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Sep 16, 2009
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Hey guys i just want to know somethings about WM. im brand new to wm and looking to get the touch pro 2. i know nothing about wm and i was just wondering if some people can tell me some general info. Like apps, what you can do with it, customizing, how to's, games, other, what you need, what apps you guys prefer getting, how to get games/apps, hacking?. Just some noobie info i guess you can call it. thanks guys :D

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
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I guess my all time favorite is SlingBox I use it all the time I have the news on when I am driving home through Dallas traffic. With a nice window mount and my Motorola 505 Bluetooth speaker/FM transmitter broadcasting the audio over my truck speakers it easy to keep my attention on the road.

My favorite app hands down is Skyfire great mobile web browser check it out. There are many great apps all reviewed in our front page news so don't limit yourself to just the front page stuff skipp back a few pages there are a lot of great app reviews to read.

Also explore our WM software forum for even more available apps


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Sep 16, 2009
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I just activated the Touch Pro 2 with Verizon last night and so far I love it. I'm pretty new to it but from what I have found, there are lots of apps and tweaks that you can make to customize it. Also, Windows Mobile is going to be releasing WM 6.5 very soon. There may also be a Windows Marketplace available for other apps.

I do not have Sprint, but my family does and I was able to play with Pre for a few hours. I thought that phone was very neat but I was much more impressed with the TP2.


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Dec 15, 2007
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I have a treo pro. I have as apps Franklin Covey Plan Plus for Outlook which is an outlook plug in it comes with a version of Pocket Informant. I also have skyfire mobile browser which I like and pocket bible from Laridian which allows me to have the NIV study bible on my device without lugging a bible around. I also have kinoma free play and the mobiule facebook app and microsoft myphone. I am thinking about getting the TP2 when it comes out on AT mid month in October or waiting for a gsm pixi or a gsm android hero. I am kinda bumed bout palm shuting down windows mobile development.

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