Nokia Lumia 730 & 735 Bugs and Defects

My phone's cameras lens is getting lot of scratches probably because they didn't used scratch resistant glass(because no other device I own got scratches on daily use). Anyone else getting scratches?

How frequently are you facing the issue,
for me it stopped for some 10-15 days but it again started..
for previous 3-4 days my phone restarted once daily...all the times I was using some app.
Whats interesting is most of those times I was using windows central app and whatsapp
I have 2 weeks with an 730 and it is restarting once a day. Had an 820 and 520 for one year and a half and had maximum 5 restarts in this period of time so this is really weird and disappointing. Always is restarting using some apps like tapatalk, IE or here drive. The phone doesn't get hot or even warm ever, this is really nice and other than this restarting thing everything is working good. Tried stock denim, latest dp version, same issue.
Are the apps that you're using when it resets, installed on the SD card and/or do you have active tile apps (on your home screen) or apps running in the background that are installed on the SD card when the resetting occurs ?

How frequently are you facing the issue,
for me it stopped for some 10-15 days but it again started..
for previous 3-4 days my phone restarted once daily...all the times I was using some app.
Whats interesting is most of those times I was using windows central app and whatsapp

[SUP]From one time in the 2-3 days, up to 2-3 times a day. I have sent my phone to Nokia Repair and they updated my phone. No more reboots now for 4 days. Which windows version do you have on your phone?[/SUP]

Still rebooting:(
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I seem to be getting a lot of scratches on the Camera glass. Tried all sorts of covers and cases but the scratches seem to increasing on a daily basis. Does the warranty cover the cam glass. Is it replaceable?
I have same problem it restarts 2-3 times a day but usually when im on facebook, i dont have SD card i took it out becouse it was class 4 kingston, and when restarted it said SD card error, but now it does it without SD card, i think it is one drives problem. I am using windows 8.10.14157.200 from serbia, and i bought phone like a week ago.

P.S: No new updates found !
I just got my first W8P a Lumia 730 and after few days of usage I becoming to like it & almost recommend it to others until recenty. I am experiencing exactly the same problem like on this thread, from time to time my phone's cellular+sim settings is deactivated by itself. During this state my phone is unreachable and couldnt make an outgoing call even I had active networks & full networks coverage. If try to dial it doesnt call and it doesnt cancell my currently dialed number. I have to restart the phone by hard pressing the switch to make it usable again. It takes something like 2 minutes to restart. When connecting to WiDi thru Miracast, it will disconnect after few seconds. I had 32gb class10 microSDHC attached, one of the best in the market as they advertized but I suffered accasional crashed with mem-card, had to restart the phone . Checking your phone's network setting from time to time worrying that you may miss an important call is the last thing we want from our phone. I'd like to ask your technical support I supposed I am on the right site, please help, anybody?. Thanks
Hey all.. I bought lumia 730 this week and find same issue with sd card but everything fine now when I change to new sd card (16GB). Double tap for wake up not working propely in 730 :(
Yeah I am thinking because it is new phone (like month old) it is using bad os, they probably need to know about it and release a new update.
I have same problem it restarts 2-3 times a day but usually when im on facebook, i dont have SD card i took it out becouse it was class 4 kingston, and when restarted it said SD card error, but now it does it without SD card, i think it is one drives problem. I am using windows 8.10.14157.200 from serbia, and i bought phone like a week ago.

P.S: No new updates found !

Exactly the same thing. 730 crashes on average 4-5 times a week, and somdays i get 2-3 restarts in few hours. No apps on SD and only one SIM card is in the phone.

I've had HTC 8s for two years and it crashed only few times even when i was using 8.1 beta on it. Lumia 730 crashes very often, im getting tired of it.

WP ver: 8.10.14167.221.
Never had any restarting issues with my L735 (UK, factory unlocked, 16GB Samsung microSD card.)

The only bug I've experienced is once the WiFi refused to function after coming out of flight mode. But that was one time, and it's never happened since.

I'm finding the device to be very stable.
1 week used lumia 730, I dont have restart issue.. Please disable double tap for wake up & everything will be all right
i got this phone yesterday, checked all the setting, everything was fine.
today i sawthis weird thing and i suspect its the audio settings(i remember it crashed when i tried to open it) anyone else?
PS nothing opens if i tap it.
Man I thought I was the only one with restarting issue. I often get it atleast 2-3 times per week. Don't know what's the problem of this phone.
It's like soft-resetting itself. My battery goes back to 97% even though it's 85% before. Time and date resets too. Irritated with the bug.

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