I always said this and I will say it again and again until Microsoft gets it right. We want premium phones. Someone in MS went down this path of putting WP OS on cheap phones in this scrape to the bottom to somehow bolster numbers of the WP penetration. What has this fools errand done? nothing... in fact while the os is maturing and getting phenomenally better the penetration is decreasing. I am not saying cheap phones aren't important but why is that your target market?
Because that's the driving force right now for the WindowsPhone market. The lower end sellers the 520 in the past and the newer 530, 630 and 730 will sell more units. Maybe even the 830 which seems to be a fairly decent phone in comparison with the 920. Sure it would nice to have whole bunch of high end phones from MS and HTC but they are selling like the hotcakes of the lower end models from Lumia etc. and there's a boat load of new OEMs for the lower end providing competition not only outside North America but also here at home. .
Think about this for a second... You can buy a phone for 200 bucks every two years. That is cheap to be honest. This is why people working at mcdonalds on minimum wage have Iphones. You creating a phone off contract for 150 bucks is NO BIG DEAL. Furthermore, after waiting for 3 - 6 months I can get your premium phone for a 2 year contract for 100 bucks. Now this is even cheaper than the no contract phone.
Hello - this is fundamental Apple and Samsung strategy. We are charging a crazy price for a 5 inch device that is 1000x less powerful than a laptop and charging you more than a laptop. How are they able to do this? With the insane contract system we are on. lol, we all got put into a lease program and now we think this is normal. To us the phone cost $200 - period.
So why the hell is Microsoft trying so hard for this cheap-O strategy? It's a fools errand and proving to be a disaster.
Next, where in gods name are the updates to the premium phones like the 1020 and the 1520. I probably want the 1020 or 1520 update. But spec me out like full bore - blow my socks off - and charge me $250 - $300 for a 64gig device - 41 megapixel camera - cortana. I want to buy a premium freaking windows phone.
Microsoft what are you doing? Why is it about to be the holiday season and you don't have this ready? Something... Anything... my lord.
This is like Halo 5. You had 10 years knowing you were going to update the Xbox. 10 years. How in gods name did you not prepare to have Halo out a launch and a year later still not have it ready. You just fired thousands of people - Instead, perhaps they should have been shifted into helping get these product launches out much FASTER.
And lastly, nokia made some UGLY ****. Let's be real about this. people do care about the design quality and build of their devices... Make design a premium thing in your planning. Funny, I actually think the Iphone 6 is an ugly designed device and would have been an awesome time for WP to come out with a great looking device for such a premium OS that WP 8.1 is.
It is SAD that MS is going to miss this holiday season. SAD