My biggest issue with Copilot+ isn't Windows Recall, it's that Microsoft is ignoring millions of Windows users

Jeffery L

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Jan 13, 2018
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GPUs have to be coded using OpenCL or CUDA (NVIDIA only) for compute type of operations. I'm assuming the NPU based code needs to be ported to a GPU supported language. This will take time.

The Werewolf

May 4, 2014
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My biggest issue with Copilot+ isn't Windows Recall, it's that Microsoft is ignoring millions of Windows users

I'm ok with that since I'm one of the ones "left behind". :)

In any case, this is the new Microsoft trend.

I mean Win 10 ran on anything. It even installed fine on an old IBM ThinkPad 240 from 2003.

Win 11 brought seemingly arbitrary restrictions that even left out its own hardware. A lot of people got nailed on that one - it's why Win 11 adoption is still barely 27% two years after its initial release.

Win11 + Copilot+ adds even more restrictions and is ARM only - which is bizarre since Microsoft has tried Windows on ARM before and it failed badly, and worse kind of dissed all the people who bought Intel Ultra series CPU based devices only to find that even though it has an NPU, it's 1/4 the horsepower needed.

Add to that Microsoft growing trend of forcing features like Windows Backup on users and turning it on by default in order to try and game you into buying more storage... and ignoring user complaints when they arbitrarily remove features like pinning the taskbar to the sides.


Maybe being left behind is a blessing here.


Oct 29, 2013
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Most of CoPilot+ is gimmicks. Recall on paper looked useful but otherwise I can't say I care.

With CoPilot+ PCs the draw is ARM, not gimmicky AI.
The problem is that Microsoft is quite aware that ARM based efficient machines are by themselves not nearly enough reason to move the vast majority of customers to upgrade or even switch from traditional x86 machines.

The reason is that although the most recent Intel core ultra machines or AMD equivalents are not as efficient as their ARM counterparts, they are still very good machines, more than enough for your typical user. Under regular use, they actually run very cool and quiet. Most users are not benchmarking Geekbench or Cinebench 24/7. They are just using Office, email, some specialized software like Photoshop or Visual studio and the web in general. And most users really do not need the so-called 'all day' battery life. How many people actually use their machines for >8 hrs everyday without a power outlet nearby?

This is the real reason Microsoft is artificially limiting these software features to the so-called Copilot+ PCs. Something you can't get on ANY other existing machine on the market, no matter how powerful it is. Even if it's a desktop with 'unlimited' power.

I won't be surprised if even the current Intel core ultra machines on the market can run Windows Recall very well. But Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Qualcomm all want us to 'upgrade' anyway, just to access these AI software features.

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