MS advertising


New member
Dec 16, 2010
hey every one

i know allot of people complain bout WP not being advertise... I’ve been seeing a commercial id like to talk bout :) hehe

So I’ve been seeing this commercial pop up on TV like 5 times every hour. its not a direct WP commercial but its pretty good.

It basically shows a family , the dad playing KINECT ( dancing away ) the Daughter is recording him (with her WP7 ( looks like a HTC titan ) then you see her upload the VID to skydrive (via wp integration ) then her brothers editing and making fun of the VID on his lap top..

its basically showing off the FULL ecosystem of WINDOWS , which is probly the MOST will ever see out of MS and WP commercials. atlease they doing something NOW! hehe

well here it is: New Windows ad features Windows Phone - YouTube

now if only Samsung, HTC, lg, dell, Nokia , ect.. could start showing it off a little more ...
I like that commercial but it's more about Windows than anything else (although the Xbox is not technically Windows). I suppose the idea is to keep selling the Windows name, but I'm ready to see some commercials pushing a specific Windows phone instead of the OS itself. For example, I think the HTC Radar commercial is great, save for the "in the right hands" remark. They push the phone, highlighting the People Hub as a feature (YES!). They even say something like "The HTC Radar with People Hub..." This is the right approach. At the end you see the Windows Phone logo which is fine.

Going back to those "Everything begins with Windows" commercials, there is one where a guy is shopping using his OneNote app on his WP, and his kids are doing live updates to the shopping list (LOL). That commercial shows a little more about WP than the dancing dad, but again we need to see phone-specific marketing like those Droid RAZR commercials.
I like that commercial but it's more about Windows than anything else (although the Xbox is not technically Windows). I suppose the idea is to keep selling the Windows name, but I'm ready to see some commercials pushing a specific Windows phone instead of the OS itself. For example, I think the HTC Radar commercial is great, save for the "in the right hands" remark. They push the phone, highlighting the People Hub as a feature (YES!). They even say something like "The HTC Radar with People Hub..." This is the right approach. At the end you see the Windows Phone logo which is fine.

Going back to those "Everything begins with Windows" commercials, there is one where a guy is shopping using his OneNote app on his WP, and his kids are doing live updates to the shopping list (LOL). That commercial shows a little more about WP than the dancing dad, but again we need to see phone-specific marketing like those Droid RAZR commercials.

lol i like the shopping list one, hehe

yeah i agree , but i dont think MS will push WP individually as much as let say HTC or Samsung would/could..

MS is more about pushing the whole of MS ecosystem and not a specific product.

well it still better than anything they had done so far :)
lol i like the shopping list one, hehe

yeah i agree , but i dont think MS will push WP individually as much as let say HTC or Samsung would/could..

MS is more about pushing the whole of MS ecosystem and not a specific product.

well it still better than anything they had done so far :)
True. Microsoft already did their share pushing the WP OS with their "Really?" commercials and such. Something tells me Samsung doesn't budget marketing money on WP. They're all about their Galaxy phones. At least HTC has a commercial for the Radar (they should now push the Titan).
saw the radar and focus commercials the other day during a bears game in the middle of a sea of iPhone and Verizon 4G LTE commercials.
Nokia , ect.. could start showing it off a little more ...

Nokia not advertising? They are bombarding people with ads everywhere you look in UK with constant TV adverts, stunts like making Millbank Tower one big lightshow with Deadmau5 playing top of the tower, giving X-Factor UK contestants free Lumia 800's that they advertise on the air, carriers advertising 800 everywhere etc. etc.

Nokia has pretty much made Windows Phone sell in the markets Lumia 800 is available in a overnight.

Though of course you are not going to see any of that in NA as there's no Nokia products to advertise. Next year is the push for USA.
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Nokia not advertising? They are bombarding people with ads everywhere you look in UK with constant TV adverts, stunts like making Millbank Tower one big lightshow with Deadmau5 playing top of the tower, giving X-Factor UK contestants free Lumia 800's that they advertise on the air, carriers advertising 800 everywhere etc. etc.

Nokia has pretty much made Windows Phone sell in the markets Lumia 800 is available in a overnight.

Though of course you are not going to see any of that in NA as there's no Nokia products to advertise. Next year is the push for USA.

yeah but it still doesn’t compare to the advertising Samsung and HTC put in the Android phones.

dont get me wrong they do do allot of advertising. maybe it depends on your country....

will have to see next year Q1 when NA starts getting Nokia phones.
That was exactly my point. :)
No reason to advertise in countries where Lumia phones aren't not available and there isn't many, it's Nokia advertising, not Microsoft.
I agree. All the reports I've read indicate that Nokia is going no holds barred marketing the Lumia wherever it's currently sold.
yeah but it still doesn?t compare to the advertising Samsung and HTC put in the Android phones.

dont get me wrong they do do allot of advertising. maybe it depends on your country....

will have to see next year Q1 when NA starts getting Nokia phones.

Maybe you are comparing the length of time and quantity htc & samsung have been advertising their androids, but I have seen nothing that comes close to what Nokia has done with their WP7 adverts. The "Amazing Call in France" is one example.

And really, MS advertised Windows 7, they advertise bing, Xbox 360, why is there an expectation that WP7 advertising should be solely the responsibility of OEM's and MS should do nothing?

At the end of the day, its not the OEM's that will be said to have failed, its Microsoft, with all the negative connotations that come with that, so if they have any desire to succeed they SHOULD advertise, and advertise hard.
...why is there an expectation that WP7 advertising should be solely the responsibility of OEM's and MS should do nothing?
Who is saying that "advertising should be solely the responsibility of OEMs and MS should do nothing"? We all know that MS has marketed the OS, but don't you think it's time for the OEMs to do their share of phone marketing? I'm not talking marketing the OS, but the actual phones, like the HTC Radar commercial. Nokia is definitely doing it in Europe and all indications are that they will follow suit in the US.
At the end of the day, its not the OEM's that will be said to have failed, its Microsoft, with all the negative connotations that come with that, so if they have any desire to succeed they SHOULD advertise, and advertise hard.
It's true that an OS "failure" will fall on the OS developer, but Microsoft marketed Windows Phone pretty big and, honestly, it didn't result in much. Everyone I know remembers the "Really?" commercials, but they didn't sell a lot of Windows Phones. Phones need to be marketed as well as the OS. Or do like the HTC Radar commercial, where they advertise the phone AND highlight the features of WP (People Hub in the Radar's case).
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Guess I remember differently, a couple of ads by Microsoft which were then quickly stopped does not equate to heavy marketing.

The point is, WP7 is not selling very well, US advertising is pathetic, whether it be from MS or the phone makers. Shouldnt be any artificial restrictions on who should advertise, nothing stops MS or the OEM's from running their own ad campaigns, at the end of the day it raises awareness, and hopefully gets people to want to buy the phones.
MS CANNOT advertise WP , only the OS ,.... because they dont own the RIGHTS to the phone.

in the commercial i was showing at start of post , MS does a GREAT job of advertising ALL 3 OS they have. ( notice how the Wp is not branded? )

just like when they advertise for WINDOWS 7 , they dont advertise the PC only the OS

the ONLY reason they advertise for Xbox is because they OWn the hardware

It is the SOLE responsibility of SAMSUNG , HTC , NOKIA , LG ect.. to advertise the HARDWARE.

Ms is already adverting the OS , ( i even see a commercial 5 times in 1 hour for the WP OS in Canada, now 5 times in 60min ,, is allot.. ( on 1 chanel )
Well no matter who does it something needs to be done because as it stands WP7 is dying. The market share actually declined over the last quarter and was already microscopic.

If MS wants to be a player in this space they need to take dramatic steps to get some critical user base mass. For example they need to radically cut the OS price for now and also pressure OEMs to get an LTE device onto Verizon - as long as the only VZW device they have is the Trophy they have no chances for real growth as VZW is the biggest carrier.

Also, they need to effectively bribe the retail associates to suggestive sell Wp7. Again this can be done in conjunction with OEMs but involves cash payments to the associates per WP7 device sold - and real payments not a buck or two. Otherwise the devices will not sell because the associates on the floor will pretty much always recommend Android.
I've been watching Monday Night Football on ESPN, and have seen a good half dozen WP7 commercials with only an hour into the game (HTC Radar and Samsung Focus Flash). They are really the only WP7 commercials I've seen since launch last year.
I've been watching Monday Night Football on ESPN, and have seen a good half dozen WP7 commercials with only an hour into the game (HTC Radar and Samsung Focus Flash). They are really the only WP7 commercials I've seen since launch last year.
I'm watching MNF as well and yes, I saw those commercials. We just need MOAR! LOL!

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