My oh My where are the Premium Windows phones? Missing the Holiday season is a disaster

I'm assuming you mean the fact that MS no longer sees a difference between the desktop version and the phone version of windows 10? The biggest difference otherwise would be the lack of the desktop. They are already talking about windows 8/phone apps being universal. So in a way assuming that the 1520 gets updated to Windows 10 for Phone you are already talking about the 1520.3. True it comes with 32gb ram and QI charging and still works on AT&T (I have one and can confirm both h+ and LTE) but you can stick a 128gb SD card in it. So yeah it already exists.

A 5.5"-6" surface style phone would be awesome. With Qi charging, 64 or 128gb. MicroSd running full windows 10. That would turn some heads.
Give me a break they changed the kernal, and had to, and it has been for the better. The 10 transition will be better. That was one of the reasons they changed their kernal was to prepare WP for the "one" Microsoft

When WP10 comes around and the only devices that will properly support the new OS are 2GB RAM devices (hypothetically speaking of course), lets count how many of those devices WP8/8.1 has now will support it...While I agree the kernel change was REQUIRED to move forward, the mid range focus with very few high end phones only leads to believe the case will happen again, just this time it will be "In order for WP10 to run on WP8/8.1 devices you'll need at least 2GB of RAM, excluding the L1020 which uses the additional RAM for camera processing and its EoL anyway."

Im sorry but find it hard to believe if WP10 comes out late 2015 (which is likely the case), anything Snapdragon less than 800 would be supported...and even 800 is a far stretch.
I'm assuming you mean the fact that MS no longer sees a difference between the desktop version and the phone version of windows 10? The biggest difference otherwise would be the lack of the desktop. They are already talking about windows 8/phone apps being universal. So in a way assuming that the 1520 gets updated to Windows 10 for Phone you are already talking about the 1520.3. True it comes with 32gb ram and QI charging and still works on AT&T (I have one and can confirm both h+ and LTE) but you can stick a 128gb SD card in it. So yeah it already exists.
To a point. I want an i5 surface pro 3 with phone capabilities that will fit in my pocket. We see all the negative speculation regarding the platform, I thought I'd go the other way with it.
Keep in mind that Windows RT has less requirements than full featured windows. Windows requirements have been fixed since windows 7 was released and windows 7's requirements are what Vista's should have been in the first place. Will it run on a 512 phone? Maybe. Would we want it to? Probably not. I think it will be fine on a 1gb phone. The only question is will it. Oh and you can still run windows 7 all the way up to 10 with an Intel Pentium 4 processor. The P4 is and always was a piece of crap. Its actually so bad that the core 2 line was based off the P3 and not the P4. I promise you that the SD800 will be supported and the older processors like what's in the 920 probably will be too. Keep in mind that supporting processors and completely existing phones are two separate things. The 540 could end up having specs similar to the 920 and running windows 10.

When WP10 comes around and the only devices that will properly support the new OS are 2GB RAM devices (hypothetically speaking of course), lets count how many of those devices WP8/8.1 has now will support it...While I agree the kernel change was REQUIRED to move forward, the mid range focus with very few high end phones only leads to believe the case will happen again, just this time it will be "In order for WP10 to run on WP8/8.1 devices you'll need at least 2GB of RAM, excluding the L1020 which uses the additional RAM for camera processing and its EoL anyway."

Im sorry but find it hard to believe if WP10 comes out late 2015 (which is likely the case), anything Snapdragon less than 800 would be supported...and even 800 is a far stretch.
I don't see the point. Why would you want full windows x84/x64 on a tiny 6" screen? You can't really do photoshop like that. We already have office (although I don't see the point of that either). The nice thing about 6" phones is that for the first time ever web browsing doesn't suck, but it doesn't compete with a 13" Yoga 2 Pro or a 27" desktop. Basically no desktop app is going to be useful which leaves the universal apps that we in a way already have now. Having an i5 means less battery life. Core I processors can't touch ARM for power usage. Maybe an atom can, but it still doesn't solve the problem that there is just no reason to have that on a tiny 6" phone.

To a point. I want an i5 surface pro 3 with phone capabilities that will fit in my pocket. We see all the negative speculation regarding the platform, I thought I'd go the other way with it.
Then were win the spec wars. There'd be world peace. And we'd all live happily ever after.
Keep in mind that Windows RT has less requirements than full featured windows. Windows requirements have been fixed since windows 7 was released and windows 7's requirements are what Vista's should have been in the first place. Will it run on a 512 phone? Maybe. Would we want it to? Probably not. I think it will be fine on a 1gb phone. The only question is will it. Oh and you can still run windows 7 all the way up to 10 with an Intel Pentium 4 processor. The P4 is and always was a piece of crap. Its actually so bad that the core 2 line was based off the P3 and not the P4. I promise you that the SD800 will be supported and the older processors like what's in the 920 probably will be too. Keep in mind that supporting processors and completely existing phones are two separate things. The 540 could end up having specs similar to the 920 and running windows 10.

I agreed with everything you said, except the bolded part as thats speculation more than truth. Will they be supported? Possibility, however doesnt necessarily mean they will work nicely (fluid, smooth without lag). Thats my issue, the unknown...but i guess we have to wait and see.
SD800 is already fairly high end there isn't any reason to believe it wouldn't be supported. MS has done a good job of making every version of windows run faster or as fast as the previous version. Windows 10 might not be called phone, but I suspect its still going to be basically the same OS with a fresh coat of paint and some additional features. I'm 99.99999% certain it will run on 930/Icon/1520 like hardware I'm 95% certain that it will run on 920 grade hardware. I'm about 75% certain it will run on a 520. Hell you can run windows phone 8 on an HD2. For the record the HD2 predates windows phone 7. Its old Windows Mobile hardware. The only reason old windows phone 7 devices didn't get 8 is because there was no clear upgrade path. However hackers made it happen anyway. The catch is that it was a complete wipe of the phone. They said it ran just fine even on a single core.

Now while I believe it will run on phones similar to what we have now even as low as the 520, I can't actually say if it will happen. You could end up with no upgrade path again and the only difference between the 540 and the 530 being the installed OS. Or there could be an upgrade path and you could at least unofficially get it on all WP8 devices. I know do know for a fact that it won't be all because the 810 is already EOL. I suspect Verizon won't waste their time with the Icon since its discontinued. TBH I'm not sure they'll waste their time with any of the current phones.

I agreed with everything you said, except the bolded part as thats speculation more than truth. Will they be supported? Possibility, however doesnt necessarily mean they will work nicely (fluid, smooth without lag). Thats my issue, the unknown...but i guess we have to wait and see.
When WP10 comes around and the only devices that will properly support the new OS are 2GB RAM devices (hypothetically speaking of course), lets count how many of those devices WP8/8.1 has now will support it...While I agree the kernel change was REQUIRED to move forward, the mid range focus with very few high end phones only leads to believe the case will happen again, just this time it will be "In order for WP10 to run on WP8/8.1 devices you'll need at least 2GB of RAM, excluding the L1020 which uses the additional RAM for camera processing and its EoL anyway."

Im sorry but find it hard to believe if WP10 comes out late 2015 (which is likely the case), anything Snapdragon less than 800 would be supported...and even 800 is a far stretch.
You assume much and know little.
As someone who has had every iphone and wanted to switch away since about 2011 due to the small screen sizes, the iphone 6 plus came out and finally satisfied that need. The bottom line is that is still plain iOS on a bigger phone. I tried/purchased the Nokia 1520 three separate times last year and loved it, other than a few really annoying quirks that were fixed in WP8.1. So since WP8.1 has come out there has been NOTHING released that compares to the phone as a flagship. I am not going to go out now and spend $500 on a 1 year old phone. Even though the 1520 is a great phone MS needs to release something in the 5.5" like everyone else.

It is mind blowing they have not had a follow up yet to the 1520 or the 1020.
Agreed with you guys. I love my 8.1 on 1520 and what's driving me crazy is that in sg, my plans allows for a yearly phone upgrade and Dec 2014 is near. IPhone 6+ looks tempting hardware wise. Been there with IOS and everytime I looked at the gorgeous WP tiles, I have second thoughts about ever going back to IOS... But my 1520 batts life are shorten now and that's really bugging me. I got the apps I need on WP but hardware / battery is why I need to get a new one... But sadly no rumors of ang flagship phones... This wait is terrible
There might be a reason for the delay of the Lumia 1030. One thing is the Nokia acquisition which might delay things. Another one is the development of Windows 10 and the cloud first initiative with a new CEO. You see, Microsoft have had quite a busy year.
Third, it seems the Nokia Pureview Pro camera sensor chief engineer went to Apple recently, so I suspect they have had to reorganize their development team quite a bit.

Just search the net for:
apple just hired nokia pureview camera expert
(My forum rating is too low to embed links).

I myself use Lumia 1020. I, if anyone, am really excited to see a sequel. I will however deliberately wait a long time until I decide whether to upgrade or not.
If I decide to buy, I wait until the contract-free carrier-unlocked price drops significantly like their previous phones did. The big advantage with WP is that it doesn't get old like Android. For example, The S3 from Samsung is a VERY capable phone still, but people probably laugh over its ancient Android software. But in the WP world, a Lumia 1020 is golden a year after release and even now, 1.5 years afterwards.

As a sidenote, Windows Phone is extremely irrelevant here in Sweden and so the retailers online sell out the devices dirt cheap, no contracts necessary, when they are considered "old" or non-trendy. I will eventually switch to a 1020 sequel I'm sure, as long as the contract-free carrier-unlocked price is right.
Tired of waiting, I just grabbed myself a 930.
I must say it's a gorgeous phone and camera, and overall pretty satisfied, and yet I can't help but thinking that my ideal phone:
* Would have a 4.7" or 4.8"screen (FullHD)
* Would have Glance support (that is the one thing I'm really missing from my 925)
* Would weight 20 to 30g less.
* Would have an even better camera (1030 someone)?

But anyway, as I said, this device is truly amazing, if a bit heavy and still large to me.
Save your money. If you're happy with what you got, you can end your contract and save money. My AT&T phone bill is $15 less because I don't have a contract.

Agreed with you guys. I love my 8.1 on 1520 and what's driving me crazy is that in sg, my plans allows for a yearly phone upgrade and Dec 2014 is near. IPhone 6+ looks tempting hardware wise. Been there with IOS and everytime I looked at the gorgeous WP tiles, I have second thoughts about ever going back to IOS... But my 1520 batts life are shorten now and that's really bugging me. I got the apps I need on WP but hardware / battery is why I need to get a new one... But sadly no rumors of ang flagship phones... This wait is terrible
SD800 is already fairly high end there isn't any reason to believe it wouldn't be supported. MS has done a good job of making every version of windows run faster or as fast as the previous version. Windows 10 might not be called phone, but I suspect its still going to be basically the same OS with a fresh coat of paint and some additional features. I'm 99.99999% certain it will run on 930/Icon/1520 like hardware I'm 95% certain that it will run on 920 grade hardware. I'm about 75% certain it will run on a 520. Hell you can run windows phone 8 on an HD2. For the record the HD2 predates windows phone 7. Its old Windows Mobile hardware. The only reason old windows phone 7 devices didn't get 8 is because there was no clear upgrade path. However hackers made it happen anyway. The catch is that it was a complete wipe of the phone. They said it ran just fine even on a single core.

Now while I believe it will run on phones similar to what we have now even as low as the 520, I can't actually say if it will happen. You could end up with no upgrade path again and the only difference between the 540 and the 530 being the installed OS. Or there could be an upgrade path and you could at least unofficially get it on all WP8 devices. I know do know for a fact that it won't be all because the 810 is already EOL. I suspect Verizon won't waste their time with the Icon since its discontinued. TBH I'm not sure they'll waste their time with any of the current phones.

Again, while some of this may be true its as much speculation as my own interpretation of what COULD happen. Im not say the devices WONT run W10 Mobile fine, im just saying with the experience that some users running 8.1/Cyan are good while others witness different experiences, releasing an even bigger change to the OS to go either way.

I HOPE for everyones sake all WP8 devices (including 520's, 720's, etc) run WP10 without any concerns, if this can be pulled off by Microsoft...I'll be impressed. Lets just wait and see =)
You know what bugs me? With W10 being only in June/July earliest Microsoft will not only miss Christmas, they will probably also miss CES and MWC.

Or they'll release some WP 8.1 Update 2/3. But if they do that, they'll hopefully guarantee the update to 10.
Spec wise I believe all windows 8 phones will be able to run it. Possibly not at then low end (IE 520), but I think even they will be able to run it.

Now with that said there is a difference between the specs being good enough to run it and them actually getting updated to run it. I think if there is an issue, that's where it will be. We already know the 810 won't get it(at least not officially) because T-Mobile killed it 100%. I'm guessing the Icon won't officially get it because Verizon discontinued it. I suspect the 1520 will get it.

Again, while some of this may be true its as much speculation as my own interpretation of what COULD happen. Im not say the devices WONT run W10 Mobile fine, im just saying with the experience that some users running 8.1/Cyan are good while others witness different experiences, releasing an even bigger change to the OS to go either way.

I HOPE for everyones sake all WP8 devices (including 520's, 720's, etc) run WP10 without any concerns, if this can be pulled off by Microsoft...I'll be impressed. Lets just wait and see =)
I think Microsoft will introduce next year "Windows 10 Mobile OS" "UNIVERSAL APPS" Smart phones and Windows on Arms CPU Tablets. The Windows 10 mobile OS on ARMS CPU Tablets still wont run Windows Intei/AMD x86 CPU Desktop/Server Programs but will run the Previous Windows RT OS apps and the exciting new MS UNIVERSAL APPS that can be written to run on any Device that runs Windows 10. Windows 10 will be a big deal for Microsoft.
I think Microsoft will introduce next year "Windows 10 Mobile OS" "UNIVERSAL APPS" Smart phones and Windows on Arms CPU Tablets. The Windows 10 mobile OS on ARMS CPU Tablets still wont run Windows Intei/AMD x86 CPU Desktop/Server Programs but will run the Previous Windows RT OS apps and the exciting new MS UNIVERSAL APPS that can be written to run on any Device that runs Windows 10. Windows 10 will be a big deal for Microsoft.

even if that is true, which i hope that it is, why can't MSFT release a device that can be upgraded to Windows 10? I wouldn't be upset if I could upgrade my device to Windows 10 even if I bought now.

Hmmm, perhaps this is the whole issue. Windows 10 won't be compatible with current gen phones so MSFT won't release anything high end until W10 is ready.

Is this the case? I wonder.

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