I am sorry but what is going on is you believed the rumor mill. There was never anything from Microsoft to suggest they were really making an announcement, just typical BS from a lot of people who like to hear themselves talk. As it stands, Haswell chips have only been out for a very short time and the world is hardly filled with the hardware to take advantage of them, and the next generation Atom processors are not even out. The next generation ARM processors are also still somewhere off towards the horizon. There will not be a Surface 2 announced until it is more than concept - the same goes for the mythical small form factor. That could be a few days or a few months and anyone who really knows has signed a NDA and really likes 1) their income, and 2) not getting sued. Planning purchases on the basis of the rumor mill is entirely at your own risk. You can hardly fault the manufacturer for not announcing something they never said they would announce.