Nokia Camera and the dual files that it saves??


New member
Dec 20, 2012
I am a little confused about this 5mb jpeg and the 16mb jpeg that is saved every time you snap a picture. Then, when you share it downsizes even further, I can't figure out whats going on here. Can some in the know explain? I want to snap a picture and have it save as 1 file with the max resolution, is this possible? Am I missing what is so good about the multiple save option?
I am a little confused about this 5mb jpeg and the 16mb jpeg that is saved every time you snap a picture. Then, when you share it downsizes even further, I can't figure out whats going on here. Can some in the know explain? I want to snap a picture and have it save as 1 file with the max resolution, is this possible? Am I missing what is so good about the multiple save option?

Basically 5 MP Photos is only for shraing on social media and high resolution photos is for keeps. But if you dont want to dual save files you can disable it. Nokia Camera -> Settings.
Basically 5 MP Photos is only for shraing on social media and high resolution photos is for keeps. But if you dont want to dual save files you can disable it. Nokia Camera -> Settings.
I don't see the option to disable that anywhere, can you be more specific about the location?
Basically 5 MP Photos is only for shraing on social media and high resolution photos is for keeps. But if you dont want to dual save files you can disable it. Nokia Camera -> Settings.

Um, what if I only want the 16mb photo and not the 5mb? Don't tell me...
Um, what if I only want the 16mb photo and not the 5mb? Don't tell me...

Yeah, there is no option for 16mp only.

As a side note, the only way I have found to export the DNGs is through your desktop.

I successfully imported with Lightroom and was able to create and apply an Xrite Passport Color Checker profile for the Icon today. You just have to be sure to underexpose a little. We need an on screen histogram. :)
Yeah, there is no option for 16mp only.

As a side note, the only way I have found to export the DNGs is through your desktop.

I successfully imported with Lightroom and was able to create and apply an Xrite Passport Color Checker profile for the Icon today. You just have to be sure to underexpose a little. We need an on screen histogram. :)
DNG, is that in .RAW format?
DNG, is that in .RAW format?
RAW is a type of file but most camera companies use their own file extensions. There are no .RAW file extensions. DNG is the RAW format developed by Adobe a few years back to try to move the industry towards a common file extension...they have not been successful so I am sure they are thrilled that Nokia has used DNG as their RAW format.
RAW is a type of file but most camera companies use their own file extensions. There are no .RAW file extensions. DNG is the RAW format developed by Adobe a few years back to try to move the industry towards a common file extension...they have not been successful so I am sure they are thrilled that Nokia has used DNG as their RAW format.
In the pictures taken with your Icon section of this forum there is a guy that said he shot the pictures with his Icon in RAW, even did a AB comparison with jpeg and raw, it was quite difference between the two. So now I'm really confused....
In the pictures taken with your Icon section of this forum there is a guy that said he shot the pictures with his Icon in RAW, even did a AB comparison with jpeg and raw, it was quite difference between the two. So now I'm really confused....

DNG is a type of RAW. RAW files come on various formats: Canon uses CR2, Adobe created DNG (which Nokia uses), Nikon uses NEF, etc...RAW is the generic word. DNG is the RAW format Nokia is using.

To select, go to Nokia Pro Camera:
  1. Settings > Capture Mode
  2. Select JPEG (5 MP) + DNG (16 MP)


DNG files can only be transferred by connecting via USB and either using File Explorer or software that will import DNG files (Like Adobe Lightroom)
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Wait, so if I select to transfer the hi res file to Skydrive, it's sending the 16m, yes? As long as I capture in .jpeg format?

Wait, so if I select to transfer the hi res file to Skydrive, it's sending the 16m, yes? As long as I capture in .jpeg format?

No, it's sending the lower rest pic to SkyDrive. If you attach that same pic to an email or text it will lower the resolution even further, I don't get it... Currently, the only way to use or view the high rest picture is to connect your phone to your computer, go to the picture folder and select the pictures that have "highres" in the name. It is really stupid!
No, it's sending the lower rest pic to SkyDrive. If you attach that same pic to an email or text it will lower the resolution even further, I don't get it... Currently, the only way to use or view the high rest picture is to connect your phone to your computer, go to the picture folder and select the pictures that have "highres" in the name. It is really stupid!

You can send Hi Res photos using on the 120. Maybe if enough of us request it they will give it to us, too

Hold on...seriously, I am so confused. So this phone takes a big azz resolution pic, then another low(er) res pic, and the only way I can access the high res pic is plugging in to a PC and exporting it? Do I have that right? I am not trying to be a wiseguy here, but what possible sense does that make?? I can't even imagine what kind of "feature" that is.

When I connect to my PC, I see the two files, but one is usually 1-2m and the "hi res" is 5m. Do I have some setting off? Ugh...

I am really, really trying to make the switch, but things like this make me wonder who WP is designed for...
Basically 5 MP Photos is only for shraing on social media and high resolution photos is for keeps. But if you dont want to dual save files you can disable it. Nokia Camera -> Settings.

Okay... So 5MB goes up to Facebook... Got it... What file is going up on OneDrive (SkyDrive) for my automatically? And what one is in my photos on the phone? OR ... to make it easier, how do I find and save the 16MB version?
The camera snaps a 19 MP (if using 4:3) or a 16 MP (if using 16:9) DNG file. This is a RAW image file that ranges any where from 18-25mb. From that DNG file, it creates a 5 MP JPG file that is usually around 1-2mb.

Most PCs (or MACs) are not pre-configured to be able to view RAW images, like DNG. Skydrive (AKA OneDrive) and other clouds services are also not designed to view DNG files. Also, the bandwidth to upload multiple DNG's would be rather large and slow. There might be times I wish to directly upload a DNG to Skydrive, but for the most part people are not going to want to do that, especially with multiple photos. The 5 MP JPG is to make working with these hi-resolution photos manageable on a day to day basis. That 5 MP JPG created from the RAW image is still a reasonably decent quality image.

I would imagine that over time, we will see more apps that let you work with the high resolution photos.

*Edit: I found in a couple of other threads that Pocket File Manager gives you access and you can export it using multiple methods.

The camera snaps a 19 MP (if using 4:3) or a 16 MP (if using 16:9) DNG file. This is a RAW image file that ranges any where from 18-25mb. From that DNG file, it creates a 5 MP JPG file that is usually around 1-2mb.

Most PCs (or MACs) are not pre-configured to be able to view RAW images, like DNG. Skydrive (AKA OneDrive) and other clouds services are also not designed to view DNG files. Also, the bandwidth to upload multiple DNG's would be rather large and slow. There might be times I wish to directly upload a DNG to Skydrive, but for the most part people are not going to want to do that, especially with multiple photos. The 5 MP JPG is to make working with these hi-resolution photos manageable on a day to day basis. That 5 MP JPG created from the RAW image is still a reasonably decent quality image.

I would imagine that over time, we will see more apps that let you work with the high resolution photos.

*Edit: I found in a couple of other threads that Pocket File Manager gives you access and you can export it using multiple methods.

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You are correct about the DNG file, however, you can choose to have the pictures saved in 5mp jpeg, 5mp jpeg +16mp jpeg or 5mp jpeg+ 16mp DNG. When you choose the 16mp jpeg option Onedrive will not upload it. The ONLY way to use the 16mp is to access your picture file from a computer, this is a ridiculous option and must be fixed. I want the option to only have a 16 MP jpeg that I can edit, upload or resize for sharing..fdcx
Okay. I believe I understand. To clarify... The camera saves a 5MP & 16MP picture. The phone uses the 5MP for everything. The 16MP sits somewhere on the phones storage and must be moved to a computer using a USB. So... my two questions are:

1. If I delete the picture from my pictures on phone does it also delete the 16MP

2. What is the preferred method of moving the 16MP file to my computer so that I can upload it to my SkyDrive?
my icon only has a choice of 'jpeg (5mp)' or 'jpeg (5mp) + (16mp)'. Nothing is marked dng. Even though I have the second option selected I only find one picture in my album. I loaded HD Photo Viewer and still nothing - just the jpg file.

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