra high frequencies also good point about the battery drain, what is that like?
this app support underlock screen , that will save your battery !
hi zkhazaka,

I was searching for mosquito repellent apps in marketplace, so i searched using the term "mosquito" in the marketplace. Unfortunately your app didn't turn up there. Seems like you have not added "mosquito" as a search keyword for your app? A large number of people find apps using marketplace search and i am sure you wouldn't want to miss downloads by those people.

Also i would suggest that you highlight the fact that this app runs under lock screen in your application description (if possible on marketplace logo also) as i have seen other apps which doesn't and are thus useless.

hi zkhazaka,

I was searching for mosquito repellent apps in marketplace, so i searched using the term "mosquito" in the marketplace. Unfortunately your app didn't turn up there. Seems like you have not added "mosquito" as a search keyword for your app? A large number of people find apps using marketplace search and i am sure you wouldn't want to miss downloads by those people.

Also i would suggest that you highlight the fact that this app runs under lock screen in your application description (if possible on marketplace logo also) as i have seen other apps which doesn't and are thus useless.

Thanks Kanishkkunal

you are right , it’s a mistake from me , i forget that
I sent email to appHub regarding these issues.
Can you please rate this app !
Thanks again

thanks for rating

give me a list of your apps.

by the way i have 2 more apps in the market:

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2- ARS

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