New owners: How do you manage expectation of failure?


New member
Jun 20, 2011
This question isn't only for new owners so anyone can jump in. I was an android owner for over a year. When I got my first android, it was my first smart phone. Much to learn about it. Then before long, being a geek, I eventually got "under the hood" to see how the thing functions. Not changing things, just looking around. After a month, the phone began to slow down. Boot times took longer and longer. Now I'm asking how to return it to when it was good. As you may already know, there are ton of websites dedicated to this question. I rooted and rooted again and each time it was good for a time, then turned to crap.

Jump to Windows Phone.

I got the HTC Arrive a little over 2 months ago and it has been about as perfect a device as these things can get. It just works. It always works. Battery life is fantastic and my apps don't force close. Also, it never slows down. I put the beta now RTM Mango on and I'm using it daily without error or issue.

Here is the problem I'm having; managing this ridiculous "expectation" of a failure. I am having the toughest time with this. In my brain, I can't seem to shake this "fear" for lack of a better word, that my WP7 will fail. It doesn't. It never does. You'd think that is a good thing, and it is. I'm pretty confident that it won't fail. But, because of my android experience, I constantly expect it to because it did fail, often.

Is this just me and I need some kind of cell phone grief counseling? Does this ridiculous thought ever go away?
I've had mine since October when it first arrived and it's never failed once. As you said, it just works. Get used to it Techblogger, that's one of the main joys of WP7, no crashes or slow downs. Bliss! :)
It takes time brother just time no words will heal your pain. I would like to say something to you to make it all better but I cant none can. I have been and still am where you are I look each day at my Arrive and I think will this be the day. I secretly pray that day never comes and so far it hasn't. Thank you Microsoft for making this possible for me and all of us.

:ninja: Dave
I've had my HD7 since February and it's been working like a dream the entire time.

Techblogger, you should probably call LoveLine and ask them about it. Tell them you've had your trust violated in the past and now you have a hard time getting close to your new love. Doctor Drew might be able to help.
I expected mine to fail because of the NoDo brick phones stories but it never did and I grew up of it. I'm scared that Mango will brick my phone now.
I really had no expectation of failure coming into WP7. Quite the contrary, I was very optimistic. Having come from BB most recently I could only think of the upsides i.e. no 5 minute boot times, incredibly slow web browsing, etc.

My own platform switch has certainly been more one of relief rather than anxiety.
I'd re-define what "failure" means to you. Have I had a few reboots and freezes? Actually 3 or 4 times in 6 months. Is that failure? No way.

Everything about the experience is as close to perfection as can be humanly expected.
Patience, Techblogger: Smartphone anxiety is known to wane after your 7th or 8th device. The Samsung Focus is my 9th or 10th, so I'm chillin at the 3-week mark. I even insisted on installing a 32gb card. Paying $0 for it also helps. Best to you on your *Arrival*! ;)
You already found the cure for your fears: :)

This question isn't only for new owners so anyone can jump in. I was an android owner for over a year. When I got my first android, it was my first smart phone. Much to learn about it. Then before long, being a geek, I eventually got "under the hood" to see how the thing functions. Not changing things, just looking around. After a month, the phone began to slow down. Boot times took longer and longer. Now I'm asking how to return it to when it was good. As you may already know, there are ton of websites dedicated to this question. I rooted and rooted again and each time it was good for a time, then turned to crap.

Jump to Windows Phone.

I got the HTC Arrive a little over 2 months ago and it has been about as perfect a device as these things can get. It just works. It always works. Battery life is fantastic and my apps don't force close. Also, it never slows down. I put the beta now RTM Mango on and I'm using it daily without error or issue.

Here is the problem I'm having; managing this ridiculous "expectation" of a failure. I am having the toughest time with this. In my brain, I can't seem to shake this "fear" for lack of a better word, that my WP7 will fail. It doesn't. It never does. You'd think that is a good thing, and it is. I'm pretty confident that it won't fail. But, because of my android experience, I constantly expect it to because it did fail, often.

Is this just me and I need some kind of cell phone grief counseling? Does this ridiculous thought ever go away?
Haha..this is a funny thread. I have had mine for like a month and have not had a single problem..say ten hailmary's to purge that android poison from you're soul. sell the old phone and don't look back..wp7 will not fail you.
I've had my phone since December. For the first 7 or 8 months everything was great. Super fast. Super fluid.

Then the past week it's been freezing and crashing every other day.

I reboot... still crashes.
I take out the battery and put it back in... still crashes.
Then it erased all the emails in my Hotmail and Gmail accounts. Not just on the phone, but the actual accounts.





But maybe that built up enough anxiety in you to make anything you feel from now on pale in comparison. :)
I've had my phone since December. For the first 7 or 8 months everything was great. Super fast. Super fluid.

Then the past week it's been freezing and crashing every other day.

I reboot... still crashes.
I take out the battery and put it back in... still crashes.
Then it erased all the emails in my Hotmail and Gmail accounts. Not just on the phone, but the actual accounts.





But maybe that built up enough anxiety in you to make anything you feel from now on pale in comparison. :)

That's not very
Only failure I have had since last November was after tinkering with the registry on my unlocked device. Sound familiar.

Coming from WM, testing tweaks and unproved software, I am no stranger to hard resets, so I always have a good backup plan in place. But with WP, not really necessary. I do soft reset (power off/on) every few weeks, but not because I have to. Old habit I guess.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
honestly the only disapointment i have is the lack of Xbox live games Intergration with WP7......

tic.toc..tic.toc.tic.toc....should be comming soon.
Your first phone was an Android phone, so that explains why you feel this way. Give it time, you'll come around. I don't say that to be anti-Android; it's simply a fact that a good user experience built around software/OS reliability isn't one of it's strong points. I could say the same thing about the old Windows Mobile.
After coming from WebOS I can honestly say that WP7 seems safe. Take a look at the WP7 market. There's pretty much new stuff every day. That shows a sign that there is interest in the OS.

In regards to Android and iOS. My opinion is this: they are going to pack SO mch into those operating sytem that the every day tast will be daunting. Things will become slower and more unstable. In turn I feel that people will be turned away to the complexity. This is all speculation.

I don't think WP7 is a fail. I hear more and more people getting frustrated with Android and iOS is a fad. People don't know why they want iPhones...they just do. It'll be a matter of time when people will turn around and say "wow...I have the same thing as every one else." People like choice and originalitly.

Again, my opinion.
I've had my phone since December. For the first 7 or 8 months everything was great. Super fast. Super fluid.

Then the past week it's been freezing and crashing every other day.

I reboot... still crashes.
I take out the battery and put it back in... still crashes.
Then it erased all the emails in my Hotmail and Gmail accounts. Not just on the phone, but the actual accounts.





But maybe that built up enough anxiety in you to make anything you feel from now on pale in comparison. :)

Sounds like a nightmare but that is my android experience in a nutshell. lol.

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