Need Beta testers for app


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I am in need of people interested in Beta testing a couple of apps for me. If you are interested post here. I have one simple app to get started. More information will be provided. The first Beta should be ready as early as next week.

Windows Phone 7
windows live email account (the one used to setup windows phone 7)
Use application and comment on bugs and needed improvements
I will ask that while the application/s are in Beta that you do not distribute information to anyone.

You get to help out in the development process and help make the app/s better for everyone.
You get to use the final app/s for free even after Beta is over.

We are now using this new site you can find our beta and others
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I'd be interested as long as you don't need a dev unlocked device to test the betas.
Your device would not have to be dev unlocked. MSFT provides a way to submit an application in hidden mode that only those who receive an invite can see.
Im in!!! i love beta testing :)

currently testing

* arcane TD World Editor beta 2
* Astro Flare.

ill be more then happy to add more :)
The first Beta is being sent right now if you have not PM me you live email address please do so.
At this time please do not share. As we move closer to release we will a public Beta where you will be free to talk/blog about. Check your email for more info.
Sending a PM. Can we talk/blog about these apps?
I want to help and test the beta app too... I'm sending you a PM with my windows live ID !

Sent from my 7 Trophy T8686 using Board Express
I'll help beta test. I just got my phone and am looking to start creating apps. I figure this will be a good way to learn how the process works.

I will PM you my e-mail address.
I'll help beta test. I just got my phone and am looking to start creating apps. I figure this will be a good way to learn how the process works.

I will PM you my e-mail address.

Thank i will send you more info to your email address. If you need to learn check out channel 9 videos and examples once you get going its easy. Also note that windows 8 just got realease if your develping for windows phone you might want to check it out as its similar programing.
Thank you all for trying the first beta. It looks like we had no crashes to that a relief :-). I just submitted the app to the marketplace similar to the one you beta tested. At the same time a new beta link will be sent. Since the app is about to go public feel free to comment publicly about it. We will be updating it constantly with more features and bug fixes. All your suggestions were great so keep them coming.

We still have a few spots open so PM me your live account email if you would like to beta test. We have 3 more apps that we will beta test and hopefully release by February.

Jose Cerna
From now on we will be accepting beta request from Windows Phone Beta - Home they also have other betas if your interested. All current beta subscribers will continue to receive beta notifications via email.

Jose Cerna

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