Nokia Lumia 930 screen flickering / fluttering / jumping / blinking issue

I have two issues with the screen, juming during scrolling & blurred text when scrolling. Besides this, I love my 930, but this is quite annoying.

Blurry text while scrolling is a Amoled problem on black backgrounds or the refresh rate of the screen is just too low. Think it is 60mhz
Hi i have jumping/unresponsive screen too but on my lumia 630 it was there sinc i bought it, i have tried that idea with kids corner but it didnt help. Do you have that issue only when you swiping with your finger on the screen and when you just flick it to its smooth?
I've had similar issues with my Lumia 930, I'm holding on to a possible software fix/patch in the future. Not much you can do but to make do with the issue at the moment.
My brother and I both ordered a 930. His green one (rev is working perfectly, my orange one (rev was flickering like an old TV set out of the box.

If you look carefully it's actually 1 pixel thick black lines randomly appearing all over the screen. It is constant, not dependent on use and quite frankly unworkable. I checked updates, It came with the latest software installed. I did a factory reset, toggled some display settings, airplane mode, nothing helps. I use the exact same settings as my brother on his phone. Except for the HW revision all software and firmware is at identical versions and his just doesn't have this issue.

I don't care if it's a software issue, this is not acceptable. If it is a fix should be released asap, not at the next major release. Luckily this is clearly a non-conformity issue. I RMA'd the phone, the shop is going to send me a new one. Unfortunately they are unwilling to check the new one before sending, so I guess I'll have to wait and see.

I filmed it, but at 1080p you cant see individual lines on a filmed 1080p screen. Cant link so you need to copy paste this after the youtube url if you want to see it: /watch?v=m47uDh1qL4o

Hi i have jumping/unresponsive screen too but on my lumia 630 it was there sinc i bought it, i have tried that idea with kids corner but it didnt help. Do you have that issue only when you swiping with your finger on the screen and when you just flick it to its smooth?
Are you on the newest software, my mom had a 535 with that issue and a software update fixed it. (The update was out when she got the phone, but not yet installed out of the box)
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830ies are getting 8.1 GDR2 atm. My 930 does not have this issue (hw I did have briefly Win10 on it and it had no flicker at all.

Hope we get GDR2 also, worse case have to wait till a usable Win10 build comes along (10080 was not usable).
Following a similar issues on the MS Community, I've raised this internally with Microsoft. I'll respond back here if and when there's any feedback to share.
Please report to us what happened afterwards!

Sorry for not reporting, but after the "repair" nothing changed. The service returned it to me with note "repaired - software update" and that is. They actually didn't do anything because it was already updated. The issue was still there. I didn't had enough time to send it gain, but I probably will. Meanwhile I updated to Win10 preview and blinking almost disappeared. It blinks like once a week or even less, which is not so annoyng. I also tested with 8.1 Update 2 but it didnt fix it, the issue was still present as with Denim. Also scrolling in Facebook app is not so jumpy in Win10.

However when updated to 8.1 Update 2, and later to Win 10 there was a font painting issue in Facebook app. The small font gets slightly distorted when scrolling. When I downgraded to 8.1 Denim the problem was fixed, but later when upgraded to Win10 it appeared again. So this is definetely software glich most likely with the LCD driver.

So with

8.1 Denim (Update 1) - Blinking, FB scroll jumps
8.1 Denim Update 2 - Blinking, FB scroll jumps, Font issue
Win10 - No more blinking (almost), No FB scroll jumping, Font issue
I personally think that the Amoled display + snapdragon 800, was the biggest fail in the 930, Love the design, camera, WP platform, but the display --- i would prefer na IPS, with something less overheating, and ofc a smaller phone, next will be max 4.7"
You are fighting with the wind my friend.
My 930 has the same issue, I went through all the support, sent the phone 2 times, nothing happened, they always reflashed the firmware and said everything is ok. I tried to film it but is very hard to catch on video, I need a slow motion camera for this.
It is utterly disappointing a flagship performs this way and the warranty doesn't do nothing about it.
The scroll jumping in facebook is driving me nuts, my eyes hurt when trying to scroll trough photos.
The blinking is so annoying that sometimes you can't even read the article.
For me the blinking started with the Denim firmware that fixed the overheating but screwed up the LCD.
Microsoft/Nokia don't give a damn if it really works or not. They mentioned that this issue so isolated they will not bother with it and that for sure Windows 10 will fix it.
That is a lie, having Windows 10 on L930 still has the same issues.
Only because of their way of handing this manner makes me switching to an iPhone, lag free scrolling.
Im on my 2nd Lumia 920.
The first one got ridiculously hot on the inital charge and had horrible battery life.
It started on Amber and I updated it to Denim. The screen flicker was present in all sw revisions.
Whats interesting is you dont see many posts about a flicker in the 925/928.
My screen is not Amoled so this is definitely some sort of software issue.
I also have a 635 and a 640. No issues with those phones.
I have kinda the same problem, I know that Samsung uses AMOLED display and no problem there, I hope that this is just a firmware / OS problem and it will get fixed. Its really annoying for the Top WP phone to have issues like this.

I really hope that M$ learned and the next generation of high end lumias will get better or this was the last time I took on contract a Lumia.
Anything new?

Blinking sometimes, also noticed sometimes when it locks tapping doesn't wake it up and nor pushing the camera button..
Amoled is great view screen. Besides of that its piece of ****.
I think its a hardware problem, but its a shame that Microsoft just ignore it, really disapointed
I've had my green Lumia for just over a year now. Just started having the flicker issue within the past week. I got mine unlocked from amazon. I believe it was from China. The first time I noticed those small horizontal lines I soft reset the phone and it seemed ok after that. But the problem returned shortly after. I'm on the latest update as well as gdr2 I believe I have the slightly different layout in my settings menu. Sometimes the screen will have trouble deciding on brightness cuz it will dim or brighten up going back and forth altho this is not as frequent as the flicker and lines appearing. Whats disappointing is the fact that we were spose to be able to keep windows 8.1 running on our "old" models in case we didn't like the upgrade to Windows 10 mobile. I thought well at least I'm not forced to upgrade to that android wana be knock off but now its painfully clear-there is definitely no fix being pushed to us thru 8.1 so if the answer is just use windows 10 mobile then I must abandon this joke just like Microsoft did.
I have had this issue come and go for a while when the phone has a mind of its own. I discovered the problem resolved when I plugged the phone into my Surface Po3 via USB.

I also found that it happens when I touched anything silicon based then the phone's screen.

I love my Nokia 930 and hope to hang onto it for another 3 years yet
I also have slight flashes on the screen of my Lumia Icon.
I do not know why this happens, but it is not very frequent or very annoying.
I also have slight flashes on the screen of my Lumia Icon.
I do not know why this happens, but it is not very frequent or very annoying.

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