They got rid of 16 bit code, that was a big thing. Those "old APIs" do not restrict the OS programmers that much, they only keep the interface and call other APIs that superseded the old ones. It's just a matter of keeping a file that implements them compilable. I guess you could call all "legacy" applications old, but they are used by 95% or more of their customers. If they want to keep those, they have to keep the backwards compatibility, but not as some sort of a burden that prevents them doing some wild things.They do some cleaning, but the code is complex and they have to support 30-20-10 year old third party programs that depend those old APIs. I'm not seeing the benefit for the users of carrying that burden. On the contrary, Windows development is slow and Microsoft can't deliver a competent mobile OS.
Did you have Loading/Resuming in WP7? WP8 introduced the performance problems.
As for the old code in Windows, it's not just because of the APIs. If you start with a new version of OS you do not throw everything out. There are perfectly good parts of the code you can keep reusing. Memory management, process scheduler, etc. Standard solutions for standard tasks/problems.