New 1520 Owner - No 2G only option?


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Mar 21, 2014
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i'd like my phone on 2G. no need to switch to 3/4G and waste money just to be online anywhere i want to. besides, i am always online (wifi) on places i go to. also, 3/4G sucks bigtime here at my place. it is more reliable to use 2G.

dude, no need to stick 4G on our **** and say it does make more sense.

just act you are 'out' because some people stick with their phones on 2G and do not need to follow you just because you said so. let's try to stick to the thread's topic

DaT Franchise

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Mar 2, 2014
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1. why would i change to 3/4g if im not even using data? switching only tempts me to spend on being online like what, just to be online on facebook-watch youtube on the road ?
2. the point is, in my place, it is more reliable to have my phone on 2G and not 3/4G.

yes i am doing what i want. i am just telling you what i want, i don't need your facts because it does not change the 'fact' that 2G is more reliable here in my place.

well your asking the question for ways to save battery. How often do you use your phone? Light average or power user? How long are you away from a power source?


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Mar 21, 2014
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not sure if this is heavy. here's my day breakdown:

- min 1hr call, 2 hrs max
- min 1hr texting. 3 hrs max (send-reply every ~10mins)
- i will be on wifi at home to read online about 3hrs.
- take 20 pictures at most. depends if i see something nice to post later.
- i'm only 1.5hrs away from home at most (travel time to office/home)
- 1hr high volume of music to keep me awake during work (using earphones)
- 30min fm radio
- 1hr for writing stuff.
- i'd be setting the screen on low-medium brightness
- 1hr or so for scrolling through pictures
- no need to use glance

right now, i am still using my trusted nokia E6. tough guy. sometimes it makes me crazy when i am in call because it lowers the volume for no reason (volume key problem). out of frustration, i slapped it against the wall. i just removed the paint on my phone and it still works.

my phone now lasts for 1.5days. i usually charge at the office but i like the thought of having to plug about every 3-days.

DaT Franchise

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Mar 2, 2014
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Ok and please don't take this the wrong way, I dont understand why people are so concerned making there phones go days on end off the charger to the point of turning everything off dumbing the phone down and a phobia of charging them when there asleep. With heavy use i get easily 15-18 hours out of mine on LTE. why not leave it alone and charge it when your asleep, assuming your avg use is 50% per 16 hours it will only take an hour to charge it back up.

Its your phone do what you want just dont understand why.


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Mar 21, 2014
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i don't charge my gadgets while i am sleeping. its just a habit.

i don't turn on the features of the 'smartphone' if im not using it. if i need the features to work, then i switch them on.

like, why would i leave my wifi on the whole night if i am sleeping and i am not using it. i don't immediately reply to emails and just do them in the morning.


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May 20, 2013
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I'm i a heavy user? Always charging my phone most of the day. And I still needs to charge it when I work up in the morning. And I have my charger bank with me every where I go. I'm always connected and always on 3G. Have a lot of apps runs in the background.

Sent from my Lumia 1520 using Tapatalk

DaT Franchise

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Mar 2, 2014
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I'm i a heavy user? Always charging my phone most of the day. And I still needs to charge it when I work up in the morning. And I have my charger bank with me every where I go. I'm always connected and always on 3G. Have a lot of apps runs in the background.

Sent from my Lumia 1520 using Tapatalk

how long can you make it on a charge


Mar 24, 2014
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i'd like my phone on 2G. no need to switch to 3/4G and waste money just to be online anywhere i want to. besides, i am always online (wifi) on places i go to. also, 3/4G sucks bigtime here at my place. it is more reliable to use 2G.

dude, no need to stick 4G on our **** and say it does make more sense.

just act you are 'out' because some people stick with their phones on 2G and do not need to follow you just because you said so. let's try to stick to the thread's topic

can you explain why 3G costs more money? Never heared about that.

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DaT Franchise

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Mar 2, 2014
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Data speeds have no baring on cost. Say you have a 500mb file whether it takes you 10 minute or one hour to download you have only transferred 500mb of data.

DaT Franchise

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Mar 2, 2014
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Placebo, faster speeds make it seem your using more data, but if you have a data cap say 5gig plan it costs the same whether you use 10 Mb or 5gigs


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Mar 21, 2014
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data speeds have no bearing on cost. but, i do not even plan on being online on my phone unless i am at home or at the office.

as i said before, why would i use 3/4G on my phone when i do not need to be online? and where i am living, 2G is far more reliable than the other. i don't have a data plan with my operator because i do not need to have one. so my plan consists of only unlimited calls/texts to all networks.

is it a requirement that i have to/need to be online all day before i use a phone like a 1520? or any other smartphones out there that has 3/4G in them?

until such time that network coverage in my area has consistent and reliable 3/4G reception, im sticking with 2G. again, i only need to use voice and text functions


Mar 24, 2014
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Aha ok. Makes sense.
But you know, switching to 2G doesn't turn off your mobile data, it's just slower!
You have to turn that off separately

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Apr 16, 2014
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On my Lumia 925 I used to be able to choose between 2G, 3G and 4G. After upgrading to Windowsphone 8.1 thatb option is gone!

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