Multi-Tasking Issue


New member
May 3, 2011
Mango has an issue with multi-tasking. I was playing Spades on phone. I got a text from my girlfriend. I selected the notification, read the text, and replied, and then I went back to the game. She texted back, I replied, and went back to my game. She texted again, I replied, and went back to my game. This is typical usage, in my opinion. I held down the back button and had three instances of the same messaging conversation open.

It really should check to see if the conversation is already open before opening another instance of the same conversation over and over. I can see the benefit of having two conversations open at once, but not three instances of the same conversation.
Instead of pressing the top button again (the second time), just select the conversation via the multitasking. :)
Instead of pressing the top button again (the second time), just select the conversation via the multitasking. :)

Well, of course, Captain Obvious. I could train myself NOT to use the notification feature the way it's designed to be used in order to prevent the multi-tasking feature from behaving the way it shouldn't. But it's still an issue.
Lets be honest, is it really a big deal? Captain Obvious says it isn't. :)

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I think if you hit the back button after you send the text, you'll go back to your game and not have the messaging card in the card view.
I'm sure Mr Grumpy Pants will get over it...

.... after all, it's no big deal. :P :D

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I've noticed this too, it's more....awkward than anything. Illogical is another good description. It's not a big deal, the OP didn't say it was, just a weird bug.
Agreed that it should see if Messaging is running before opening another instance. A good bug report.
Thanks for the corroboration, brew and coffee (do you two know each other?).

This morning I also noticed this bug manifest itself with voice search and scout. For instance, if you hold the windows button and do a voice search for something and then repeat this process multiple times, you will have multiple search results pages open. These take up the app slots in the task view, bumping other apps out.

Like other people said, it's not a "big deal." I mean, it doesn't cause cancer or impotence or something. But it doesn't seem to be working correctly as it is, causing us to do extra steps to work around this strange behavior, which also eliminates the convenience of useful built-in features.

For example, MS gave us selectable notifications and holding the windows button to do a voice search so we don't have to go searching for the right app to do a simple task. But now I have to open task view to find the right app (eliminating the convenience of built-in features) or close out of the app with the back button (eliminating the convenience of multi-tasking) or let multiple instances of the same app bump other apps out of the task view (making multi-tasking less useful).
Thanks for the corroboration, brew and coffee (do you two know each other?).

This morning I also noticed this bug manifest itself with voice search and scout. For instance, if you hold the windows button and do a voice search for something and then repeat this process multiple times, you will have multiple search results pages open. These take up the app slots in the task view, bumping other apps out.

Like other people said, it's not a "big deal." I mean, it doesn't cause cancer or impotence or something. But it doesn't seem to be working correctly as it is, causing us to do extra steps to work around this strange behavior, which also eliminates the convenience of useful built-in features.

For example, MS gave us selectable notifications and holding the windows button to do a voice search so we don't have to go searching for the right app to do a simple task. But now I have to open task view to find the right app (eliminating the convenience of built-in features) or close out of the app with the back button (eliminating the convenience of multi-tasking) or let multiple instances of the same app bump other apps out of the task view (making multi-tasking less useful).

I understand where you cooming from and there is logic in your position. It's just that your logic is not the logic of the MS Windows Phone Mango dev team. Maybe they will come over to your point of view if you suggest or vote for your change over at the MS website for thongs to add or change in the next update!
Like other people said, it's not a "big deal." I mean, it doesn't cause cancer or impotence or something.

I lol'd!

I feel your pain man, today I noticed this frustrating "bug" if you will and it's just plain stupid. Period. How can this be what MSFT intended to? I mean, having several instances of the same darn app? C'mon!

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