Nokia Lumia 1020 Bugs and Defects

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After 3 Lumia 920 and now a 1020 that forgets the simcard + simcardtray jammed I'm getting a bit tired.
Returning my 1020 and takes a break from Nokias qc for a couple of months :)
Good luck all ppl and merry Xmas
You have got to be the unluckiest person ever. At least in terms of Nokia handsets. I've never hand any hardware problems with Nokia. My 925 and 1020 are perfect, except for a small dark blob on my 1020 screen which is barely noticeable unless I squint at it in a dark room.

I hope your replacement handset is finally the one.

I might argue with you regarding the unluckiest person... :) I had 6 L920 and 2 L1020 within 11 months, all had smth wrong with them and were replaced under warranty. The latest 1020 does have some minor issues but I can live with them.
I am having the problem where my 1020 just sudenly reboots for no apparent reason, and makes me re-enter my pin-number... Anyone heard anything from Nokia or MS about an update for this?
I might argue with you regarding the unluckiest person... :) I had 6 L920 and 2 L1020 within 11 months, all had smth wrong with them and were replaced under warranty. The latest 1020 does have some minor issues but I can live with them.

Haha, I also had six 920s and at&t gave me an HTC one 64gb finally. I sold it for $550 and bought another 920 used that is rock solid for $250. Used the other $300 as part payment for my 1020, which I have replaced once for freezing issues. Replace my wife's 820 twice as well:'( Even with all the issues and time spent dealing with them I can't ignore the greatness that is WP on Nokia devices. Cheers!!!
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Just was given a new 1020 as replacement device and noticed that if you have a pin for the lockscrren, pressing camera button wakes the camera, but doesn't by pass lockscrren. My 920 was doing the same thing after amber update, but would bypass the lockscrren on earlier builds.

I liked being able to fire up the camera without having to enter a pin #. I have talked with Nokia about it and was told that it will be reported to the "team" (whatever the team may be).

The device is an ATT variant, and not sure if others are affected.

Anyone else experiencing the same issue?
Just was given a new 1020 as replacement device and noticed that if you have a pin for the lockscrren, pressing camera button wakes the camera, but doesn't by pass lockscrren. My 920 was doing the same thing after amber update, but would bypass the lockscrren on earlier builds.

I liked being able to fire up the camera without having to enter a pin #. I have talked with Nokia about it and was told that it will be reported to the "team" (whatever the team may be).

The device is an ATT variant, and not sure if others are affected.

Anyone else experiencing the same issue?

Yup, I could confirm it works the same way on my 1020 which has the developer preview for GDR3 installed.
The topmost tiles of the home screen always default to a position a little bit down from the top of the screen. It appears to be the height of a toast notification, not just the height of the clock, etc. This is frustrating because the tiles are designed to fit on the full screen and when they default to this position there is a big unnecessary black bar at the top and the bottom row of tiles gets cut off, rather than being fully visible as intended. Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a fix or workaround?
Hi there, i have very strange issue with 1020 lumia. It can't play YouTube videos and connect to my Facebook page. So far problem exists only on my Linksys WiFi router @ home (tried other router and it worked). Of course I could blame my router but i have there my iPhone, iPad, mac and other stuff working perfect. No firewalls are turned on at router - just DHCP and WPA2. Other online apps are Ok. When i turn back to 3G on a phone - youtube and facebook works fine. Got any ideas?
Eugene: Try setting your wifi to a different channel. Worst case you'll find a faster one (test each with, best case it'll clear up some bugs.
Today I had my 1020 on a tripod recording a video of me playing guitar. When I was done after about 10 minutes and went to check on the video, the bing search window was up and my video recording had stopped 4:30 in the shoot. What the hell? I wasn't anywhere near it.

I've also noticed the back button getting "stuck" on a few occations when all i did was press once, it would effectively "press" thrice.

Is ghosting a common problem for the capacitive buttons?
Opticon, Thanks for the hint, i'll do a monitoring, but WiFi works fast and there's no channel overlapping seen. I can watch online video on other sites with my lumia. Issue is just with fb and ytube apps. I was wondering if there's some specific issues with those app's on WP8. I'll test another wifi router with my ISP.
did someone has a problem with sim card reader in lumia 1020, because i broke my slot when I changed sim card?
Just updating with my latest trials and tribulations with my 1020. I'm on my third - first one faulty audio jack. Second one, constant lockups then it got stuck in headset mode (likely due to faulty audio jack). The third one constantly reboots by itself. As I learned with all the lockups that occurred with my second phone - kill all background tasks, use back button to back out of apps. This doesn't seem to help like it did with my 2nd phone. The behavior is different also. The second one would lock up on black screen requiring soft reset. This one just reboots. The phone will be sitting on my desk then all of a sudden restart. Happens at least once a day, probably more. Aside from all the times I see it happen, I often listen to playlists and when I get back in my car I try to pick up the playlist where it left off. Well often the music player has no current playlist active because the phone has rebooted itself.

Very frustrating and nobody from Nokia or AT&T seem interested in helping. And for the record - I don't use very many apps other than what the phone comes installed with.
Lumia 1020 is beautiful but flawed. Just returning the second of two Lumia 1020's. Both have a "gray screen of death" that appears spontaneously and requires a soft-reset (vol-down and power button) to recover from. Can't deal with spontaneous failures. Nokia support was worthless. You would think they would bend over backwards to make sure reliability is never a problem. Too bad, we need another viable competitor. I hope they get their act in gear. In the meantime its back to the iPhone.
I am beginning to wonder if some of the "defects", especially those that are software related, might be coming from carrier channels, as opposed to unlocked/international variants...

I recently purchased Nokia's new flagship 1020 phone and have discovered what appears to be a problem with their OLED screens (used on the 1020 and 928) - just wondered if anyone else has?

It appears that the red pixels are not refreshing as quickly as their blue and green counterparts, resulting in ghosting when scrolling areas of certain colours (ie purple blocks/tiles, bold purple text such as 'used' links in Google) on a white background. Thick black text can also be affected.

The quickest way to test if your screen is the same is to change the theme to light/indigo and scroll around the home screen. The effect varies depending on the tiles in use but can easily be seen as colour smudges over the white phone icon. As it's red, it also happens on the Office icon. I find it actually more annoying when scrolling Google search pages after having used a couple of links.

I have explained the situation to Nokia care who have been very helpful and have both swapped out my screen - claiming to have seen the issue when they received my handset - and then swapped my handset completely when the new screen had the same problem. This still hasn't cured it and I have seen the issue on every 1020 I've used in stores (7) and also on a 928.

I am assuming the problem has been missed by many as most likely use the default dark theme (looks best) and reviewers have likely concentrated on new features like the camera having seen Windows Phone 8 before.

I am hoping this is some kind of driver issue as it would clearly go against the claims of Puremotion HD+ in this video Nokia PureMotion HD+ Display Technology - YouTube
Hi there,

I noticed the same problem with ghosting when I set my tiles to 'Crimson' This is with a black background too.

Has anyone noticed issues when recording a video it tends to almost overcompensate with the OIS. By that I mean the centre focus is fine but parts by the side seem to be almost having a mirage effect or a 'throbbing' motion of forwards and back. If no ones knows what I'm talking about I'll upload a video sample to show you what I mean!


Yep, does it on crimson on mine. Definitely a problem with red pixels. How can this have gone unnoticed? If it didn't and they spotted it, that's even worse. I really hope this is a screen driver thing that can be fixed.
I have the same ghosting dragging issue. Kinda got used to it, so it doesn't annoy me as much anymore.

Plus my three system keys do not always light up, they seem to live their own random life.
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