New Update My Lumia 535

When you reach 3 fingers on the screen shows me only 2 points, so this update did nothing! as work and before update!
I'm also frustrated...

My 535 is somewhere in the Microsoft repair system.
Just a matter of keeping the faith.
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im from romania and i got the update too. but it shouldnt matter too much, because my phone is set to US for cortana, and the phone is an "Europe/East Europe (cannot remember too well) Variant" so the country is irrelevant. as for changes? nope, touch is not improved. i had the lattest firmware, actually i was one of those who got it from the LRST before it went OTA, and THAT firmware made some changes. this DOESNT. stop experiencing placebo. there is nothing improved in this firmware, at least regarding to touch, just your brain believing so. the only thing noticed different, untill now, is an annoying reinstallation of all msn crapware such as "health" "sports" "travel" etc

PS: i actually found multitouch test app still installed on my phone, so i used it and guess what...the touch is the same. only explanation for those who experience improvements on touch issue, beside that placebo thing, is that they didnt have previous firmware update which truely improved things and they just got it now bundled with this update.

I've updated my post about my findings, you may want to have a look at it - it is an on-going test process. It's unfortunate that your experience is different from mine. I doubt that it's a placebo; just like you I'm very critical over technical matters. However, if we'd go with your placebo premise (but not too much in-depth about it as this is not the place for that), if something improved then the placebo achieved its objective no matter the mechanism involved.

What was that update that you were mentioning? What Firmware revision number and what OS version? I had another update before this one and I agree that that did something. However, this current update (according to my tests) also did something. If I'm the only experiencing these changes, then I must have a very special Lumia 535 (Dual SIM, BTW - are you using the Dual SIM variant, too?). There seems to be no article about this one yet in Windows Central, but we're looking forward to one for clarification. UPDATE: Check out this link for an article from Daniel Rubino himself.

Let's just hope that things will get better. It's not easy to find a software solution for an inherently hardware-related problem, after all.

When you reach 3 fingers on the screen shows me only 2 points, so this update did nothing! as work and before update!

It's unfortunate that your experience varies from mine. Have you tried restarting your phone after the update? Mine consistently shows four out of four fingers, but it won't go up to five fingers - things go crazy once I used five fingers. BTW, I've got the Dual SIM variant. Not sure how that would make things different, though.
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Just received the update two days ago. Dunno what has been updated and which version also. But phone now feels much better and smoother. Hopefully it stays this way all the way. All previous updates render the phone ok for a little while before acting strangely again.
Just received the update two days ago. Dunno what has been updated and which version also. But phone now feels much better and smoother. Hopefully it stays this way all the way. All previous updates render the phone ok for a little while before acting strangely again.

Yes, this is true. All updates make the phone respond smoothly and quickly just after the update is finished, but then it would usually start to slow down after a few days. This is even true when a new keyboard language is installed since the phone installs it as an update as well.

You could check the Firmware revision number in your phone Settings > About. Also let us know if you're using the Dual SIM Variant or not.

Also, did you notice any changes in the responsiveness of the screen? This is the only noticeable change I've found, but I'll keep updating post #14 with more findings. So far, it looks like that I'm the only one who notices an improvement.
Yes, this is true. All updates make the phone respond smoothly and quickly just after the update is finished, but then it would usually start to slow down after a few days. This is even true when a new keyboard language is installed since the phone installs it as an update as well.

You could check the Firmware revision number in your phone Settings > About. Also let us know if you're using the Dual SIM Variant or not.

Also, did you notice any changes in the responsiveness of the screen? This is the only noticeable change I've found, but I'll keep updating post #14 with more findings. So far, it looks like that I'm the only one who notices an improvement.

Firmware revision 02063.00000.15114.43004
On dual SIM.
Screen feels much better. Hopefully it stays this way.
After the change of touch that corrects everything I installed this update, which bring even better results from smooth movement!But 99% of the problem is solved by replacing the touch.Update introduce minor changes do not even know if they exist
gpobernardo said:
What went wrong with your L535?

The much dreaded "touchscreen" issue. Ghost input, click instead of scroll, etc. My screen was very OK when I bought the device (mid January), but it got worse and worse.

I went vocal on the former Nokia discussions forum (in French, as I'm in France) and MS team contacted me by PM. Took my IMEI and said to return my device to the Care as "our teams know what to do", wink wink.

I did and I'm almost sure my touchpanel has been replaced by a newer one (read: this is a hardware issue). There's a lot of testimony, at least in Europe (Germany, Italy) documented here :

I'm not saying ALL touchscreen issues are HW, but some of them certainly are, including mine. If the multitouch test is not OK, then there IS an issue. My device was never OK for multitouch test, but it acted as OK. The situation deteriorated though over time. On a French forum, a guy got his 535 repaired (following the same process I described, he received a PM too), now he can register up to 5 fingers in multitouch test without an issue, and things seem stable after 2 weeks. My repair status went to "Waiting for spare parts" as for him, so I'm quite confident my 535 received the same treatment. Can't wait to get it back on Wednesday.

Most of the time though, the French Nokia Care (centralised, the customer can't access directly) only reflash the device and return it as is :(

Anyway. I welcome this new FW (still to be rolled out in France) on my 535, when it's back next week. I'll report what was changed on it + consequences on the thread aforementioned, FYI ;)
The much dreaded "touchscreen" issue. Ghost input, click instead of scroll, etc. My screen was very OK when I bought the device (mid January), but it got worse and worse.

I went vocal on the former Nokia discussions forum (in French, as I'm in France) and MS team contacted me by PM. Took my IMEI and said to return my device to the Care as "our teams know what to do", wink wink.

I did and I'm almost sure my touchpanel has been replaced by a newer one (read: this is a hardware issue). There's a lot of testimony, at least in Europe (Germany, Italy) documented here :

I'm not saying ALL touchscreen issues are HW, but some of them certainly are, including mine. If the multitouch test is not OK, then there IS an issue. My device was never OK for multitouch test, but it acted as OK. The situation deteriorated though over time. On a French forum, a guy got his 535 repaired (following the same process I described, he received a PM too), now he can register up to 5 fingers in multitouch test without an issue, and things seem stable after 2 weeks. My repair status went to "Waiting for spare parts" as for him, so I'm quite confident my 535 received the same treatment. Can't wait to get it back on Wednesday.

Most of the time though, the French Nokia Care (centralised, the customer can't access directly) only reflash the device and return it as is :(

Anyway. I welcome this new FW (still to be rolled out in France) on my 535, when it's back next week. I'll report what was changed on it + consequences on the thread aforementioned, FYI ;)

Much appreciated, msirapian. I guess I'm a bit lucky with my L535, but I won't hold on to it for long... I"m retiring it as soon as my L1020 is back... or at least test the Win10 Tech Prev on it as soon as it becomes available for the L535. :cool:

I hope everything would go well with your L535... at the very least you got it serviced for free (I hope, it should be within the warranty period for parts replacement and repair).

Looking forward to your findings.
Firmware revision 02063.00000.15114.43004
On dual SIM.
Screen feels much better. Hopefully it stays this way.

Good to know. As of this point, it seems that only those with the Dual SIM Variant are experiencing improvements in the touch screen reliability. Keep the constructive information coming, folks! :cool:
Hello! I called today to work more potential customers and after the call ends screen not responding! I could not close call! :( It be the new update? If you send in service it would change my screen? I happen to press the screen in the bottom right corner and I do not answer!
Hello! I called today to work more potential customers and after the call ends screen not responding! I could not close call! :( It be the new update? If you send in service it would change my screen? I happen to press the screen in the bottom right corner and I do not answer!

If your phone is still covered by warranty, they may replace the screen for free. However, please insist that the technicians in the service center rigorously test the screen reliability first. Some of them simply perform a hard reset or an OS re-installation and hope that that fixes the problem (since that's the usual solution for older devices). After the repair, you could test the phone immediately while you're in the center and return the phone to them on-the-spot if the issue still persists.
Anyone got the lumia 535 latest update over ota??

There are rumours around where I've been hearing the lumia 535 is receiving a new update, if you have received the update please let me know the touch issue after the new update and also mention which country so we can assume and estimate how many countries it has reaches so far...!?
Article about this update is out, written by Daniel Rubino himself. Make sure to check it out here.
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Can we get this new update through LSRT??

If (and it seems like it is) the latest version that is available to the general public, the you should be able to receive this update through LSRT. However, there may be no need to go as far as using the LSRT since it is already being pushed out to the public... unless your phone is experiencing some serious OS-related issues or if you have enrolled your phone into the preview for developers program (something that seemed to have locked out some of the updates in other phone models).

Also, the LSRT will erase all your personal data from your phone. I don't think this minor update would be worth the hassle... even if you had everything backed up already.
Re: Anyone got the lumia 535 latest update over ota??

There are rumours around where I've been hearing the lumia 535 is receiving a new update, if you have received the update please let me know the touch issue after the new update and also mention which country so we can assume and estimate how many countries it has reaches so far...!?

Yes. Check out this thread - some users have received this update already several days ago.
I'm from Philippines and I haven't received this update, and my phone still says that it's up-to-date. Checked with Lumia Software Recovery Tool and Windows Phone Recovery Tool, both still says that .240xx is still up-to-date.

People from my country have already received the same update. Should I be concerned?

P.S. My phone is not enrolled at the preview for dev program.

Added info: Got this phone from SUN Cellular Post-Paid Plan. April 1, 2015.
I'm from Philippines and I haven't received this update, and my phone still says that it's up-to-date. Checked with Lumia Software Recovery Tool and Windows Phone Recovery Tool, both still says that .240xx is still up-to-date.

People from my country have already received the same update. Should I be concerned?

P.S. My phone is not enrolled at the preview for dev program.

Added info: Got this phone from SUN Cellular Post-Paid Plan. April 1, 2015.
II'm. From India even I ain't received this update. Thinking to flash the firmware its useful and worth and fixes most problems.
As gpobernardo said above, this firmware update is a very minor one, I don't think it's worth reflashing the device unless you feel the need to for other reasons.

I've checked the Navifirm servers this morning, the firmware is slowy expanding to different product codes. It's not the country you're living in or you current operator which matter, but your product code. Even in India, my French Country Variant 535 Dual SIM will check the availability of a new OS/FW for its product code.

So my advice: wait & see, nothing critical here.

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