Nokia Lumia 928 coming soon to Verizon?

The only leaked picture that I know of is the reflections from sea world. Hopefully we will get more leaks or an official pic soon.
I believe Big Red is getting a 920 variant. Whether it is aluminum or modified in any way I don't know. I am thinking no.

Reason being that ATT would no longer have an exclusive phone. When Big Red gets the 920 (mid-range for 2013) I am thinking ATT gets the new anodized aluminum 920 with a higher resolution Pureview camera.

Nokia stated that they will bring exclusive devices for each carriers. 920 exclusive deal is almost near. So why shouldn't Verizon get the love this time?
The only leaked picture that I know of is the reflections from sea world. Hopefully we will get more leaks or an official pic soon.

I am a NOK investor and follow the Yahoo message board for NOK. One of the posters stated that he was in a Verizon store yesterday and asked about the 928 and the sales person said that it was going to be available at the end of this month. For what it's worth...
So images of the 928 have finally been leaked, anyone got a good idea of a release date/preorder date?
I am a NOK investor and follow the Yahoo message board for NOK. One of the posters stated that he was in a Verizon store yesterday and asked about the 928 and the sales person said that it was going to be available at the end of this month. For what it's worth...

It has to be May 2nd (+- a few days) due to the exclusivity contract with AT&T ending on May 2nd (+- a few days)

I can imagine Verizon releasing it on something like April 22th and you can pre-order it, but will receive it on May 2nd (+- a few days)
It has to be May 2nd (+- a few days) due to the exclusivity contract with AT&T ending on May 2nd (+- a few days)

I can imagine Verizon releasing it on something like April 22th and you can pre-order it, but will receive it on May 2nd (+- a few days)

Could you please share with us a copy of the contract between Nokia and ATT, so that we can put an end to all of the speculation about what the contract actually says? Does it say that the exclusivity period started on November 2, or does it list some other date? Does it say what the definition of exclusivity is? Does a simple model number change make it a different phone able to be sold on other carriers, or can additional RAM, additional pixels on the sensor, or different colors make the difference?

Fact is that no one on this board knows what the contract says, so any claims of a specific date, or whether an upgraded phone will qualify are nothing more than pure speculation.
It has to be May 2nd (+- a few days) due to the exclusivity contract with AT&T ending on May 2nd (+- a few days)

I can imagine Verizon releasing it on something like April 22th and you can pre-order it, but will receive it on May 2nd (+- a few days)

I does not have to be May 2nd due to exclusivity contract. The 928 is a completely different phone from the 920. This said, Nokia and Verizon can actually ignore the contract since the exclusivity contract is most likely only for the 920.
I does not have to be May 2nd due to exclusivity contract. The 928 is a completely different phone from the 920. This said, Nokia and Verizon can actually ignore the contract since the exclusivity contract is most likely only for the 920.

Just as I pointed out to Mirtas that we don't know what the contract says, I'll also say it here - we don't know what the contract says, so we can't say whether they can ignore it or not. It could very easily say "no phone with more pixels than 920," "no phone with greater screen resolution," "no phone with OIS," "no phone bigger," and so on, and so on...

We just don't know what the contract says, so we are not in a position to say what they can or cannot do. :wink:
Just as I pointed out to Mirtas that we don't know what the contract says, I'll also say it here - we don't know what the contract says, so we can't say whether they can ignore it or not. It could very easily say "no phone with more pixels than 920," "no phone with greater screen resolution," "no phone with OIS," "no phone bigger," and so on, and so on...

We just don't know what the contract says, so we are not in a position to say what they can or cannot do. :wink:

I understand that. That is actually kinda what I was trying to get at. Plus I just woke up and typed it out and sent it so it isn't my best post and it made it seem like I actually knew what was in the contract but I actually dont hahah
Just as I pointed out to Mirtas that we don't know what the contract says, I'll also say it here - we don't know what the contract says, so we can't say whether they can ignore it or not. It could very easily say "no phone with more pixels than 920," "no phone with greater screen resolution," "no phone with OIS," "no phone bigger," and so on, and so on...

We just don't know what the contract says, so we are not in a position to say what they can or cannot do. :wink:
Thank you! I was wanting to say this earlier, but my wpcentral app kept error-ing out on me...

Who's to say what can and cannot be done in the situation, or even that the "contract" even has to come into play? We would have to know the details of the agreement, which ATT and Noia are almost certainly not going to reveal...
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It shouldn't have as many issues. If it does though I'm sure we will hear about it loudly! Right now, I'm confident that the phone will be solid, just let me buy it already!

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