No 'Calls' in Your Phone app on Surface Pro X


New member
Jul 17, 2004
Has anyone been able to get the 'Calls' feature to work on their Pro X? This is the very first app/feature that I have NOT been able to get working on my SPX.

Everything else with Your Phone (Notifications, Messages, Photos, Phone Screen) work perfectly between SPX and my Galaxy Note 10...just not 'Calls.' It doesn't even show up.

I came across this article which states that 'Calls' does not work with Windows on ARM devices yet:

Can anyone confirm?

I never used the call feature, but the linked article clearly states that the feature is not available - so i would trust that statement.
Noticed today that a recent update has enabled the Call feature for Your Phone on SPX...yay! I assume this means it is available for all Windows on ARM systems.
It's there for me. It did suddenly disappear but after I "reset" the Your Phone App, cleared the Phone Companion Android app Application Data and set it all up again it reappeared.
Has anyone had call quality issues?

I'm pretty sure it's bluetooth related but the phone ringtone and person speaking are both a loud crackling sound. You cannot hear a word the other person says. It was fine on my Surface Pro 4.
No sound quality issue for me...but, I'm yet to consistently have audio go through the PC. I can dial or answer a call from the Your Phone app but audio all goes through the phone itself.
No sound quality issue for me...but, I'm yet to consistently have audio go through the PC. I can dial or answer a call from the Your Phone app
Hi. Thanks.

It doesn't sound like you're doing the same thing. I can Dial from Your Phone and my phone will make the call. I can also Answer the phone from Your Phone and then use my mobile phone to have the conversation.

But if I try and have a conversation through my Surface Pro so using it's Microphone and Speakers the problem occurs. Also before I answer the call, it's ringing through the Surface Pro X and the problem occurs. The phone though is ringing fine.

but audio all goes through the phone itself.
How do you mean?

It's not possible to have Your Phone ring so you can "Answer a call" but not also have the ringtone go through the Surface Pro X speakers. It has to make a ringtone so you can answer the call. Hopefully this makes sense.

Audio is going through your phone and Surface Pro X.

Unless you've just muted the Surface Pro X so you cannot hear the ringtone.
Here's my experience:

1. I have Surface Pro X and Galaxy Note 10 connected via bluetooth as well as on the same wifi
2. Through the Your Phone app on my SPX I have access to my phone's Notifications, Messages, Photos, Screen, and Calls.
3. I can view Notifications, send/receive text messages, view photos, and copy/paste all from the Your Phone app on my SPX.
4. When I go to the 'Calls' feature in Your Phone app, I can see the dial pad and dial a number. That initiates the call on my phone and the whole call audio goes through my phone's speaker and microphone just as if I was holding it in my hand.
5. When I have an incoming call, the Your Phone app notifies me that there is an incoming call...I can answer it...and, again, all call audio happens through the device itself just as if I was holding it in my hand.

Call audio never goes through the speaker or microphone of my SPX....and no, my SPX is not muted :-)
Here's my experience:

1. I have Surface Pro X and Galaxy Note 10 connected via bluetooth as well as on the same wifi
2. Through the Your Phone app on my SPX I have access to my phone's Notifications, Messages, Photos, Screen, and Calls.
3. I can view Notifications, send/receive text messages, view photos, and copy/paste all from the Your Phone app on my SPX.
4. When I go to the 'Calls' feature in Your Phone app, I can see the dial pad and dial a number. That initiates the call on my phone and the whole call audio goes through my phone's speaker and microphone just as if I was holding it in my hand.
5. When I have an incoming call, the Your Phone app notifies me that there is an incoming call...I can answer it...and, again, all call audio happens through the device itself just as if I was holding it in my hand.
Hi Todd,

Thanks for the detailed reply :). This is the same for me (S10).

5. When I have an incoming call, the Your Phone app notifies me that there is an incoming call...I can answer it...and, again, all call audio happens through the device itself just as if I was holding it in my hand.
Before you answer the call and during the Your Phone notification/popup (the one you mention) your SPX should be ringing too, as well as your phone ringing?

Also, there's an Answer Phone button in the notification so you can speak through your SPX and not answer it on the phone. How is this? I presume you're answering it from the phone.

Thanks, just trying to establish thing here.
Still no fix for this :(.

The upside it's still notifying me on the SPX about the call and I can just answer it on my phone instead but:

- The jarring noise is still there.
- I cannot make use of Your Phone to take the call, which is the whole point you can talk from the PC whilst you work.

It kinda defeats the whole point if you just pick the phone up to speak.
5. When I have an incoming call, the Your Phone app notifies me that there is an incoming call...I can answer it...and, again, all call audio happens through the device itself just as if I was holding it in my hand.

Call audio never goes through the speaker or microphone of my SPX....and no, my SPX is not muted :-)
Sorry are you saying you're using the phone on loud speaker?

It sounds like you are Answering it from the Your Phone notification, but if no audio is coming out of the SPX, and you're not holding it in your hand, then I presume you have the phone on loud speaker.

I have Surface Pro X and iPhone 11 Pro Max connected with Your Phone app. Through the Your Phone app on my SPX I have access only to my phone's MS Edge. How can I add access to other things? Many thanks!
I have Surface Pro X and iPhone 11 Pro Max connected with Your Phone app. Through the Your Phone app on my SPX I have access only to my phone's MS Edge. How can I add access to other things? Many thanks!
It's not possible on iPhones. Blame Apple.

Please start your own thread if you want to discuss something unrelated. Your question is different to mine.
Last edited:
It's not possible on iPhones. Blame Apple.

Please start your own thread if you want to discuss something unrelated. Your question is different to mine.

Thanks. Didn't know about this fact.
Which device works better with Microsoft 365 now - Android (Samsung, Huawei, etc.) or iPhone? Which one is more productive? Maybe You have some experience.
This is fixed I've just noticed.

I'm now using Your Phone version 1.20052.148.0.

Now during a call the Notification is also an icon on the Windows Taskbar, it never was before.

This all suggests it was a bug with Your Phone,, possibly only on Windows on ARM devices or only on Surface Pro X. But it's finally fixed :).

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