Absolutely correct. Most of these threads that have popped up lately are just an excuse to bash WP. I don't care that they're leaving (assuming they ever really owned any WP) or why. I'm sick of seeing these. If Windows Central is going to continue to allow this type of trolling, then it's time to find a different blog. I'm not against legitimate concerns, but a forum like this is far more useful it it's filled with helpful information. I's the same handful of people posting the same fud over and over again. There is one person that had a handful of posts before the release of the new phones that now has over 200 that are all bashing WP. If they want to call me a "******", that's fine. I came to this site because I am a fan of Windows products, and I have no reason to be ashamed of that. If they love their new androids or apples, why aren't they on those sites praising them if they aren't trolls?
Maybe you and Nogitsune Micah are new to enthusiasts forums. Its very common to see people come and go. Those that leave typically explain in a post why they leave. Its not exclusive to Windows Central. The sad part is that Windows Mobile is bleeding more users than in the past. You should have seen the Crackberry forum in 2010, or the Notion Ink Forums in 2011, or even better the Dreamcast forums in 2000.