My Lumia 925 is dead, can it be saved?


New member
Sep 14, 2014
my lumia 925 is dead

can't open my lumia 925 tried hard reset and soft reset and lumia recovery
~_ ~ when i'm trying to soft reset it shows only light like 1 second
without vibration

and one HAVe any solution ? !

my warranty IS OVER i can't send it
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Re: my lumia 925 is dead

If all those have failed, I think the phone needs a repair. Nokia/MS usually offer a 2 year warranty, so pop over to MS/Nokia Support and follow the instructions...

Re: my lumia 925 is dead

no warranty doesn't mean It can't be sent in for service

if you do not want to do that then you'll have to get another phone, whether 925 or not
Re: my lumia 925 is dead

But is there is a way like flashing it without the vibration thingy

i mean like in lumia recovery when i click on `dead phone` it told me to press volume down and power key until a vibration comes ( but there's no vibration comes ) so what should i do ?

there's like many 925's that became dead like my phone so i hope there will be a solution soon ..
Again are you sure that the battery is not flat.
Or what happens if you connect it to a computer. Can windows explorer "see" your phone?
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Re: my lumia 925 is dead

i did but nothing happen ( and my computer can read it but not as a lumia 925
like only QUSB_..... somthing like that
same as you. lifespan of only 1 year and 7 months. i expect it to last at least 3 years. sad

in a perfect world with perfect manufacturing processes, sure.
but alas, phones aren't perfect, every model has defects, and planned obsolescence is still a thing.

if it's worth anything, my 920 is around the same age and still kicking.
I've got a Treo 650 nearby that works perfectly and probably already pushed a decade.
I had a tablet and portable hard drive that both suffered from premature failure, so there's that too.

better luck next time I guess. :/

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