I just joined the Win Phone 8 developer program (prior iOS developer) and have some questions about phone resolution strategies. I am a casual developer and mainly make games. How does everyone target their graphics? Looking at the resolutions my first thought would be to develop for the largest aspect (768 ? 1280 15:9) and scale down graphics for 480 ? 800 15:9. Is that what most devs do? Also, how do you address 720 ? 1280 (16:9)? Thanks for any suggestions. Also feel free to leave any additional newbie dev tips.
One tip I have for people just switching to Windows 8 (this is my first primary-use Win 8 system) is to grab 'StartIsBack'. Cost $3 for 2 licenses and to me it's priceless. Once I can lock desktop mode after 8.1 this will be just like having a Win7/8 hybrid.
One tip I have for people just switching to Windows 8 (this is my first primary-use Win 8 system) is to grab 'StartIsBack'. Cost $3 for 2 licenses and to me it's priceless. Once I can lock desktop mode after 8.1 this will be just like having a Win7/8 hybrid.