Problem Focus unit not operation after open camera app. 5-10 mins.
Hi, I received Lumia 1020 a few days ago. Mainly for capture video on any events.
I found that while I capture video for about 5-10 mins, I heard "glug glug" sounds like
AF unit moving (like you switch between Camera mode and Video mode)
and then everything is blur. Video still recording (with blur), and focus unit not functioning.
I close camera app. and wait a few minutes. Then open camera app. again, everything seems to be OK,
but a few minutes ago, same thing happen again. I found that not only video mode, if I open camera app.
(any camera app.) at first everything is OK, auto focus functioning, in manual mode also. but after
5-10 mins ago, sound "glug glug" and everything is blur. focus unit not fucntion (both auto and manual)
I also update nokia app to latest ver but it can't help.
I think, it like an focus unit overheat and reset itself, after close app and wait it cool down, it can use as normal
but in a short time. Is this normal for Lumia 1020's camera?
Anyone have same issues. Is this H/W or S/W problem?
What should I do?
Also hard reset, but same problem found.
see video : at 1:28 min
Nokia Lumia1020 focus not operate. - YouTube