MS trying to shove Edge down peoples' throats

I'm in the same boat. Sick of dealing with Microsoft's ways on the consumer end because the old phrase "fix and repair daily" has become a regular ritual in my my household, and it's getting worse day-by-day. Going by our experiences in the past couple of years all my other non-Microsoft devices/products are making life relatively a breeze then MS shows up and turns it upside-down. IMHO they (MS) have become a real joke in the consumer space and me thinks it's really time to move on.

I'm not a fan boy as I have both Android and MS in my household. However I do work as a MS architect, so I might be somewhat biased:)

I of course have some relatively technical setups in my household paired with own developed tools that me my wife and friends use.
My wife would not have any clue in what to do if something didn't work.. With that said, she is happy with all the automation we have at home, and use it daily without any problems. It doesn't fail. It doesn't blow up or anything like that, it just works..
Now given my background my setup is probably very different than "consumer" (13 servers). So it's probably a stupid comparison, but I really don't agree that MS products is fix and repair.. this is not what I'm seeing in my household, and not what my consumer wife (with an iphone) sees..

I do agree however that it was the case back in the xp/vista days.. even windows 7.. it wasn't so much that the platform was unstable, it was that all the different services (1st party and 3rd party) wasn't integrated close enough with each other. This day and age I see a different approach..

The only platform that I truly doesn't understand, and wouldn't be a happy user of is Apple. Call it fan boy'ism or what you want, but damn.. it's like paradise hotel :)
Lol, and when I use Chrome/Firefox and go to MS site, I get same prompt to use Edge. I tried to use Edge but so MANY issues. Have to have multiple browsers as backup.
This is a change to the activity of the UWP Mail client and MS has been transparent that they are taking the curated garden approach to UWP, it therefore makes sense that they would take this approach to the UWP mail app. They are not changing the use of any other mail clients so I don't see the big deal.

On a second Note, it makes sense in the insider ring, to limit secondary issues from changes in other browsers.
No. I see why they would want to do this but I think it would alienate people in the long run. It isn't that I think Chrome is better. I totally love the few extensions I do use and Edge has no equal. Plus the synchronization with Chrome over my phone and PC's is near perfect. I think Edge renders better and is smoother but I just can't use it day to day.
I use edge as my main browser although I do use both Firefox and Chrome from time to time. The best experience with what they are testing is with Edge so it makes sense. This is no different than what you get on an apple product and their subpar Safari browser. The new sets is based on Edge so for functionality it again makes it logical.

I would prefer the choice and option to select the browser I want but I am Understanding to the testing of it in the Skip ahead ring of windows 10 as I am a tester.
> Main complaint, is opening new tabs with focus from a mouse wheel click.
I use ctrl+LftClick (or menu key) to open link in new tab, same shortcut as Chrome.

I don't use anti-virus and I don't visit funny sites or DL anything. All my files are in the cloud, my PC / Android settings are in the cloud, my projects are all SVNed, my raw photos are SVNed and I have another backup in gPhoto for sharing, I use web-based services (e.g. OneNote, Netflix. I don't DL movies or use torrent). My PC is actually... relatively clean and simple.

Edge actually work fine on my Alienwares and Surfaces (and Android). I don't install extensions (same way I use Chrome), I write my own extensions to do my automations, enhancements, stop vid autoplay, hide things I don't wanna see, adBlocker, go mouse free and other jobs.
Edge runs fine so far, so I've no intension install any 3rd party browsers.

* Nexus5x has smaller RAM and Inbox, Chrome... don't work well with small RAM devices. It didn't resume well after GCed, that's why I went Outlook and Edge.

The only win32s I install on my machines are... VisualStudio, Unreal, Havok (lib / middleware, to be exact), Adobe, 3dsMax, etc, developer tools.
So again, my PC is actually relatively clean and simple, maybe that's why I don't run into minor issues.

I remember reading comments where fans of different card maker attacking each other, over which $500 card crashes more, etc etc. I'm sure all cards've went through QA before shipping IN A CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT.
Android as an example... API got removed from Stock ROM existed in custom ROM... OpenGL calls works on Nexus but not in Galaxy, it gives you black screen if you use the newest API.

Years ago, Win10 forceful update was a chore right? My old Alienware wasn't affected. Alienware team blocked it even when I request the update manually. Lenovo, Asus, etc... won't do that... Custom builds? You are on your own.
I force updated it through an USB eventually, luckily, 0 issue so far...

I guess, the simpler your machine is (combination of OS version, drivers, software, background services, etc), the more stable & lesser hassle you'll get. That is why I go for Alienwares and 1st party HWs. I'm not gonna waste time troubleshoot myself.
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I use edge all the time anyway, however a few points.
1) IOS do this and no one screams at them, In fact the average user has probably not even thought about or noticed it. If you want a stable (it just works) environment then you have to remove all the things that are not within your control, imagine if ms set this to use your default browser eg Chrome and Google update/ remove the api?

2) I don't think this will be the case for all versions of the os home or pro will probably continue to keep the users browser of choice, windows 10 S however i think will be locked and to be honest it probably should to keep a stable and optimised operating system.

3) This is in a pre beta OS and for that fact it probably should be locked initially, also if people hate it so much then isn't this feedback part of the windows insider program?

Finally there are worse things happening to your personal data right now by Facebook etc, which I think is more concerning regarding your personal choice. I'll keep using edge (my choice).
No big deal.

First, Edge continues to improve and I use it more and more. For my use, I don't see any disadvantages anymore to using it over Chrome or Internet Explorer only advantages actually.

Second, how many people actually use the Mail app? This is a minor link change and not up to par with the hyperbole used by Tom Warren or this post's title.

Maybe .
I would kill IE. There are 2× more IE users.
Why MS?
I love that people in a pre beta program are complaining. If you don't want the company sandboxing variables away to make sure things work initially then I suggest you should not be in that level of the Insider program.
@Hirox K,

What Alienwares do you currently own? At the moment I'm down to my 18 with the dual 980's but I may be getting a new Area 51 soon.

As far as MS and Edge. I have zero issues with MS making Edge the default for opening links. Why wouldn't they? Every other software company uses their own software to interact with the rest of their own software. In fact, almost every product you buy in the world is designed by default to work with their other own products. However there should always be an option to change it to the browser of your choice. If no option exists, that's a problem.
in the long ago past, is say no....but since then, the monopoly laws with tech companies seem to only apply to them. So if they don't start nailing Apple and Google on them, I say "why not?"
I think MS is not the only guilty one. Even google and apple are to. So all three need of talking. I beat most you don't mind when Google does it. And hate it when MS dose it. I for o e think both should allowed user to used what they wanted. Like in chrome. It should allowed you pick what search engine you want to used. And not pick by Google. The same as Edge.
@Hirox K,

What Alienwares do you currently own? At the moment I'm down to my 18 with the dual 980's but I may be getting a new Area 51 soon.

As far as MS and Edge. I have zero issues with MS making Edge the default for opening links. Why wouldn't they? Every other software company uses their own software to interact with the rest of their own software. In fact, almost every product you buy in the world is designed by default to work with their other own products. However there should always be an option to change it to the browser of your choice. If no option exists, that's a problem.

I agree. Right or wrong they build applications to work together, that is why they want you to use them. It only makes sense.
I can certainly use another browser on my iPhone if I choose, but when following a link it will be Safari.
Unless you jailbreak of course. That opens up a multitude of options.
Well, it will give a lot of users another reason to abandon Nadellasoft's crap and install something else. The stupidity that reigns in that company is reaching new highs.

I don’t pretend to be an expert, but it seems MS is moving towards attempting to get their services in the hands of as many people as possible. Mobile hardware failed so now they are pushing Edge, Cortana, etc. on Android and iOS. Seems perfectly logical to do the same on Windows products.
Will it work? We will see.
Consider that this is a change in the Skip-Ahead ring, the farthest out Beta bits. It also only affects the built in Mail app. If you use anything else, Outlook, Chrome,, etc, you don't get this behavior. If you notice links in Mail don't go directly to linked web sites, they go through some 'proxy' method that I imagine is doing some sort of protection/checking for nefarious sites. It may be that MS is using Insiders, folks who have signed up to test, as testers for some new feature. To ensure they get sufficient telemetry, they may have forced the Edge connection. I have a hard time believing that MS will ignore user app options in the release version.

The only folks that wouldn't be able to get out of this is people using Windows S. I'd suggest those folks wouldn't care.
No big deal.

First, Edge continues to improve and I use it more and more. For my use, I don't see any disadvantages anymore to using it over Chrome or Internet Explorer only advantages actually.

Second, how many people actually use the Mail app? This is a minor link change and not up to par with the hyperbole used by Tom Warren or this post's title.
I use the Mail app. I prefer not to use Edge. I'm logged into my university account in Windows so the calendar and mail integration is nice. However, Edge is a nightmare to use for any kind of study because of site rendering issues and the way it handles flash these days.

Yes I want flash to go away too, but until it has, MS shouldn't break how it works.
Not sure what all the hoopla is about. I built a NUC about 3 months ago and have bent over backwards to not install legacy .exe crapware on it. The only Win32 apps installed so far is the Office suite.

I have used Edge exclusively on it - I don't even have Chrome installed. The only plugin I use is Ghostery. Edge has been perfect. It's fast, clean, and light. I have no need for any other browser. And I use the mail client - it is good, but still needing a few features to be perfect, namely full drag-and-drop support.
No big deal.

First, Edge continues to improve and I use it more and more. For my use, I don't see any disadvantages anymore to using it over Chrome or Internet Explorer only advantages actually.

Second, how many people actually use the Mail app? This is a minor link change and not up to par with the hyperbole used by Tom Warren or this post's title.

MS has every right to promote use of their own browser.
In contrast, how receptive is Chrome OS to be used with other browsers? Edge for example? MS gets all this crap for doing what any other company does.

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