My quest to find the Elusive Red Nokia Lumia 920. (Long)

I had originally intended to get black, but then I saw someone post a picture of a Red Lumia 920 with the red tiles and it just looked too good to pass up. My Wife was also encouraging me to try a new color and she really liked the red.

I did try out the matte black in the stores, but honestly the matte black was more slippery in the hand/fingers than the non-matte Lumias. I think this is because your fingers 'stick' better to the glossy coating.

In comparison with my Samsung Focus, the Lumia 920 shows waaay less finger smudges on the screen too.
Awesome story! I wish you'd have posted your quest early on yesterday. I would have replied that the MS Stores in Bellevue Square and University Village received plenty of all colors except yellow yesterday. Walked in about 3:30 or so yesterday afternoon and grabbed a red one.

Glad you got exactly what you wanted though!

Ya, I know. I know you said in the other thread that the stores you talked to had no idea about yellow, but in talking with the MS stores in the Seattle area yesterday, they are expecting to get yellow early to mid next week which would be consistent with the 11/12 shipping estimates from the AT&T site. Let's hope that's accurate. :)
Awesome story! I wish you'd have posted your quest early on yesterday. I would have replied that the MS Stores in Bellevue Square and University Village received plenty of all colors except yellow yesterday. Walked in about 3:30 or so yesterday afternoon and grabbed a red one.

Glad you got exactly what you wanted though!

Thank you. I wasn't sure if the MS Store would give the free wireless charging mat or not, so I just focused on AT&T stores.

I pre-ordered the Yellow Lumia 920 online for my Wife and so far, after 4 or 5 phone calls, the order still isn't right (although finally says 'processing'), they overcharged me. Trying to get in contact with AT&T Online Support is almost as difficult as finding the Elusive Red Lumia 920. I've called AT&T (and used their online chat service) 3 additional times, nobody can help me with the online order, they all say "You need to speak with online support", then I end up stuck on hold forever, finally giving up.

Maybe I should cancel the online order and just go pick the yellow one up in person. :D

Excellent post. Best one I have read for a while

Thank you, it was fun to write. :)

Great story! The store I visited only had the black and white, but I wanted the phone so badly that I settled for the white one. I called around today, and it turns out this other store was carrying the red - I did not mind paying the restocking fee. When I arrived at the store, they informed me that because I bought it at an "authorized retailer" AT&T store, I could only exchange at the authorized retailer only - and I don't qualify for the free charging pad. My life hurts!

Anyone know if I can return my phone, go to the corporate store to repurchase the same phone in red and retain my original number?
There were seriously LINES? That's honestly shocking. I arrived an hour after the store opened and was the first one to even ask about the thing. :(

...between release day and yesterday when I finally broke down and ordered a yellow Lumia at the AT&T store I only once saw anyone else even looking at the WP8 phones. There does appear to be some demand though as the only colors I had been able to find locally were black, white and one solitary red.

Thinking all this could change though as Windows 8 makes it's way into people's homes and the "Live Tiles" become more recognizable.

Waiting for my new phone but still apprehensive about switching from iOS to WP :straight:
I wanted a red but I had gift card to Best Buy and they price matched it for me. I got it for free! So, seeing *** all they had was black, I was stuck. I like the black though.
Great story.. I got to my store in San Diego and there were a couple of people there but I was able to grab a red phone. Unfortunatly the phone dies two days later and I had to return it. After searching around I am using a white version now as the local store had no idea when they would get any more phones at all in.

Seems like the supply is limited at many stores.
Thank you. I wasn't sure if the MS Store would give the free wireless charging mat or not, so I just focused on AT&T stores.

I pre-ordered the Yellow Lumia 920 online for my Wife and so far, after 4 or 5 phone calls, the order still isn't right (although finally says 'processing'), they overcharged me. Trying to get in contact with AT&T Online Support is almost as difficult as finding the Elusive Red Lumia 920. I've called AT&T (and used their online chat service) 3 additional times, nobody can help me with the online order, they all say "You need to speak with online support", then I end up stuck on hold forever, finally giving up.

Maybe I should cancel the online order and just go pick the yellow one up in person. :D

Thank you, it was fun to write. :)
Please do not give up. I have ordered on Friday night by dialing 611. This evening I just received FedEx 2days shipping info with tracking. I also ordered cyan for wife, but I know I will get this by next week. :)
Weird, I went into the ATT store by me in the late afternoon on Friday and they had Red in stock, along with Black and White. I ended up with the Black one. The Red was just TOO red for me and I didn't like the White one. I like the matte look of the Black one, though I would like to see the grey one too.
Weird, I went into the ATT store by me in the late afternoon on Friday and they had Red in stock, along with Black and White. I ended up with the Black one. The Red was just TOO red for me and I didn't like the White one. I like the matte look of the Black one, though I would like to see the grey one too.

Ditto. I almost got Red but ended up getting the Black one.
That was amazing. I laughed, I shed a tear, and I smiled at the very happy ending. I didn't have the issue at all with getting one though. I called the store and they said no one wanted the red one, all wanted the black one in Louisiana where I live. By far the best forum post I've read. Thanks for amazing story.
Awesome story

I can kinda relate to this story. I live in Lancaster PA. We have just 2 AT&T stores, one on the side of town I live on and the other at the mall on the other side of town. I'm sure the mall had the Cyan and Red, but I was more interested in black. I'm just happy they had any 920's. Lancaster ain't that big really. When I called the store on my side of town they said they only had a few white and black devices, and since it was close to opening I was able to get mine right away. I can't say how happy I was!

But your story was much more interesting (And entertaining) then mine was :)
Thank you everyone for the kind replies. :)

Weird, I went into the ATT store by me in the late afternoon on Friday and they had Red in stock, along with Black and White. I ended up with the Black one. The Red was just TOO red for me and I didn't like the White one. I like the matte look of the Black one, though I would like to see the grey one too.

I got lucky today, I did call around some AT&T stores looking for yellow, but they all told me they would not be getting that color in the store. However, a couple hours after finishing my round of phone calls our online order status for the Yellow Lumia 920 changed to 'shipping' and we now have a tracking number!

This Friday, the 16th, Nokia's mustard and ketchup phones will start their lives together.
Great story. I am living in Thailand at the moment and the 920 went on sale this morning Unfortunately I was unable to be there for the opening and missed out on the first batch of red. The manager told me they had 1000 920s in stock and sold them all in the first hour.
haha thailand commart actually have only 10k sets of 920.. however its all out on the 1st day.. 1st hour 1k gone..and they quickly transfer stock from other branches that is suppose to ship to the branches..
the next shipment or availablility is 23rd november.. but i think that is for those who have booked before hand.. their booking is full til mid decemeber delivery at the moment

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