Nokia Lumia 1320 User Reviews

I started with a HTC Mozart, Windows Phone 7, loved that, I had tried iPhone, no thanks, after the Mozart hit the dust I thought I would give Android a spin, Samsung Galaxy S3 mini, three months and I was craving for a windows phone again, the Lumia 520 came out, I was back with Windows phone, I saved up a wee bit of cash got a Lumia 820, my wife got the L520, smashing phone, never gave any problems, then I had a bit of spare cash, birthday money, savings, I thought I would like the Lumia 1320, good price, gave my wife the 820, I am not a heavy user, I use my Surface Pro for all my internet browsing, the battery goes at least four days and possibly could last five, I am sixty six, the eyes aint what they were, I can see this big screen, no bother, texting is great on this screen with text size boosted up. Best windows phone yet, for me.
I first bought a Lumia 1320 for my mom in November. Her phone was dropped in water and she was using my old BB Z10, but it was time to upgrade. She chose the phone herself, she wanted a Lumia 710 when I first got her a phone but said "no, it's Windows, not going to like it". So, long story short, she had android for 3 years and now specifically asked for the 1320. Man, best decision she could have made! After helping her set it up, I wanted to keep it. So after a week I upgraded my Note II, wanted another phablet, went with the 1320. Good price and size, perfect intro to WP. All I can say is if the cameras were just slightly better, this phone would be perfect! Screen is nice, but 720p is slightly low for 6", not a huge downer but definitely noticeable with text. I've had no lag yet. YouTube sometimes gives a decoding error but otherwise is good, the huge screen is perfect for gaming and watching videos. As for apps, well I own Android, BB10 and iOS, so I'm used to having apps and not having apps. The games I have gotten run smooth and work great. Candy Crush has some lag but I only use it to send lives to my gf, so meh. My favorite games are the Mario Bros and Pokemon games and they run great. Also Six Guns, Riptide GP 2 and Into the Dead.
Battery life is awesome, I can get 2 full days of medium to heavy usage, which is all between Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, web browsing ( since there is no app for it) and my 3 personal emails. Same usage as on my Moto X, BlackBerry Q10 and Note II. My old iPhone5s had to be charged twice in a day. The X and Q10 last a day and the Note II lasts about the same as the 1320.
To finish off my "quick" review, I recommend this as a great daily driver, a perfect intro to WP and a good phablet for heavy users. Battery is awesome and its smooth too. Cameras are the main downside. I'll be looking to buy a high end Lumia for a better camera but definitely sticking to Windows for now! Oh and speaker is ok for me, I just try not to cover it while playing music.
I want to say is very good but I can not because at 4g internet and 300mbps I have none tv programms,missing adobe flash player,vimeo,....and so one and after up date at Cyan my lumia 1320 can not see sd card even is 8,16 32, 64 gb . What can i do for to be happy ...
It is exactly 0ne year+ age of my Lumia 1320. I was frustrated when I bought it. But after the second update, it is just what I expected from a windows phone and it is perfect for my daily office and home need. I up dated to w10 preview but down graded back to w8.1 update2 within three days. W10 killed me. I have lost a lot in those three days!
Back to normal today and must say it is good enough for my work and testing.
The 1320 after two years ( and a couple of months ).

Stil going strong on 8.1, stil no issues.
Not a single scratch on the display.
The only thing that was replaced was the backcover.
That was because that the plastic was starting to crack near the camera and the buttons.
Instead of black it has now a orange cover.
And the usb connector is showing some wearing,
it's getting some wiggely wobbely but my guess is that happend because of the carmount.
Batterylife is stil as good as ever, stil getting more than two days ( when not using navigation ).

Tried win 10 a couple of times, but no....
in my opinion its not as reliable as win 8.x,
so i keep it steady as it goes on 8.1.

I was thinking about to replacing it for a 950 ( xl ) and even for a 650, but why?
Stil see no reasons why i should.
Maybe next year with the socalled surface or maybe the HP Elite....maybe, maybe not.
Al these new phones stil not giving me the wowfactor,
not for that kind of money and i can spend it only once.....
So stil on hold and waiting for the next big thing.

If its going to be a windowsdevice, who knows.
Competitors developing also great and some awesome devices, check out Huawei, LG and Sony.
But they al have the same windows.

So maybe i see you in a third year review ;-)

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