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New member
Nov 1, 2011
I am used to being able to find all posts that I have posted in but I cannot find this function. I can find subscribed threads and even liked threads but I would of thought finding threads you have posted in would also be useful and preferable over explicitly subscribing to a thread.

Any thoughts? Am I missing this obvious function? Does anybody else miss it?

Answers on a postcard or in this thread if you want to save the postage.
Click on your user name top right and then click on the statistics tab welsbloke
(Or just go to your User Control Panel / Your Profile / Statistics Tab)

Hope that's what you meant. :)
Thanks and that was quick I was already in the process of moving this thread to the off topic area which I confess I have never noticed before.
OK me again another thing I cannot seem to figure out is how to move the thread. I guess that is an Admin function.

Anyway thanks for the help but I guess I was looking for something that was a one click option but this will do now you have pointed it out.
May have to wait for them to go on offer in my local CooP unless he takes Quality Street they are pretty cheap at the moment and come in super big tins :) so I would have some left over.
Oh too many toffees in Quality Street, I prefer Roses, lovely soft centres are best welsbloke. :D

They are for Big D5 anyway, not me so that's fine. :D

Clebrations & Heroes will do fine too! Mmmmmm

Grrrrr desperate for choccy now. :(
I think it is very telling when a tin of Quality Street arrive in the office only the Orange and Strawberry ones are left.

And Blue ones for the win... Chewy coconut... How can you not like that and its covered in chocolate for extra win.

Definately making this thread a serious contender for Topic relocation, I think D5 may even move it gratis now.

Oh yes the blue ones are orgasmic. (I can say that now, it's after 9.00 PM)
Mmmmm chewy coconut.

I can see some there. Love the green ones too. (Foaming at the mouth now) :(

Topics ? Mmmm love them too. :D
** the meal is not over when I’m full , it’s over when i HATE MY SELF!!!**

love them junk food
I had to read this twice to figure out yall were talking about

To the Meta forum this thread goes that the site question and answer forum incase you didn't know.

:cool: Dave
Candy ? no no, they are sweeties Big D5 LOL

We all just wanted to be off topic so we could get into trouble. :D

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