I've been using the technical preview as a daily driver on my Lumia 635. I now have the Lumia 950 and here are my problems with it. It hangs at times, my battery life is horrible, Windows Store search isn't great, Windows Store is slow in general, Edge is slow and makes me want to give up on web browsing, and Here maps have taken me to the middle of no where several times. I've submitted two to four bug reports a day (through windows feedback) since I've had the phone, and yes, the lack of apps (I know everyone is sick of hearing about this; It's just common for someone to tell me to get an app, but I can't).
The Windows 10 preview was unusable for me for long time. Windows 10 works so much better on the Lumia 950. However, It does still feel buggy which is a huge disappointment. I have to say that being a Windows Phone user feels like being a constant beta tester. Maybe I just happen to notice it more because I used the Windows 10 preview.
Things I like about windows phone:
- Windows 10 preview was available to everyone. Everyone had the ability to choose to use the Windows 10 preview and help improve it. Microsoft is actually working with people and asking what they want. They have a feedback app to easily report every problem you ever run into, and it is all in one central place.
I get updates faster from Microsoft.
All I have to do is sign in to my Microsoft account when I get a new phone and it does everything for me.
The importing contacts from multiple sources through the contact manager was flawless the first time I bought a Windows Phone.
I love the clean look and live tiles!
Windows Hello on the Lumia 950 is awesome and quick! It recognizes me faster than I can type a simple pin number in.
Cortana! Hey Cortana. Cortana with Ford Sync!
Quick charge removes the battery drain problem.
Universal apps. I have a desktop, laptop, and phone. Everything syncs well, and I can play the same games anywhere I go.
I love the feel of the Lumia 950. It has a good weight, and I think the Lumia 950 is the absolute perfect size for a phone (glad I didn't get the XL).
Personally I like that the back cover is replaceable. I hate getting a big bulky phone cases, and it is nice to be able to change the look of the phone whenever.
I plan on using Continuum frequently when I get a wireless miricast adapter. Wish I could get a synergy phone app someday to link with my laptop and use my laptop's keyboard (It's a dream that isn't going to come true anytime soon).
If my phone broke or I was having financial difficulties I could buy a windows phone that worked well for less than $50.
Why I continue to use and support windows phone. I want Microsoft to succeed with combining one OS on several platforms. I like Microsoft, they have many new things in the works a Universal OS that combines tablet and desktop, a laptop that has a GPU in a detachable base, Hololense. I'm against Apple, because their products only work with their products. You have to have a new charging cable for every IPhone you buy and none of those charging cables work with any other device on the planet.
The main reason why I like Microsoft is the very reason you are complaining about. I love Microsoft because you can move to another platform without missing out on their products. They aren't being strict with their products. I like Microsoft because Outlook, OneNote, Word, Excel are all available on other platforms. They don't make users suffer just because they don't have a windows phone.