New AT&T Lumia 520 Windows Gophone problems-how to get device to boot?


WPCentral Question


I received a new Nokia Lumia 520 from my family. I do not know where they purchased the phone but I do know it was recently. I was able to get the phone and it worked for a little bit. I put on a passcode and took a picture of myself for my background. I looked through the settings and did not turn of the feature that if the phone goes below 28% it will turn off. I tried to charge the phone and it gives me a low battery sign with a plug flashing in front of it. I left the phone on the charger for about 8 hours in my room thinking it will charge. I try to turn it on and it gives me the same low battery flashing plug sign again. I take it to the IT guys at my Job Corps center and they are not able to fix it. They tell me I need a new phone. I was able to see one of them to get the phone to have a question mark on the phone and it quickly turned off. I went to the other IT guy and he was able to get the Thunder bolt and gear sign on the phone and he told me he will try to fix it. He told me that he downloaded the soft wear to try to reset the phone. He wasn't able to get it fix and also told me I need a new phone. I tried looking online for ways to fix it and tried the Soft and Hard resets and nothing happened. I called AT&T and they were not any help. I looked on the Nokia website and I still have a warranty but I have no way to get to the AT&T warranty store at this moment. I don't know what else to do and I am not sure if I would actually have to pay money to get the phone fix or if they will be able to fix it. Does anyone know any other suggestions as to what I should do before I take it to AT&T?

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