My comprehensive review - Nokia Lumia 830

I'm curious as to what people consider good and bad on the angles. I've got a Lumia 900 still and I think the viewing angle on it is fantastic, better than the iphone3, 3s, and 5 that my wife has owned. Realistically, what are people calling bad?
I think for most of us it would be "worse than the 920" or "worse than the 820" since these seem to be the two primary phones people are considering upgrading from.
I've sent my 830 back because of the "bad" display and ordered the phone from a different store.
The new phone arrived yesterday, and of course I checked the display immediately.

While viewing angles are definitely better than with the first 830, they're still nowhere near as good as with my old L920.
This isn't really a problem during the day, really, but at night when it's dark, the whole display (even the black parts) glow visibly.
Maybe it just needs some getting used to, I don't know.

I've been waiting so long for the L830, and it is an awesome phone otherwise, so I guess I'm gonna keep this one.
Still, display-wise it seems a bit like a downgrade :/
Hey, now that it has been around a week I'd have another question about the 830. I read a review that was complaining about the frame being "soft" ie, it had gotten scratched and nicked in the few days it was reviewed(They had held it gently, they said). Have you noticed any of this, or other people with 830? I know it will eventually get scratches no matter how gently you hold it, but I get pretty obsessed, lol. I'm using 800 at the moment, and the scratches on the silver lining of the camera are driving me crazy.

Maybe I should've just put all my questions in one post, but what is done is done :straight:
Hey, now that it has been around a week I'd have another question about the 830. I read a review that was complaining about the frame being "soft" ie, it had gotten scratched and nicked in the few days it was reviewed(They had held it gently, they said). Have you noticed any of this, or other people with 830? I know it will eventually get scratches no matter how gently you hold it, but I get pretty obsessed, lol. I'm using 800 at the moment, and the scratches on the silver lining of the camera are driving me crazy.

Maybe I should've just put all my questions in one post, but what is done is done :straight:

Haven't had this issue. I wonder if people who have these problems keep keys, etc. in the same pocket as their phone. My phone lives in its own pocket when it's on me, or it sits on a table.
That's good to hear, thanks for your response. I usually have a pouch for my phone so I think I should be fine, the 800 is just horrible on the tiny scratches!

Btw, is the bright green and bright orange accent colors married to the color of the phone? Or are they available on all of the devices?
Lol I dropped my 830 on concrete ( I'm 5,5) and it didn't break or get a scratch :p so I'm thinking he isn't very careful
With any phone

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