Nokia Experts asking about Windows Phone

[*]Most of the Windows Phone devices I have used have been HTC models. What other manufacturers do you like for Windows Phones?

Well, I used to love Palm WM phones, but that looks to be no more. So....I don't really like any others. The new LG looks promising, but nothing seems to touch HTC!! They are making some great hardware, both for WM and Android!
Can't really think of much more to add, so mainly a contest entry this time.

I will say, though, that most HTC reviews I've heard have been good. Better than, say, LG, or Motorola, which seem to have a number of negative reviews floating around each phone. (Except the Droid for the latter.)
Although I just switched over to an android phone, I really miss the Outlook integration too. HTC has a great desktop sync tool, but there's no native Tasks, Notes, or Office client on Android to sync with. I'm using a mix-and-match of Google and other services to do the same things I did with Outlook but over the air.
If WinMo 7, myPhone, and Office 2010 can tighten up cloud syncing and totally revamp the OS I might just come back to Microsoft. But if Nokia accomplishes the same thing, there is going to be some serious competition.
Hello everyone, this is Matt Miller from Nokia Experts kicking off a discussion for the third week of the Smartphone Round Robin. I started using mobile devices back in 1997 with the Palm Pilot and then in 2001 added Pocket PC devices to my collection. I have been a HUGE fan and advocate for the Windows Mobile platform so this week I actually am covering a platform I am intimately familiar with. Like Nokia, Microsoft has been in the game quite some time and even though neither OS is as flashy as Google Android or the iPhone, I think you will all agree they are both still valid, extremely powerful, and highly customizable.

To generate some discussion about Windows Phone and help you get some entries into the contest for your own Windows Phone device, I have the following questions for you all here:

  1. As a Windows Phone fan I have been frustrated by the apparent slowness of Microsoft to get updates out to users. IMHO the release version of WM 6.5 was lame and what I have seen with WM 6.5.3 is what we should have seen with WM 6.5. Will Microsoft ever change to be more responsive to the mobile community?
  2. Most of the Windows Phone devices I have used have been HTC models. What other manufacturers do you like for Windows Phones?
  3. I have also been extremely frustrated with Microsoft in regards to services because they could have easily been first with a hosted Exchange program so everyone could have had an experience like BlackBerry and an on-device software application store. Microsoft has the technology and the intelligent people to get these things done, as we see with the Zune HD and Xbox 360. Do you think it is the large corporation culture, inability to really understand what people want, or something else that prevents Windows Phone from leading in these types of areas?
  4. What Windows Phone feature do you think you'd miss the most if somebody replaced your device with a Nokia smartphone?
  5. What 3 things would you tell a Nokia Experts reader about to convince them to buy a Windows Phone device?

....there's plenty more to talk about, so don't feel limited by the above. Remember, every day you make a post in this thread for the next week, you'll be automatically entered to win a smartphone! More details at

1) I feel that Microsoft has already started to show a positive stance toward its mobile community. I remember playing around with Pocket Pc's, and remembering how many times they used to freeze up and drop calls, add random events to the calendar that would go off at 2 am, and so on. It really got me turned off by the Windows mobile technology. Then, I did some research on today's WMo phones and saw that they generally improved. The new operating system has fewer flaws, and the phones provide the user with much more than just a calendar, Microsoft to Go, and phone capabilities.

2) Haha, I think that when it comes to Windows Phones, HTC dominates the playing field. If I had to choose with another make, I would probably have to go with Samsung and the Omnia II. Its cheaper than HTC and provides decent quality to its operations. Its a good deal I think.

3)When I analyzed what The deal was with the "Curbstomp" technology WMo phones had to cope with, I came to the conclusion that WMo phones never had enough research put into it. I sort of believed that Microsoft put more emphasis and $$ into its individual products at different times, so one division was provided with more funding than other. When XP was done, Microsoft started to provide more funding to the 360, keeping MP3 players and Mobile tech at a standstill, as well as its OS development. Therefore, Vista was released, the Bulky Zune Original was unveiled to compete with Ipod Nanos and the Video, and Pocket Pc's were literally 'All the Rage'. Then, they got smart with their money, and because the 360 became the most sold console two years running, everything got a lot more funding, so the new WMo 6.0 software came out, Win7 came out, and the Zune HD came out. So ya, its corporate culture that destroyed their initial WMo phones and OS'; however, now that they got smarter with their funding, it should be better.
4) I think I would miss the OS the most. Though the Nokia has its perks, I have never been that impressed with it. WMo has a lot of potential with updates and exchange servers. The 6.0 OS can host a lot of new features!
- The New 6.0 OS is not a disappointment at all, it can host so many new features that it will be a hard task to become bored with it.
- If You want amazing streamlining with your PC and Phone, then this is the way to go. Sync features in cars also work amazingly well with WMo phones. And New Updates with other Microsoft software can be an open door to dozens of possibilities (haha maybe we can expect some kind of Call feature on your 360, using a synced Wmo phone to call an Xbox Live Friend).
- Though they have been moving slow, their still trucking. Microsoft will definitely develop better technology within a few years. Zune HD. If you aren't impressed now, wait a few more years until they create the ultimate phone. Heck, they are probably working on it right now.

I hope I can grab a WMo from this contest. I really wanted to use the new 6.0 Software and do work with it. I've loved my other smartphones (Mostly BlackBerry), but I wanna give Windows a try!!
as htc sense gets more and more comprehensive we see less and less of winmo, which is probably making htc a little nervous about winmo7. what if wm7 is just the best interface ever, will htc continue with sense just to differentiate themselves???

as htc sense gets more and more comprehensive we see less and less of winmo, which is probably making htc a little nervous about winmo7. what if wm7 is just the best interface ever, will htc continue with sense just to differentiate themselves???
Thats a good question, I asked my self the same thing. Will HTC Sense be discontinued when WM7 gets into the market? Since HTC is probably the leading phone that uses WM6.1 as an OS, I wouldn't see why Sense would have to continue itself if WM7 over took it. However, HTC knows their phones better than Microsoft, so I would rather favor more streamlining between HTC and WM7 than just complete differentiation. It all depends on what WMo7 will offer.

I enjoy the HTC sense interface though, I've played around with it at Cell Phone stores and what not. If it did turn into its own OS, I would be at a standstill; Like I said earlier, WMo streamlining would be the best alternative.

*Contest Entry*
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Another mainly contest entry. I personally have no doubt that HTC will continue to put Sense on even after WinMo 7 comes out, since they're putting it on different operating systems already.
*Contest Entry* (If Still Eligible, its been exactly more than a week). HTC and WMo have had a great integration, so hopefully the review will turn out to be a positive!

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