Nokia Experts asking about Windows Phone

Wow, this is STILL going on. I'm pretty sure that the contest threads are supposed to be closed when the contest is over, or at least that's what all of the other sites have done.
I heard this is supposed to be over on Thursday, or at least that's AndroidCentral's plan.
1. Windows mobile 6.5 was a huge disapointment. Should have been much better than it was. I have been using htc smart phones and ppc's ever since the "star trek" flip phone was released and i have been a loyal htc /wm user ever since. I did buy the iphone when it first came out and boy was it SWEET and SEXY in the hand but after 20 or 30 minuets of playing with the calculator and looking at the stock ticker it was apparent that being locked down was no good:p... now Windows mobile is the platform that feels locked down sometimes:confused:. Late to the table with app store, still no good pandora/grooveshark app...and still needing to use a stylus to navigate the menus. I am holding out hope for WM7 (am i starting to sound like a ******?) everything i hear is good and with zune intergrations should be great. Please Microsoft....please dont disapoint us again....i want to stay with Windows Mobile, maybe because my desktop is windows and im anal about keeping things the same, i dunno.... but all i know is that the droid is starting to look mighty nice. :hmm:
Hopefully Windows 7 can get back on the right track and so some good for all the Windows Mobile fans out there.

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