Nokia Arriving In The US ?

It won't be a dud, but I doubt it will be a blockbuster either. Also, just because something is inexpensive does not mean that it is cheaply made. I haven't heard anyone complain about the 710's build quality.

I'm surprised by this move, but I don't think it's a bad call for T-Mobile. For Nokia, most of us probably expected them to hit the US hard with their best effort right off the bat, but apparently they like to dip their toes in the water before jumping in. Either way, I wish both T-Mobile and Nokia luck.
This is especially good for feature phone people who are looking to try a smartphone. These people stayed feature phone users so long for a reason. When they get their first smart phone, it will likely be with some trepidation. These people are the ones that have made Android so huge.

They don't want to spend $200 on their first smart phone. They want to try something inexpensive first. And if they like it, they'll get the better model next time.

I guess the rest of us who would like to upgrade from the HD7 and DVP to a better device on tmo should move to att then. Probably all in their plan to help the acquisition go through.
I don't know if the T-Mobile acquisition will go through. AT&T is restructuring the deal to give it a better chance.
I don't know if the T-Mobile acquisition will go through. AT&T is restructuring the deal to give it a better chance.

I would honestly prefer it if the deal never goes through. I don't want AT&T to become the sole major GSM-based carrier in the nation. It's nice to have a choice when AT&T or T-Mo piss you off as a customer for whatever reason.
I'm not worrying about AT&T being the sole GSM provider because it will likely take close to a year, or maybe longer, for the deal to fully go through. By then, LTE networks will be built up decently well. In another year or two after that, LTE will be the majority of the networks.

Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T are all going LTE. (which I believe is a GSM based technology)

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