MS Surface 2 or Nokia 'Sirius' RT?


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Jan 31, 2013
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based on what little we know so far, which are you most excited for? the Microsoft Surface 2, rumoured to be a full Windows 8 tablet,
or the Nokia 'Sirius' RT Tablet - with the Snapdraggon (spelling fail) 800 processor - and supposed to be lighter and thinner than a iPad?

Ray Adams

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Jul 3, 2012
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Please add ipad as an option. I have asus vivotab smart and have ipad. For internet browsing i prefer ipad because of excellent screen and 4:3 instead of 16:9.


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Oct 30, 2012
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Please add ipad as an option. I have asus vivotab smart and have ipad. For internet browsing i prefer ipad because of excellent screen and 4:3 instead of 16:9.

Actually the opposite, I find 16:9 better for browsing since I can see more information on articles . iPad's 4.3 restricts me wrt to HD videos too. Surface 2 should be good I hope more apps come through.
That said after using them all, I am sticking with no tablet. I need a really a solid reason in my life to switch from Windows 8.1 pro to RT.


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Dec 23, 2012
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I'm leaning on the Sirius RT. I'm banking in the chipset to make the decision, since I don't think the Tegra 4 (or 5, for that matter) won't match up to the power of the 800 , though it will be enough.


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Jun 16, 2013
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Sirius RT, simply because it may very well look much better than the Surface.

But what I'm really looking forward to is something like the Padfone but with Windows in the future.

Ray Adams

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Jul 3, 2012
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Dont agree that 16:9 is better for web. Because in 16:9 you need to zoom or everything will be to small. No needs to zoom in 4:3.


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Mar 3, 2012
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Where's the option for neither?

No RT device is more capable than the $800 thin and light laptop I bought in 2010. It would be redundant to keep that around if I'm getting a 10+ inch, $500+ device, and buying a decent ultrabook would add another $1200 at minimum. While I believe the Metro interface is quite frankly superior to what iOS and Android are doing on this kind of form factor, the app situation is just awful. For the few times I've poked my head into the Windows Store, I leave disgusted. As is, there is absolutely no way I can recommend an RT device over Android or iOS, unless the only thing you ever, ever do is run Microsoft apps. (Even then, many of the built-in apps are far less mature than what competitors offer.)

Microsoft may be boasting 100K+ apps on the Windows Store, but the quality is worse than Windows Phone in early 2011. Maybe Windows Phone is starting to gain traction because it actually has crossed some preliminary app gap. Windows 8's ecosystem feel years behind in comparison.

Major Plonquer

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May 16, 2013
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Where's the option for neither?

No RT device is more capable than the $800 thin and light laptop I bought in 2010. It would be redundant to keep that around if I'm getting a 10+ inch, $500+ device, and buying a decent ultrabook would add another $1200 at minimum. While I believe the Metro interface is quite frankly superior to what iOS and Android are doing on this kind of form factor, the app situation is just awful. For the few times I've poked my head into the Windows Store, I leave disgusted. As is, there is absolutely no way I can recommend an RT device over Android or iOS, unless the only thing you ever, ever do is run Microsoft apps. (Even then, many of the built-in apps are far less mature than what competitors offer.)

Microsoft may be boasting 100K+ apps on the Windows Store, but the quality is worse than Windows Phone in early 2011. Maybe Windows Phone is starting to gain traction because it actually has crossed some preliminary app gap. Windows 8's ecosystem feel years behind in comparison.

When Android or iOS were the same age as RT is now they had far, far, far fewer apps. Now they have more. Same will happen with RT. But given your logic, why would anyone use Android or iOS when you can get access to the hundreds of millions of Windows apps on Surface Pro/8.1? By comparison, Android/iOS are totally lame.


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Mar 3, 2012
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When Android or iOS were the same age as RT is now they had far, far, far fewer apps. Now they have more. Same will happen with RT.
No one cares about what happened when Android and iOS were the same age as RT. When a consumer is looking for a new device, they (rightly) compare what is currently on the market. Why on Earth are you giving Microsoft a pass for being late to the party?

But given your logic, why would anyone use Android or iOS when you can get access to the hundreds of millions of Windows apps on Surface Pro/8.1?
I'm referring to a part-tablet device here, and those desktop apps are neither suited for that form factor, nor comparable to Android or iOS apps. Next to none of those apps matter to people (name what people use on their PCs and compare to what they use on their phones – you'll see the discrepancy soon enough), and next to none of them are any good.


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Jun 13, 2013
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Im going to get either surface 2 or the Nokia whatever they end up naming it. I really want the Nokia but everything I've read says it will have LTE I'll only get it if it has a WiFi only option.

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