New Sandisk 128GB MicroSDXC Support


New member
Apr 5, 2012
But did you have apps installed on it? That is it seems 99% of the people who have to do a reset for it to work. I have so many apps on my 64GB card I have no room for it on my phone. so I decided I will weed out the ones I don't use a lot till I have enough room to move them back. Once back, I will put in the 128GB card, have the phone format it, then move them back.

Edit: And then load every app the store has. LoL

Nope no apps as my card went in prior to the 8.1 update.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I think the folks that run in to problems are the ones that just try to copy one to the other and slap it into the phone, even though they have apps installed. But there has go to be a better and faster way. Monday I am going to try cloning the cards first to see if I can get away with that. If not then I will try the other idea, move apps back to sd card that will fit, insert new card, move apps back to new sd, put old sd in and move more back onto phone... etc....


New member
Sep 7, 2012
Well add me to the club! Was lucky that the 128GB Sandisk is one fo the few items ships to Canada. Got it yesterday, copied over my music, gave it a good 30-45 minutes to index everything. So far smooth sailing. I even noticed that Nokia MixRadio is a little more snappy jumping between Artists and albums (had a 64GB Sandisk in my phone previously).


New member
May 4, 2014
Since a lot of people in this thread have 128GB cards, I'm asking this here.
Do any of you happen to have a L520/521 and can you test if the 128GB card indeed works on it?
Thanks in advance!


New member
Sep 14, 2012
got it love it, if you want to speed up the transfer connect a decent card reader to the computer and move data that way, worked faster.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Since a lot of people in this thread have 128GB cards, I'm asking this here.

Do any of you happen to have a L520/521 and can you test if the 128GB card indeed works on it?

Thanks in advance!

I put it in my Lumia 520 to see if it worked, and the answer was yes. I don't know if it is because it is on 8.1, but it read all 119GB free

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520, w/AT&T using Tapatalk

Moises Corilloclla

New member
Aug 15, 2013
Yes, but that is more of a Music/Video bug than a SD Card issue. I've found I can ease the pain if I delete both, restart the phone to get the D$#@ thing to recognize the Music and Video is missing and then installing the new card.

I also don't use xBox's cloud music service, which seems to aggravate the duplication issue as well as has an annoying propensity to stream my music (and ads) even if I have the music on local storage (This is true for Windows 8.1 app as well). For me personally I'm looking forward to the WP 8.1 version of VLC that should be out later this year as while I love many things about my Windows Phone it seems like the Music app just gets worse (for me and what I do) with each release.

Aha! It reminds me of the time I first used a 64Gb card on the NL810 when it was first released. Although theoretically it could only support a 32Gb card, 64Gb cards were also supported with several problems related to audio/video/photo duplication. It was not until GDR3 that most bugs were squashed (tho not totally). Maybe until an update patch for 8.1 addresses that issue, it won't be totally trouble free to use on the device.


New member
Apr 5, 2012
Aha! It reminds me of the time I first used a 64Gb card on the NL810 when it was first released. Although theoretically it could only support a 32Gb card, 64Gb cards were also supported with several problems related to audio/video/photo duplication. It was not until GDR3 that most bugs were squashed (tho not totally). Maybe until an update patch for 8.1 addresses that issue, it won't be totally trouble free to use on the device.

Just a quick update: For Music at least it appears that the duplication song listing issue has been fixed with the latest Beta of the Music App. At least I'm not seeing it anymore and if I drag/drop/remove Music to the Card via File Manager in Windows. It sometimes takes a few minutes but the App seems to be much better behaved in recognizing I've added/deleted music.

For installing Apps to the SD Card, for now your best bet is still moving the app back to internal storage or uninstalling the app prior to removing the card. The latest version of WP8.1DP still gets a little cranky if you just yank the card with actual apps installed to it. I'm willing to cut them a little slack on that one as frankly if I yank a hard drive from even a full-blown Windows Desktop that has applications installed to it tends not to like that either...


New member
Aug 14, 2012
I am about to get a 1520 and REALLY want it in yellow but don't like that the phone is only 16gb. I am planning on getting this sd card with the phone. Would things be fine if I put all music and apps on the card and pics/video on the default storage? I am guessing some high end games may take a performance hit? or do they play fine?


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Not many problems with mine. I find some apps don't work well on the SD card, so once they act up, I just move it back to the phone. Music, pics, games and video's I have no problem with.


New member
Feb 10, 2014
Not many problems with mine. I find some apps don't work well on the SD card, so once they act up, I just move it back to the phone. Music, pics, games and video's I have no problem with.

Can you explain who they don't work well? Do you notice lag and performance issues or something else?.

In good old days of WP 8.0, a card that could provide enough write-speed for shuttering-free HD-video recording would be a great card. But WP 8.1 Apps will benefit from a good read-performance. This card can read up to 30 MB/s, while the UHS-I Buss Speed can read up to 104 MB/s, which Lumia 1520 should handle too, theoretically. But that's just a guess since there is no official specification about Lumia 1520's actual Bus Speed.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Pandora became choppy on the card for me, but works fine on the phone. The new fb update kept crashing on me, moved to phone no more crash. Couple others but can't think of the others

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520, w/AT&T using Tapatalk


New member
Feb 10, 2014
Pandora became choppy on the card for me, but works fine on the phone. The new fb update kept crashing on me, moved to phone no more crash. Couple others but can't think of the others

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520, w/AT&T using Tapatalk

If there is only a few Apps, specially if they don't have a heavy data transfer that could push the SD card to it's limits, then the final release of WP 8.1 with Nokia FW for Lumia 1520 may solve these issues. But it may be related to poor card-performance too.


New member
Apr 30, 2014
So, in summary
Does it work on a Lumia 1520? With or without Dev Preview? Any feedback is more than welcome ;)


New member
Dec 1, 2011
The 128GB cards work great in the 1520, although I don't advocate installing apps on them (general Windows weirdness), and video editing is choppy from reports I've read.

Arlan Henry

New member
Aug 1, 2014
128 GB microSD cards are priced as low as $17 on ebay (domestically). Those are for the generic brands. Sandisks are selling for as cheap as $35.


New member
Dec 24, 2014
yes but those are the fake ones! there is no way that there is legit 128GB cards for $17..those are 8GB masquerading as 128GB...

Arlan Henry

New member
Aug 1, 2014
I got one for $28 on eBay and I'm currently in the process of getting my refund. I'm using the H2testw program to get the specifics of the card.

Sometimes you really can't cut corners in terms of price. Retail is kinda ridiculous but then again that's subjective.

The real question is now, whether to buy a 128GB microsd at retail or purchase a 3TB portable external instead 😢

Where's my fairy godmother/sugar mama when I need her? 😒

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