My trip from iOS (iPhone 6s) to Windows 10 (Lumia 950 XL).

Hello every one. I have been a windows phone for three years now. My list of phones are the Lumia 520, HTC 8X, Lumia 1020 and now Lumia 640xl. I love them all and I have the apps that I feel and think I need. I am getting tired of the lack of internal storage on my phone. 8GB is quite small. I want to upgrade to Lumia 950xl or should I wait till end of 2017 to get the surface phones? Someone should pls advise.
if you don't really need a windows phone now, wait for the surface phone. i have a 950xl and i think that it is a transitionary product.
Went from 950XL to "old" 6 Plus. Opposite experience from OP. Everything just works beautifully. MS is so far behind it's a joke. And the app gap is much worse than thought especially when you factor in the quality of apps

And now tried 2 week old Beta iOS10. Amazingly great software. It's two weeks old and blows away the 1 year old W10M beta, which relative to iOS10 is pure crapware.

No wonder Apple has defeated MS in the phone realm
i agree. i have an iPhone SE and a 950xl. i like windows mobile. it is a good system. it is stable. i seldom get app crashes or random reboots. i only don't satisfy with the build quality of 950xl. it doesn't look like a premium product. it is plastic. it's appearance is not well designed and not attractive. iPhone SE is beautiful on the other hand.

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