Nokia Experts asking about Windows Phone

I'm not really sure which thread, or both, count this week for the round robin, so posting in both.
Windows Mobile for Nokia User

HTC does dominate Windows Mobile because they've done it so long, but my first Windows Mobile phone was actually a phone by Samsung (the SCH i760) in 2008. This was a sturdy well made phone, and I don't know why VZW stop selling it, but I loved it.

Having owned the Nokia N97 flagship I thought the Windows Mobile community in the US at least is larger. When I used a Windows Mobile I thought the community was large, and there was plenty of information about customizing, flashing..whatever you needed. Nokia seems Europe and Asia focused, and although I know Nokia is trying to remedy this I always thought of the phone as non-US which is fine. Windows Mobile also has some really cool apps like coreplayer. A Windows Mobile phone like the Touch Pro 2 or HD2 can really do it all for you.
Is this still the latest Entry thread? I thought the discussion threads were updated every week, no?
1. Yes, it will probably happen with Windows Mobile 7 (which is a big deal around here, in case you didn't know).

2. I like HTC and Samsung, but for Windows Mobile 7 I might go with LG.

3. Microsoft is working on these things; they're in Windows Mobile 7. The reason why they aren't already in it is I think Microsoft just didn't think Windows Mobile was profitable up until 2007/2008.

4. I would probably miss the Start menu the most.

5. I would say, "Wait for the final release of Windows Mobile 7 and then decide which platform to be loyal to," 3 times.

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