

New member
Nov 9, 2011
so has anyone else tried streaming netflix on theirs yet? my wife got her Radar 3 days ago and last night we tries streaming netflix, well it doesnt work netflix says you need at least a 1.2ghz proccesor to do why even put a live tile for it if you cant stream to the device. its nice to update the list of movies but we could do that from our blackberries.....
anyone else have the same issue? other then that she loves the phone and I will be getting mine next in 3 weeks.
1.2GHz!? I can watch netflix fine on my 1GHz Samsung Focus (which also has a GPU that is only about... 50% the raw power of the one on the Radar)...

I'm guessing it's a new machine, so Netflix hasn't been update, yet. Up until very recently, most android machines were also forced to such artificial checks and limitations.
1.2GHz!? I can watch netflix fine on my 1GHz Samsung Focus (which also has a GPU that is only about... 50% the raw power of the one on the Radar)...

I'm guessing it's a new machine, so Netflix hasn't been update, yet. Up until very recently, most android machines were also forced to such artificial checks and limitations.
good to know, will have to keep checking on it then.
Any luck on getting it to work on a Radar yet? I bought two last night, and did not know about this issue.
I watched it without issue on my Samsung Focus. I now have the Titan and it also works with out a hitch, except that there are black bars on the sides of the video.

Sent from my Htc Titan using Board Express
I also watch Netflix from my Terrific Trophy. And that to works without a hitch.:)
Any luck on getting it to work on a Radar yet? I bought two last night, and did not know about this issue.

Does it not work for your devices?

Also, disable the Sound Enchantments (in the settings) HTC enables by default, see if that causes it.
I have been able to watch Netflix from my Radar since the day I got it (got it first week it came out on T-Mobile). I only watch it on the phone when I have a WiFi connection, so haven't tried it with just a 4G connection. Netflix worked fine on my old Samsung Focus as well.
It may the the Netflix app though. T-Mobile has they're own version (the one already installed). That's the one that will come up in Zune or Marketplace (it was say T-Mobile USA as the publisher). But you can get the ACTUAL Netflix app from The version numbers aren't even the same. Same deal with Slacker. You can also have both versions installed at the same time XD

I dropped T-Mobile's version for both and picked up the ones from the publisher. Never looked back

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
Like awesumjon said, the standard Tmobile Netflix app on the phone seems to suck and not work, downloading the normal Netflix app off of and everything worked smooth as silk, 4g and WIfi.

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