No NODO update yet for Samsung Focus rev 1.3


New member
Feb 21, 2011
No NODO update yet for Samsung Focus rev 1.4

So, it is now April 27th. Still no, NODO update for us using the Samsung Focus with hardware revisions 1.4 !!! This is getting ridiculous.

Would WPcentral make a stink about it and maybe get some damn answers from Samsung?

UPDATE. Sorry, I suck. In original post I said 1.3 by accident when I meant 1.4. Thanks to duvi for pointing that out.
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Have you plugged it into your Zune software? Also when I did it, it actually installed 2 updates. The first I thought was NoDo but it was the pre NoDo update which had to be installed before it would let me install NoDo.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
Yes I have. If you go to this thread ( you can see where D-Burrs contacted Samsung technical support and the specifically said they have not released the update for those with hardware revision 1.4 and there is no currently announced release for it. Which I believe hardware revision 1.4 is the newest. So if you open up your phone and take off the battery, you will see a REV #. Everybody who has the update is most likely 1.3 or lower.

*EDIT* To fix rev# because I suck big time.
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So, it is now April 27th. Still no, NODO update for us using the Samsung Focus with hardware revisions 1.3 !!! This is getting ridiculous.

Would WPcentral make a stink about it and maybe get some damn answers from Samsung?

Yes I have. If you go to this thread ( you can see where D-Burrs contacted Samsung technical support and the specifically said they have not released the update for those with hardware revision 1.3 and there is no currently announced release for it. Which I believe hardware revision 1.3 is the newest. So if you open up your phone and take off the battery, you will see a REV #. Everybody who has the update is most likely 1.2 or lower.

this has to be incorrect. i only got my focus a few months ago when they just announced that it was $99. i also checked my focus and it's rev 1.3.

i checked that link and people are saying those with 1.4 aren't getting the update.

Jorge, latest information I've been able to secure from Samsung support after quite a bit of digging is that the NoDo update is being pushed out based on build version of the Samsung Focus. NoDo was made available 4/19 to build version REV 1.3; my version, REV 1.4 is allegedly slated to receive the update at a later date, TBD.
If this is indeed the case, this info should be made available to all owners so people aren't throwing their hands up in frustration...

it was available for 1.3 on 4/19. i updated around the 21st though.
So, it is now April 27th. Still no, NODO update for us using the Samsung Focus with hardware revisions 1.4 !!! This is getting ridiculous.

Would WPcentral make a stink about it and maybe get some damn answers from Samsung?

UPDATE...I Suck and said 1.3 when it is in fact 1.4. Thanks DUVI
Into May, Still no NODO!

It's now May 1st. Still no Update.

I Switched over to the Focus from the iPhone - BIG MISTAKE. I have been an MS user for almost 20 years now, since the days of DOS and Win 3.1. I couldn't wait for this phone to come out. Now I completely regret purchasing it.

Not to mention, aside from all this NODO hastle, my Focus still can't hold the 32 gb SD Card I was *promised* it would from day 1. Even today, when I call Samsung, they refuse to admit that the phone cannot use a 32gb SD Card. They say the hardware works, it's the OS, and MS's fault. MS blames it on AT&T. AT&T blames on Samsung. And Around and Around it goes...

I am so fed up with this phone and all the problems that came with it. Why does the iPhone flourish with every new update and new device? Because it doesn't have the bureaucracy of 3 different companies, each of whom want to take no credit for any of the faults, mishaps, or errors! Purely a lack of communication on their part and a lack of respect for the consumer. As far as I can tell, this is all a result of MS rushing an unfinished product to the market to compete with Android and iPhone. "No Donuts" MS? At least Androiders *receive* their updates?!

If I wasn't flat broke, I'd spring for a new phone in a heartbeat. But alas, I'm stuck with junk.

(note my angry emoticon)
That's bad to hear, maybe you should jump to Android land and return when the OS is more mature. Remember that early adopters always get screwed. =(
Did you try this?

It's now May 1st. Still no Update.
... Not to mention, ..., my Focus still can't hold the 32 gb SD Card ...

jonboy, sorry you're having problems. the phone isn't junk and is actually pretty awesome. you don't indicate what you've tried to get the update. I have a Focus with the Nodo update and running a 32GB card so I'll take a stab here:

1) To get the update, download and install the Zune software on your home computer. When you connect your WP to your computer, it'll synch, and your update will take place just about automatically. You'll use the Zune software for other things too, so you need it anyways.

2) I'm running a Sandisk 32GB Class4 card for about a month now. Check the thread on SD cards for other brands and their success and failure stories. If you do go this way, you will have to reset your phone though.

If you have questions, post back here. Good luck!
Why do people keep insisting on giving the same basic instructions on how to perform the update in a thread where it specifically talks about how the update is not released yet for the hardware revision people are talking about.....?
jonboy... sorry you are frustrated and that it hasn't been a smooth transition for you, but these features or issues you had were there from day 1 of your purchase and could have easily returned it within 30 days, unlike the carriers that have 14 days.

another thing, i have an atrix (and soon an inspire 4G) and both do not have the latest OS update. we're being told "later this year" for atrix users.

you stated unfinished and rushed, but where should they have started? the iPhone started without copy & paste, without mms and without APPS! i could go on and on with what the iPhone didn't start with, but i do not have that much time. lol. Android? they had apps, but they were some of the ugliest apps you ever saw compared to the iPhone apps. they are only just started to match or better some iPhone apps. And IMHO, most apps (if not all) that all 3 have (FB, IMDb, ESPN ScoreCenter) are much better on wp7 than the other two. this doesn't make any better or worse than the other, but it shows that no OS came out the box with what they have/are currently.

damned if they do, damned if they don't because you say they "rushed" the OS out, but on the other hand, you're unhappy because you don't have NoDo. is that fair? now if your response is... "they should have waited until NoDo came out", why not wait until mango or wp8... where would it end? heck, why did Apple push the iPhone out, they should have waited 4 years for 4.3.2 to be released. Android should have waited until 2.3.4 to be released. see what i did? M$, like everyone else had to start somewhere.
Why do people keep insisting on giving the same basic instructions on how to perform the update in a thread where it specifically talks about how the update is not released yet for the hardware revision people are talking about.....?

or the fact that jonboy didn't mention what revision he was on and like a lot of users may not have done the basic steps to get the update to his phone.

does the focus need NoDo to support the 32gb memory card? i could be wrong because i don't use memory cards, but i didn't think it did. so why not post the basic steps since the user doesn't seem as though they have tried the basic steps to getting the SD card working.
Jonboy: MS had nothing to do with Samsung wanting to try some trick to get Nand memory to play nice with SD memory. It was up to Samsung to test every single possible scenario. Had for the users who got it working but it is still and will probably always be a little iffy. And if cut & paste was that important to you, you probably would have kept your iPhone. I have had my Surround since 11/8 and love it with my 16GB SD card and without NoDo.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express

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