Nokia Lumia 928 Bugs and Defects

Yes,that's correct. If you read / delete,it is not synced until the next time mail syncs up. This is to save battery and data.
No bugs with the hardware so far however when it comes to the Facebook chat integration in WP8 it us still pretty bad. The client just doesn't work properly & needs to be addressed. Painfully slow updates/interaction. The actual Facebook messenger portion if the app is light years ahead by comparison. Using WP8 as your client for Facebook chat is a great idea & entirely consistent with the social integration of WP8 but if a fairly significant part of that integration flat out doesn't work, it must be fixed in order to take the OS seriously.
So I was the guy who previously sent in his Lumia 928 to get a replacement from Verizon for a problem with the audio dropping out on phone calls sporadically. Well, the replacement came in from Verizon and I no longer have that problem, so I am happy and going to keep this usable handset. However, much to my dismay, this unit does have the oft-dreaded gunky Windows soft key. Not a big enough deal for me to return it, but clearly the quality control for Lumia 928 manufacturing leaves something to be desired. Everything else is working well, except maybe the exceptionally weak vibrate.

Dear Nokia (if you're reading this): I know you guys have been working to make sure your downstream is efficient and cheaper, but never sacrifice customer satisfaction to save on costs, unless you're saving enough money to account for all of the lost return customers. This is the first phone I've ever had to RMA, so now you guys get that pleasant distinction in my mind. In fact, it's only the second electronic device I've EVER owned that I've had to RMA, and I've been building my own computers for years.
Dear Nokia (if you're reading this): I know you guys have been working to make sure your downstream is efficient and cheaper, but never sacrifice customer satisfaction to save on costs, unless you're saving enough money to account for all of the lost return customers. This is the first phone I've ever had to RMA, so now you guys get that pleasant distinction in my mind. In fact, it's only the second electronic device I've EVER owned that I've had to RMA, and I've been building my own computers for years.

AND the return unit isn't a fully satisfying item either! This makes me just hope I never have to send mine in (non-gunky button).
Last night Nokia called me again regarding the replacement device they sent me. I had told her in our last conversation that I was not going to bother switching to that phone given that it has the same defect as mine - the gunky start button (this is my third 928). Last night, when she started the conversation, she asked if I was satisfied with the replacement. Here's what I said to her (approximated quotation):

Last time you called, I told you that I was not going to switch because it has the same defect. You had also told me previously that Nokia doesn't consider this a defect. Fact: Your customers consider it a defect, and you are losing customers because of it. There is at least one thread I can think of on WPCentral that asks the question, "Is the start button defect gone yet?" and the person asking is wondering if later batches of the phone have the same defect with the start button. This person is obviously not buying a Nokia because of the defect that you say isn't a defect, because it matters to him. If Nokia were smart, they'd consider this to be a defect just as their customers (and potential customers) do. To not do so is completely irresponsible.
(She made a comment to me about it being only cosmetic). I'm done. I'm not going to switch it out - it isn't worth the hassle anymore. I've told YOU from the start that it was cosmetic, so you don't need to tell me the same. Whether it is cosmetic or not, it is still a manufacturing defect that is costing you customers, and I believe the warranty covers defects in materials or workmanship. It doesn't exclude cosmetic defects, that I am aware of. If it does, it's a pathetic warranty. I'm just going to keep the phone that I have. And since you didn't send me a return shipping label, the one you sent me is just sitting here collecting dust. All I've done with it is take off the screen protector that says it is a refurbished unit, and checked the start button. I didn't bother going any farther than that with it, as there was no point in doing so.

She said something along the lines of evaluating the feedback from social networks, and appreciating my feedback. Blah blah blah. I wasn't in the mood. Then she emailed me a shipping label.
Last night Nokia called me again regarding the replacement device they sent me. I had told her in our last conversation that I was not going to bother switching to that phone given that it has the same defect as mine - the gunky start button (this is my third 928). Last night, when she started the conversation, she asked if I was satisfied with the replacement. Here's what I said to her (approximated quotation):

She said something along the lines of evaluating the feedback from social networks, and appreciating my feedback. Blah blah blah. I wasn't in the mood. Then she emailed me a shipping label.

As someone who has been following your posts and we even had interaction back and forth while I had my 928, I'm really sorry to hear what you've been through bro. I know you are in a different boat than me, but I have to say that I'm happy that I was still within my 14 day return window and not married to WP to be able to make a switch for now. I just wouldn't have been able to live with the issues that I was having like the gunky buttons, rattling vibrator and creaky case.

With that being said, I wish you the best of luck. Maybe at some point if they clean things up, you can get a replacement device through Nokia at that time. I will definitely visit this forum every once in a while and keep up on everything as I like WP and would like to come back to it at some point.

Thanks and good luck!
I have the windows button issue, but its not to bad. I do have the other storage issue, and I have a meg of office docs, even though I deleted all of them, even the templates. What else is it considering docs?
The saga continues...
So it looks like the store manager ixnayed the idea of trying to get me a phone ordered before I had to turn mine in, so I am still having to wait a week before getting my replacement. Back to my HTC Trophy. There isn't a single Lumia 928 in the entire Best Buy Tampa Bay area that they could transfer over. Where the hell are people getting their 928s? Although I can't say I'm surprised at all that we're not being represented in stores it still bothers me.

My dad and I have been batting this idea around after our experience recently, how long until they drop Windows Phone at Best Buy because "sales are terrible" while conveniently ignoring the fact that IF ITS NOT ON THE SHELF IT WON'T SELL. I really hope this is unique to my area cause its disheartening to think that some muckity-muck in corporate is almost deliberately killing Windows Phone sales.

And finally the gripping conclusion!
So my replacement phone arrived last week, brand new unit, not a refurb. The camera button works as it should, the Windows key is still crappy looking, but now I'm experiencing what some other folks ( have described with their vibrate feature. It sounds like there's a little angry hornet in this phone buzzing against the glass, like something isn't glued down correctly, and it continues to not be very noticeable in my pocket when it vibrates (compared to my Trophy). The sound is disconcerting, and disheartening that I still don't have a "perfect" phone. But I'll live with it, I got this phone for the OS and I'm pleased with that.
I wouldn't keep that phone if I was in your position. wouldn't want something that annoying after spending money and continuing to spend money monthly to use it
I'm far too patient for my own good sometimes, coupled with a dislike of dealing with returning products and dealing with store staff.
I'm encountering a weird issue where if I lose my 3G/4G connection for an extended period of time the phone will reset itself. If it doesn't reset and I go somewhere with full reception, the device will show 3G/4G but will not be actually connected to data. Worst off is if I try to connect it to WiFi, the phone will freeze, then reset itself. From this point it'll work well without issues until I lose reception for an extended period of time.

This is my second device that have the issue. The only positive is that the gunk from the Windows key is gone and the screen is more responsive. However as much I like the camera and the OS is growing on me, I'm not hopeful that a 3rd device will correct this. If anyone have any suggestions I am all ears. I did soft and hard reset the device and updated the phone.
The sound only works when I have headphones plugged in to my 928. I can change the equalizer even when the headphones are not in. But my phone can still play an alarm out of the speaker so I don't think that's broken.
The sound only works when I have headphones plugged in to my 928. I can change the equalizer even when the headphones are not in. But my phone can still play an alarm out of the speaker so I don't think that's broken.

I'd do a soft reset. If that doesn't work, take it in to the store and exchange it.
I'd do a soft reset. If that doesn't work, take it in to the store and exchange it.
It's going to take a hard reset before they'll replace.

As for my replacement phone, for those who've followed the saga, it has started rattling with vibrate, just like my old one. Thankfully, I haven't sent the old one back yet, so I'll keep it and send back the replacement. I'm going to just wait a few months, and maybe then I'll get a replacement, in the hopes that they fix the problem.
My phone shows LTE but I notice the email is not syncing. I do a manual sync then it fails. I have to reboot the phone and everything works fine. I have only had the phone for 4 days and this has happened at least 5 times. There is no update, anyone else having this problem? It seems to happen more when I am traveling.

I see this problem time to time(maybe once a week ?) where all connections just drop, even on wi-fi. After a reboot it solves this problem but, I never saw this issue with my old (that I sold), HTC 8X.

Does anyone else have this problem or is my phone defective and should I return it to get fixed or should I wait for a update to come down ?

During this anything that uses data does not work, No web, no email, no app updates...
There is at least one thread I can think of on WPCentral that asks the question, "Is the start button defect gone yet?" and the person asking is wondering if later batches of the phone have the same defect with the start button. This person is obviously not buying a Nokia because of the defect that you say isn't a defect, because it matters to him.

Yep, that was me. I ended up going with the GS4 after playing around with my brother's for several days. I'm glad I didn't wait, I've had it just over a week and it works great so far. Love the camera and love the google now features. I still have high hopes for windows phone and nokia, will definitely revisit the duo in 2 years when I'm due for another upgrade. Cheers and best of luck to all of you
My 928 earpiece started doing the same thing today. I was told to expect a refurbished unit, too. I do still like the phone, goopy home button and all. If the anticipated SW update cures the camera flash issue ( flash in "on" mode doesn't fire in a back lit situation) I'd love it! How is your replacement phone working out Penny_1?
My 928 earpiece started doing the same thing today. I was told to expect a refurbished unit, too. I do still like the phone, goopy home button and all. If the anticipated SW update cures the camera flash issue ( flash in "on" mode doesn't fire in a back lit situation) I'd love it! How is your replacement phone working out Penny_1?

Hey tigoat, the refurb unit is working; no problems so far. It has the goopy home button, but I really don't care much about that. The replacement process is pretty painless if you're procrastinating like I did, and you can always get it replaced again if there are issues with it. The only thing that is a little disconcerting to me so far is that the battery life with this replacement unit seems to be more inconsistent than my original unit. With the replacement, sometimes I get extremely good battery life (1.5 days), and sometimes it just drains 50% overnight inexplicably. My guess is that it has more to do with apps running in the background or installed recently than anything else, but I'll keep an eye on it.

Anyway, good luck with your replacement. The earpiece issue is more pressing than a superficial one, so go ahead and get it replaced if you need to.
I just converted a police officer friend of mine over to a Lumia 928 from Android. He absolutely loves his phone and would never go back. But 18 days after purchasing the phone, his screen cracked of it own accord. You heard me, I'm claiming his Gorilla glass just cracked without any impact damage, pressure or dropping. It was fine when he left for work at 6AM, he pulled the phone out of his top shirt pocket at around 9am to check his text, and there it was. He almost didn't notice it because it was so clean and it was a straight line. Now both nokia and Verizon are saying any screen damage is not covered under warranty, but that sounds ridiculous to me. I understand physical damage, but you cant tell me that there has NEVER been a defective piece of Gorilla Glass? Ever? And its just the glass. Nothing else. Has anyone else encountered this issue before? What was the result?
I just converted a police officer friend of mine over to a Lumia 928 from Android. He absolutely loves his phone and would never go back. But 18 days after purchasing the phone, his screen cracked of it own accord. You heard me, I'm claiming his Gorilla glass just cracked without any impact damage, pressure or dropping. It was fine when he left for work at 6AM, he pulled the phone out of his top shirt pocket at around 9am to check his text, and there it was. He almost didn't notice it because it was so clean and it was a straight line. Now both nokia and Verizon are saying any screen damage is not covered under warranty, but that sounds ridiculous to me. I understand physical damage, but you cant tell me that there has NEVER been a defective piece of Gorilla Glass? Ever? And its just the glass. Nothing else. Has anyone else encountered this issue before? What was the result?

I highly doubt that the screen cracked without the phone being exposed to some sort of harmful force. It would defy multiple laws of physics.

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