New Update My Lumia 535

The 14234.375 version was released several weeks ago, and for the L535 it was expected to address the touch issues.

However, I just checked for an update now and there is a new update for my L535. I already have 14234.375 installed, so I don't know what this update is yet. Will update this thread as soon as it's done. Your firmware revision number, though, looks "newer".
Every Friday receive all kinds of updates! since I bought the phone 1 month ago!

Lucky you! What country are you in? and have you, by chance, enrolled your phone in the Preview for Developers program? (not the Windows 10 technical preview)
Yes are registered! I'm from Romania!

I see. I don't remember receiving updates as frequently as you do for my L1020 under Dev Prev. At any rate, if you notice anything new or a bug that has been fixed by this new update, let us know here. :cool:
I have no problems with acranul touch!
We applied the cheapest foil found in trade and have solved the problem!
Hi (from Romania, too :)

There's another firmware version (at least on my Lumia 535 Dual SIM): 02063.00000.15114.43005. The phone updated about 1 hour ago.
I'm from Macedonia and I got an update too. Gonna write here if there are any significant changes.

BTW, they way you get updates don't actually matter what you've put in as your Region, right?
It seems romania phones make their updates on another server!

Got this update, too, 14 hours ago. I'm in the Philippines.
Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM
OS Version: 8.10.14234.375
FRN: 02063.00000.15114.43004

So far, only the firmware revision number has changed. Here's what I found, so far, after some testing: Overall summary: Minor improvement

1. Touch screen (Summary: some improvement): response is now more stable, being able to detect four distantly-placed fingers with more stability (five fingers don't work); tested with Diagnostics Toolset. Touch screen became hyper sensitive once while connected to PC, responding to my fingers even if I wasn't touching the screen with my fingers around 2 cm from the screen. Screen response while connected to PC has improved (less to none of the random swipes). However, the phone still tried to unlock itself while it was in a leather pouch in my pocket. Make sure that "Double Tap" to wake is disabled, so that the screen won't get automatically activated when the phone is kept inside the pocket.

2. Direct X 3D engine performance seems smoother, but the changes may not be significant.

3. Signal (2G/3G) reception has not significantly changed.

4. GPS (Summary: minor improvement) location detection has slightly improved (outdoors and locations with some obstructions) - it no longer takes several moments (not more than five minutes) before the location is determined (still not as good as other Lumias). The usual proximity circle is used to indicate the degree of uncertainty. It still takes some time to determine the location indoors (via cellular site triangulation, which technically is not GPS). GPS is still not updating real-time while walking outdoors.

5. App performance (Summary: no conclusive improvement). Apps that refused to launch before are still not launching now. Push notifications that were randomly not being delivered before are still randomly not being delivered now, though they appear to be correcting themselves sometimes. App reliability is random.

6. Heating issue (Summary: minor improvement) There was a temporary heating issue, that ate 20% out from my 100%-charged battery. Before the update, the heating issue almost completely drained the battery.

Will try to update this post when more findings become evident.
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Got this update, too, 14 hours ago. I'm in the Philippines.
OS Version: 8.10.14234.375
FRN: 02063.00000.15114.43004

So far, only the firmware revision number has changed. Here's what I found, so far, after some testing:

1. Touch screen response is now more stable, being able to detect four fingers with stability; tested with Diagnostics Toolset.

2. Direct X 3D engine performance seems smoother, but the changes may not be significant.

3. Signal (2G/3G) reception has not significantly changed.

4. GPS location detection has improved (outdoors and locations with some obstructions) - it no longer takes several moments (more than five minutes) before the location is determined. The usual proximity circle is used to indicate the degree of uncertainty. It still takes some time to determine the location indoors (via cellular site triangulation, which technically is not GPS).

Will try to update this post when more findings become evident.

Does this mean the touchscreen now comparable to other phones (I.e. fully fixed) or are there still some issues remaining?
Does this mean the touchscreen now comparable to other phones (I.e. fully fixed) or are there still some issues remaining?

I wouldn't compare the performance of the L535 screen with others just yet. Just a few moments ago, the screen became hyper sensitive while plugged into my PC - the screen was responding to my finger even if my finger was not touching the screen at around 2 cm from the surface of the screen. However, it stopped after I allowed my phone to "lock itself" and it only happened once so far.

At this point, it seems that the this firmware update has at least made the screen more stable than it was before - the random swipes and touches while the phone is connected to the PC has almost* completely disappeared.

*- "Almost" because this needs further testing across the following days until it is certain that all phantom swipes have disappeared.
This is good news. My 535 has been repaired by the Care and I should get it back on Wednesday. With the screen repaired (opaque process, MS contact by private messages on their forums, ask for the IMEI, and these devices get repaired).

HW repair + FW improvement = nice ;)
This is good news. My 535 has been repaired by the Care and I should get it back on Wednesday. With the screen repaired (opaque process, MS contact by private messages on their forums, ask for the IMEI, and these devices get repaired).

HW repair + FW improvement = nice ;)

What went wrong with your L535?
im from romania and i got the update too. but it shouldnt matter too much, because my phone is set to US for cortana, and the phone is an "Europe/East Europe (cannot remember too well) Variant" so the country is irrelevant. as for changes? nope, touch is not improved. i had the lattest firmware, actually i was one of those who got it from the LRST before it went OTA, and THAT firmware made some changes. this DOESNT. stop experiencing placebo. there is nothing improved in this firmware, at least regarding to touch, just your brain believing so. the only thing noticed different, untill now, is an annoying reinstallation of all msn crapware such as "health" "sports" "travel" etc

PS: i actually found multitouch test app still installed on my phone, so i used it and guess what...the touch is the same. only explanation for those who experience improvements on touch issue, beside that placebo thing, is that they didnt have previous firmware update which truely improved things and they just got it now bundled with this update.
im from romania and i got the update too. but it shouldnt matter too much, because my phone is set to US for cortana, and the phone is an "Europe/East Europe (cannot remember too well) Variant" so the country is irrelevant. as for changes? nope, touch is not improved. i had the lattest firmware, actually i was one of those who got it from the LRST before it went OTA, and THAT firmware made some changes. this DOESNT. stop experiencing placebo. there is nothing improved in this firmware, at least regarding to touch, just your brain believing so. the only thing noticed different, untill now, is an annoying reinstallation of all msn crapware such as "health" "sports" "travel" etc

PS: i actually found multitouch test app still installed on my phone, so i used it and guess what...the touch is the same. only explanation for those who experience improvements on touch issue, beside that placebo thing, is that they didnt have previous firmware update which truely improved things and they just got it now bundled with this update.

Thank you for your valuable words of wisdom. Let us all now accept your findings as absolute truths and disregard the test results and findings of others. It is now authoritatively clear that if one hasn't seen six fingers in one hand that it can never happen.

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