My trip from iOS (iPhone 6s) to Windows 10 (Lumia 950 XL).

I currently dont have any keyboard problems in the latest Preview Release but had a huge number of keyboard issues in the last release.

Even then i found that having too many keyboard languages causes that problem. But I guess the upgrades have fixed it.
you will see quite a few updates. I would pause them all and look for store. Update that one first and then it will close.
I now also always do that, and I wonder why MS doesn't do that automatically. Some updates are more important than others, they should prioritize accordingly. Or at least allow us to move an app to the top of the update queue somehow, e.g. with a long-press option.
setup the phone with the SIM inserted. then let it update n settle. tell us ur experience
If I remember correctly there was a problem if you setup the phone without a sim installed. I would do a hard reset with the sim installed before setting up the phone

Mm. The manual emphasises that the SIM card needs to be inserted before turning the phone on. It even says it twice to make sure you see it.


Were you under contract in the 6s? You may need to contact the tech support people to enable the IMEI. I am currently unlocked with ATT so switching phones now it's no big deal, but when I went from my ATT 1020 to an unlocked 830, it required a call to tech support before the phone started working correctly. Many sources of mobile OSes rely on the SIM, worthy a shot.
That's basically going from iOS to W10M in a nutshell. I had to even go to my computer to write this, because my phone wouldn't cooperate with me (keyboard disappearing). I hope you learned your lesson with this experience. Cheers!

Yes, the problem is being locked up in iOS, I changed from an Galaxy S4 to a L950XL and got everything working! Now, I would recomend people getting out of the Apple closed garden to go Android first, once they are free, they could try to go W10M or simply stay with Android!
I wouldn't put actual issues that speak of a bad device as an experience on the entire ecosystem.

I have the 'luck' of working in tech support, I have to deal with iOS and Android and Windows and BB Classic on a daily basis. I am the person that has to exchange phones when all else has gone bad.

When the iPhone 6s(+) came out, ios 9 was hardly a smooth ride. Nor iOS 8 either (hell their official update had a back update to 7 because it was so disastrous for some), but they get passes. I exchange at least 10 phones a day, from iPhone speaker phone bug, where it thinks the speaker phone is plugged in. To the phone not responding on the screen after the 9.3.1 update, to plenty more. Android is worse of the two.

If I went off anything I had to deal with on a daily basis I couldn't recommend iOS or Android to anyone....but I am not the majority. And from how the thread here has responded, it is indeed a non-majority issue.

From a tech support perspective, I would have you remove SD-Card (common android issue), stop all app updates, update OS. Hard reset phone, setup as new phone. Update apps that came with phone, do not download a single app from the store unless it came with the phone (I possible don't even sign in to your MS account, use completely bare). Use phone for 3 days. If the phone still acts the fool in those 3 days with no user initiated changes, then your phone is the problem. Either bad processor, bad memory, bad something in the hardware that is causing issues, including a bad battery regulator. If it works just fine, then add your MS account, retry for a day. Then if still working. Hard reset, and choose your backup of choice. Be patient, it can take hours. My 1520 takes a few hour(s) to recover from my 150+ app restore. Once everything is up to date. Soft reset to clear out anything left over after update. Your phone might also need to do a forced restart for gadget app etc that were updated. Go through all those updated system apps that require a restart.

Does it suck? Yes. But dealing with 40+ people a day, as my sole job to tech exact issues like yours, you are not alone on any OS.
Wow! i have been using 640 XL and have recommended windows devices to so many friends here. Last month itself I got a 650 for my wife. At least in my family, I am the one who needs to set up new phones, look for updates and be the troubleshooter.
So far, neither me nor anyone in my contacts has any of the issues mentioned. I am no techie and not adventurous to try out 'insider' updates. I rely on the tried and test 'public' versions. Yes I try to do the basics right.
So the phone is charged to at least more than 50% before I do anything on it. I insert the sim and sd cards, before I switch on the phones. I let the OS itself take care of first set of upgrades, be it OS itself or the apps. I let the devices be for anywhere between 15-20 minutes (for my wife and mom who have very less apps) to over an hour for myself. Then I go in and sign-on to MS accounts (for apps I need to do this before some updates). Then I simply go into the frequently used apps and log in or put in the settings I need. finally I download offline maps. It takes a few hours but the phones are good to use.
I am no geek or techie, but this method works all the time for me.
Never EVER have I encountered any of the problems mentioned in this post. On a rare occasion, my camera was acting funny and even crashed a few times. It all boiled down to a third party app, which I then uninstalled, and the problems disappeared. Few moths later I installed in again and did not face the issue again. So at times a faulty app, or a faulty/improper installation, may cause some funny things to happen. In this case, only reason I can think of is that some or the other app might have caused it. So my advice will be just to install only the apps that come with the phone first. Set up your network (though it happens automatically most times), sign on to MS account and let the scheduled updates happen. then you may think of uninstalling apps that you don't need and install the ones you do. If after an install you face some problem, uninstall the recent apps one by one. If the problem persists, reinstalled the last uninstalled one and re-do the process with another app. Keep doing it till a time that you either identify the faulty app or rule the possibility that it is because of an app.
My friend and I went to Korea and Japan last month and she lost her iPhone on the very first day of the trip, meaning she was forced to use my 950xl as a first time windows phone user. Her thoughts on the phone, while using it 2 straight weeks: "It was a useless POS. Your NEW PHONE shouldn't have all these problems!" I don't think I convinced her to switch to Windows
My friend and I went to Korea and Japan last month and she lost her iPhone on the very first day of the trip, meaning she was forced to use my 950xl as a first time windows phone user. Her thoughts on the phone, while using it 2 straight weeks: "It was a useless POS. Your NEW PHONE shouldn't have all these problems!" I don't think I convinced her to switch to Windows

I had a reverse experience. My friend at work broke his Android phone. I gave him one of my unused Windows phones and he isn't planning on going back to Android anytime soon. What is interesting though is that he immediately notices the app gap (don't we all?) but, like me, all the apps he actually needs (not just installing apps for the sake of it) he can get and he is more than happy with the phone overall so a win for Windows Phone in this case.
I went the the otherway around.
Its a great phone and the OS is great. But after 6 months i just couldn't have the patience to wait for further improvements and availability of service . Buggy bluetooth , no cortana/groove service in Uae. The phone/contact app is just meh. The flip board app is just sad.

Hopefully the service phone may convince me to come back to windows bringing the features available globally and having basic things that works .

I am a fan of a good product and it didnt deliver for the price it charged.
I believe 10 lets you download once unavailable applications.

However, it's worth noting that 6snap is still ban bait though.

I thought you had to have installed it once before, while it was still available, for it to show up in your library now.
If he is a 1st time Windows Phone user coming from iOS, it wouldn't show up in the store.
Seems weird...
I would wager it wasn't the best trip.

Hey, I like all tech, but favoritism aside, iOS is a better experience. Features, well, everything has a pro and a con. I would take functionality, app availability, and support over PC like features, or HALF BAKED ideas, and poor hardware. To each their own, but there is a reason iOS is so dominant. People want to equate Apple's success in the mobile market with branding and customer loyalty. Let's be honest, most people who have iPhones do not own a Mac. PC is still dominant. So brand loyalty is not sound reasoning. If it were, Apple's market share for computing would be much much larger.

The device just works, works well, and gets support. WP is fragmented, almost like Android. I am still on 8.1 with my M8, on Verizon. I remember MS stating that updates for and to Win 10 phone would come directly from them, but that's not entirely true. The carrier still plays a major role in the release of the software.

I don't know. A lot of this post comes from frustration. I work very very closely with Microsoft and it's killing me to see how little they actually care about brand loyalty or follow through, and in my opinion, their user base. They talk a big game at conferences, but the execution is laughable (950 and 950XL launch, Win 10, Xbox). They get people hyped then fall extremely short. Once the attention and requests fizzle out, they're on to the next thing. I get MS is truly a software company, but that's no excuse. If you are going to get into the hardware and mobile sect, for real, then they would feverishly focus on it. If you don't you're just harming your brand and reputation. Hey, Chrome just became the #1 browser and it's been on the market for a fraction of the time as IE. Their WP market share DROPPED (didn't really think that was possible) from 3% to 2%. The Surfacebook and its massive list of bugs. Edge, being released with almost zero real threat as a web browser (no extensions, java issues) . MS' horrid W10 launch, and force feeding the upgrade without user permission, is absurd. On all of my rigs I keep getting that annoying "schedule a time for Win 10 upgrade". If you select "do not schedule" then you're fine. If you ignore the message (which most will do) then SURPRISE, you have Win 10! Give it time. MS really needs a wake up call.

Again, please, I see a much much larger percentage of their hardware than people on this site. So spare me the "mine works just fine" or "I have zero issues" or "did you do the updates" or "TH2 blah blah blah". Issues are issues and for the average consumer, your device shouldn't need to be "looked at" or fixed, a week or month after purchase. I just met another user yesterday, and I had to break the news the VVM will not work on your "950". His response was "it always worked on my 910". My response, to myself of course, was "That's WP 10 for you."
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I had a reverse experience. My friend at work broke his Android phone. I gave him one of my unused Windows phones and he isn't planning on going back to Android anytime soon. What is interesting though is that he immediately notices the app gap (don't we all?) but, like me, all the apps he actually needs (not just installing apps for the sake of it) he can get and he is more than happy with the phone overall so a win for Windows Phone in this case.

I'm at a complete loss when people say this. Banking apps, travel apps, mobile payments, social networking...

most, if not all major apps are missing, or are a 3rd party knockoff. Even 1st party apps work better on competing platforms. My girl goes to SPU, just purchased the SE (moving from her 640) and was literally ecstatic when she found her school had an app. BofA, Chase, US Bank...missing, and that's just to name a few. I don't drink coffee, but there isn't even a Starbucks app and MS and Starbucks are literally neighbors. Paypal for instance...haha very different experiences on iOS and Android vs WP. The WP app wont even sign me in, nor will the icon display on the start screen, even though it's "pinned".

the app gap is real, and is more vital at this point in the mobile industry, than actually phoning or emailing. No apps, you have no platform. Ask BB.
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BlackBerry is no where near to the amount of apps in the Windows store. If blackberry had the amount of apps available in the windows store they'd be alive and kicking.
Found it in my library on my 950XL but it just has an exclamation point next to it. How did you get it to install?

I never had 6Snap. But I had Zillow and that was removed from the store but was listed and did reinstall. (Didn't run due to failed web service, but did install...)

So you're say 6Snap actually doesn't install even from the history? Umm.

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