MS says W10M is ready, I call that BS

I want W10m to succeed. I really do. More competition and options are always great. Unfortunately its not going to happen. W10m will flop and flop hard. So hard that MS will abandon making mobile OS entirely. The writing is on the wall. There is literally zero reason for an Android or iPhone user to invest into Windows phone. There is nothing to gain and a lot of features to lose.Windows mobile will remain a niche market for some time before disappearing into the void. I enjoyed my time using Lumia 520 but that's more because the phone was fantastic(because Nokia) rather than the OS.
Problem here is two fold. Problem one is Microsoft does not know how to make a good solid phone hardware wise like Nokia did. Problem no 2 is Microsoft has hardly put any effort into Windows phone since the last 5 years whether be it marketing/advertising or getting app developers to make apps for its OS.
W10m like WP8 might be a decent serviceable OS but just being decent is not enough to gain market share when you have to contend with giants like Google and Apple.
Hardware wise Microsoft have done what nokia haven't with Lumias. Made a flagship with a removable battery and micro sd slot.
I do like people calling Windows phone being niche, makes me laugh. As I person who just came to WP from owning a Nokia N9 (Meego) and Jolla(SailfishOS) I don't think you guys know what an underdog/niche is.

My first impressions seems to be that WP is a solid OS, what should work, works with few minor inconsistencies. On the openness and customisation it's seems to do more into apples direction, it needs to be a bit more open, allow user to do more.
Overall I do think that WP is a nice system. I am looking forward to running WP10 :)
Problem one is Microsoft does not know how to make a good solid phone hardware wise like Nokia did.

That's complete nonsense. If you look at the raw specs, you've got a phone that meets/exceeds the darling phone of the year in the Nexus 6P.

You can argue about design choices (i.e. flexibility of sd card and replaceable battery vs. unibody sealed design), but that's purely aesthetics.
With WM10 (running 10581 on my L640) if you press the windows icon for a few seconds the window drops down to the lower half of the screen, so you can use one hand for hamburger menu access regardless of which side it's on. Hold the icon for a few seconds andthe screen drops so you have access, choose your action and then touch the top of the reduced screen and it goes full screen again.

Windows 10 Mobile adds reachability hack to compensate for incompetent UI designers | Pocketnow
I swear you guys will never be happy.

I don't know about that. Aside from the lack of apps I was happy with 8/8.1 running on Nokia hardware. It was like a match made in heaven. I even recommended it to everyone I knew and both of my parents have 920s. Needless to say that they're not going to "upgrade" to W10M or either of the "flagships".
Maybe Apple and Google send the previews out at later stages in development, I don't know. I just know that they work a lot better than Microsoft's.

I used the pre-release of WP81.1 and 8.1 update 1 without one issue. Going back further I made extensive use off 2000, XP and 7 in beta forms. The problem is Windows 10, it simply doesn't work well whether it's prerelease, release, "patched release", whatever they want to dub it.
I don't know about that. Aside from the lack of apps I was happy with 8/8.1 running on Nokia hardware.

THIS! WP has been great for the most part for me. I've especially loved watching work mates get new phones over the years and spend hours fiddling to get them going then telling them "I just punch in my Microsoft account and the rest sorts itself out, like saying to an iFan "it just works" :)
I used the pre-release of WP81.1 and 8.1 update 1 without one issue. Going back further I made extensive use off 2000, XP and 7 in beta forms. The problem is Windows 10, it simply doesn't work well either whether is prerelease, release, "patched release", whatever they want to dub it.

I didn't use Microsoft's previews/betas much before the Insider program started for WP. I didn't have much trouble with WP8 iterations, but I had plenty of issues with W10 and W10M. For me, both of these were not usable as daily drivers. I used them only on extra devices I didn't have to rely on.
Pre-release WP8/8.1 are entirely different beasts than the W10M insider program.... Those were nearly finished versions of the OS released for developers. W10M insider actually got you into real OS development. We're actually getting builds as they're coming out rather than waiting months between versions.

The beta versions of the desktop OS's you're mentioning don't come close what the Insider Program actually is either. Pretty much all of the OS iterations you mentioned came on CD's/DVD's... You're talking about a few months of lead time between when the time the build went off to the stamper to the time it actually arrived at your house. Bugs at that point would have more time to be squashed and patches made.

If a bug wasn't found before the beta hit, it would be months before a patch could get out to beta users. Feedback someone might have about a feature would was more likely to be ignored because by the time the team got it, they would be a few months ahead of where they were when the beta OS shipped.

The Insider program in place now gives Microsoft the ability to test the OS more thoroughly than before by getting more people onto it and allows them to also react to feedback and bugs in a much faster manner. There isn't months worth of work between releases and it's easier to unravel code that's somewhat fresh than something than hasn't been touched in months or years.

The current build is also very stable and performs very well even on low end hardware. You need to realize that until the stuff actually goes RTM, you're not getting a stable product and should not expect it to be so.
The key reason to use WP for me atleast is

1. Stability
2.Performance over time without me having to stream line things, (all droids get slower over time even the legendary nexuses)
3.This is more of a personal thing but i like the UI WP 8/8.1 has(still havnt tried WP10 ) I dont think either droid or Iphone have this kind of at an glance UI that gives access to info as well as apps on the go! Ubuntu phones are the closest to WP in terms of an interactive UI but they are still far behind
4.Gives me a unique option other than the common droids and iphones
5.The APPS i need are mostly available through official or third party ones.. but this is most likely to always be the Achilles heel for WP

If any of the above mentioned is going to be affected in the coming WP10 it might be an deal breaker for me, i use WP because to borrow apple quote it just works and hardly requires any maintenance! Its a great replacement for BB phones.

As long as WP10 doesn't affect performance, as well as stable UI without glitches i would be more than glad to get one without worrying to much about app ecosystem!

Hope they get it right! Cant say im really happy with MS as they seem to be jumping from one fiasco to other SB launch glitch, one-drive storage reduction etc.! While some may say onedrive is hardly related to WP, but its MS as a whole we want to trust and invest in more than just the product so it matters!
Pre-release WP8/8.1 are entirely different beasts than the W10M insider program.... Those were nearly finished versions of the OS released for developers.

As opposed to the latest build of mobile which is due for public release in around a month. Nice try though.
The latest build is very fast and stable.... so there's "Nice try though." about it.

We're also going into new territory in terms of release cadence. We've already seen a big W10 desktop release only a few months after the RTM, expect the same with W10M. Combine that with the fact nearly the entire OS can be updated modularly via the store and we're talking apples and oranges between W10M and WP 8/8.1.
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One hour forty-two minutes as pictured to update default apps on a reset 930 that screams well oiled machine. Do you really think the general public is going to go along with a "new OS we're working on it, just give us some time" line from MS? You want to talk "apples and oranges" fine 8.1 was a delicious juicy orange while 10 is a brown apple that's been siting out in the sun far to long.

One hour forty-two minutes as pictured to update default apps on a reset 930 that screams well oiled machine. Do you really think the general public is going to go along with a "new OS we're working on it, just give us some time" line from MS? You want to talk "apples and oranges" fine 8.1 was a delicious juicy orange while 10 is a brown apple that's been siting out in the sun far to long.


so true, it has become very annoying
One hour forty-two minutes as pictured to update default apps on a reset 930 that screams well oiled machine. Do you really think the general public is going to go along with a "new OS we're working on it, just give us some time" line from MS? You want to talk "apples and oranges" fine 8.1 was a delicious juicy orange while 10 is a brown apple that's been siting out in the sun far to long.


How often do the vast majority of smartphone users reset their phones? Never. I never did in 8 or 8.1; not until becoming a W10M insider. Upgrade and be done until the next major upgrade one or two years down the road. The quantity of installed apps and quality of wifi connection will have a large impact.

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