MyFitnessPal, The Band, and You

My phone is running Windows 8.1 and I don't see anywhere in the myfitnesspal app to select the steps counter as you mentioned.. is anyone using the Band and MFP on a windows phone?

Someone please tell me I'm not going nuts.
You are not crazy, MFP on my 8.1 phone doesn't have the data, and the band is very finicky about reporting in to it.

Maybe Microsoft has a bigger future plan for MS Health, but so far this is sadly (and predictably) what happens when you need to rely on linking this stuff across not only platforms but also services and manufacturers.

I'd love to see Microsoft take a page from Apple's playbook and just create a single, unified experience that they control. Let partners connect to the Microsoft experience, but allow Band users to see everything in a single MS-designed app. Want to leverage MFP's foot database, or some GPS app's tracking and mapping data? Great, you can do that- but all of that data would flow back into a single MS portal.

At least on paper, that's how Apple seems to get so many things "right". I'm guessing Apple Watch owners will have a nice tidy Apple Health app that covers 90% of their needs. Hardcore folks will continue to supplement with other services that integrate with Apple Health, but the average user will not have to scramble the way MS Band users do.
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Well, I'm not able to get MFP to actually do anything with my Microsoft Band, so this looks like a lost cause. I think we will have to wait for Microsoft to come up with a full featured app/program to really integrate all the functions of the Band. Another concern that I have is the recent acquisition of MFP by Under Armor. I'm reading that they are planning on optimizing all their fitness apps for the upcoming iWatch (or whatever its called). I think that as part of their deal with Appl they will de-optimize these programs with Microsoft products, or even jettison the WP/Band combo entirely. Wouldn't surprise me one bit...... The current lackluster integration seems to bear this out. So, now let's just hide and watch.........
Well, I'm not able to get MFP to actually do anything with my Microsoft Band, so this looks like a lost cause. I think we will have to wait for Microsoft to come up with a full featured app/program to really integrate all the functions of the Band. Another concern that I have is the recent acquisition of MFP by Under Armor. I'm reading that they are planning on optimizing all their fitness apps for the upcoming iWatch (or whatever its called). I think that as part of their deal with Appl they will de-optimize these programs with Microsoft products, or even jettison the WP/Band combo entirely. Wouldn't surprise me one bit...... The current lackluster integration seems to bear this out. So, now let's just hide and watch.........

It works as advertised with me. Do an exercise long enough to be considered an exercise and it will upload your calorie count and do the calcs for you. I seem to get an adjustment every weekend due to the work I am doing around the house to get it ready to sell.
I am waiting for this as well. It has been too long. They should have this integration by now.

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