Still no announcement for the 928, but so many rumors about this next flagship phone, the EOS and it being exclusive to AT&T. I don't know about the rest of you, but I choose carriers first due to coverage area. I voiced my disappointment before to Nokia about having the 920 being exclusive to AT&T when it was released. Granted I am just 1 person.
I recently sent @NokiaCaresUS a tweet. I basically said that if they release their next flagship phone and make it exclusive to AT&T again, I was going to boycott them all together. As a community, if we all send a similar message to them, we may make a difference. I like having the best phone when I decide it is time to get a new phone. I know that the GS4 is not as durable or nice looking as the Lumia 928, but it packs tons of features. I will give Nokia till the end of May. I hope more of you will join me and tweet @NokiaCaresUS to hopefully make their next flagship phone to be released on all major carriers in the US. Let our voices be heard.