newbie help please folder issues


New member
Jul 31, 2015
I've just subscribed to OneDrive and started uploading. I assumed it would upload them as they are on my laptop - i.e. in specific folders, but it looks like I am getting one folder which is filling up with photos from all the individual ones? How can I start again and get a copy of what I have that will then sync with my phone too and all three will keep up to date and be the same?
70 this year and a newbie, so go easy please, thanks!
All I want to do is have my mobile, my laptop and the OneDrive sync and keep three copies of all my photos in sync... not sure if it's even possible?


I've moved forward and am uploading my folders into a new pictures folder as I type. But that raises a huge question - if I delete the original folder full of some of my images from the original upload, will the OneDrive system delete them from other synced devices, and I'll lose them?
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OK, all the files I want (photos & videos) are now in the Pictures folder on OneDrive - uploaded from my laptop,
The first attempt from my phone are in a folder now called Pictures 3. This is the one I'd like to delete.

However, if I look from my laptop Pictures 3 isn't there?
If I look from my phone then they are both there.

So 2 questions -
Q1: Can I delete folder 3 on the cloud, without OneDrive deleting them on my phone.
Q2: Is it then possible, moving forward, to have cloud, laptop and phone all with the same set of content, and all syncing together regardless of where I make a change?
I've moved forward and am uploading my folders into a new pictures folder as I type. But that raises a huge question - if I delete the original folder full of some of my images from the original upload, will the OneDrive system delete them from other synced devices, and I'll lose them?

Yes, they'll be deleted but the folder/files will be available in the OneDrive Recycle Bin for 3+ months. You should see the message below unless you clicked to not show it again from a prior deletion. If the folder is set to "Always keep on this device" on the other devices, then I think the deleted files will go to the local Recycle Bins, too, same as directly deleting any other file on the device.
OneDrive deleted file warning.jpg
So is there no way to delete this 'mistake' folder without it deleting the photos from the phone and laptop - even if they exist in another folder on the cloud?
Is there a delete duplicates feature floating about up there?
So is there no way to delete this 'mistake' folder without it deleting the photos from the phone and laptop - even if they exist in another folder on the cloud?
Is there a delete duplicates feature floating about up there?

Correct, that's how OneDrive works, it's the same everywhere. I'm a little confused as to the end result you're looking for. Are you saying you want a OneDrive folder "deleted" from some devices but not others? Or are you concerned about files such as photos on your phone that you copied from a non-OneDrive location (for example, the phone's Images > Camera folder) to OneDrive?
Sorry Spicy, I'm not explaining it very well.
Let's start with what I've done -

I was using a different cloud system (Amazon) and was persuaded by a well meaning 'expert' that OneDrive was better and would sync across 3 devices. I want the same folders of media, videos & pictures on my laptop, my phone and with a back-up on the Cloud.
So, for no particular reason I started on my phone (assuming the latest photos would be on there (but might not be copied to my laptop yet)
I downloaded the OneDrive App and started uploading. About half way through the day I had a look to see what was happening and discovered it was ignoring the folders and just dumping everything into one folder called Pictures. I stopped my phone syncing.
Next step, I loaded OneDrive on my laptop and starting dragging the folders (from my Pictures folder) one by one to the OneDrive Cloud folder.
So I now have everything I should have, but also another cloud folder full of assorted pictures from the first attempt.

That's the one I want to delete from the cloud, but only the cloud?

My ideal result?
I'd like my laptop, and my phone to sync with OneDrive and all three to have a mirror image of the same set of media files.
I don't want to save space, I want the full set on all three, and if I take a photo on the phone, I'd like it to be on all three storage mediums, and if I delete on I'd like it to go from all three too.
Have I wasted £60 and two days of my life :unhappy:
Have I wasted £60 and two days of my life :unhappy:

Haha, I don't think so, but easy for me to say. You can't have a OneDrive folder that's only local if that's what you're asking. I think you'll be fine simply deleting the OneDrive folder you don't want from whichever device and it will sync to the others. If the files only exist in the folder you want to delete, then move or copy them to another folder prior. The files are "cloud-only" by default and you need to explicitly set folders/files to also download locally on the laptop by setting them to "Always keep on device" (on your laptop) and "Make available offline" (on your phone). To automatically upload photos you take on your phone, open the OneDrive app on your phone and go to Me > Settings > Camera upload. Enable it, select Additional Folders and make sure Camera is enabled along with any other phone folder(s) you want to be included, such as Screenshots, and those will auto-upload to the Camera Roll folder on OneDrive.

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