Nokia Lumia 930: User Reviews

Just read the digital spy review, all seems good and they point out some minor issues. However I feel the review was written by someone who is a bit if an Android fan.

Nokia Lumia 930 review: One step closer to Android but still a way to go - Tech Review - Digital Spy

Hi, I'm about to get a 930 as my first Window Phone (after using an iPhone since '07). In this review you've posted it said that "the contact book doesn't always make an appearance when we type someone's name into the messaging app" - what do they mean by that?
Hi, I'm about to get a 930 as my first Window Phone (after using an iPhone since '07). In this review you've posted it said that "the contact book doesn't always make an appearance when we type someone's name into the messaging app" - what do they mean by that?

I can only assume, when you start to type the name of a person it does not auto complete. However i have been using a Lumia 625 running Windows 8.1 and have not had this issue. Granted i have not used it as my daily device, i use my iPhone 5s, but while messing with it i never experienced this.

Digital Spy are not known for their great reviews, i think the reviews in this forum hold more weight as they are done by proper WP users, not an android ****** who's forced to write a review for a site ;)
I can only assume, when you start to type the name of a person it does not auto complete. However i have been using a Lumia 625 running Windows 8.1 and have not had this issue. Granted i have not used it as my daily device, i use my iPhone 5s, but while messing with it i never experienced this.

Digital Spy are not known for their great reviews, i think the reviews in this forum hold more weight as they are done by proper WP users, not an android ****** who's forced to write a review for a site ;)
can't reproduce this issue, too... works as expected in message and outlook...
The Nokia Lumia 930 is now shipping in Belgium! I received mine a few hours ago and I'm absolutely loving it! This is my first Windows Phone and I have to say that everything works very good!

I loooove the design of the 930!!! But it is quite big. You can use it one-handed though and when I was watching a YouTube video, the screen was absolutely fantastic!


The Nokia Lumia 930 is now shipping in Belgium! I received mine a few hours ago and I'm absolutely loving it! This is my first Windows Phone and I have to say that everything works very good!

I loooove the design of the 930!!! But it is quite big. You can use it one-handed though and when I was watching a YouTube video, the screen was absolutely fantastic!

What colour is yours? Anyone got the orange or Green and if so what do they look like?
I bought orange one, the color looks worst to me. Thats y i kept it under case

I'm not getting what you're trying to say... You bought an orange handset but think it's the worst colour? Why did you buy it? Or am I reading this wrong?
I saw in those Ads and in photos. In that it is dark orange. But while seeing it live, its horrible. Its better to paint it back with some paint colors:orly:
So I've got my Nokia Lumia 930 for about 24 hours now! My first impression was that it is an amazing device, and this impression is still the same! Since most of you still have to wait a few days to weeks, I'm gonna write a little review for you. I'm coming from a cheap Android device, so I won't really be able to compare it to the 920 or other Windows Phone devices.


Personally, I adore the design of the 930! The blocky, industrial design with aluminium frame look very good, ... if you're into it. I understand that some people like the design of the 920 and 1020 more, but it is personal, so I wont say much more about it! There is one thing I do want to mention though. Because the backside is not completely flat, the device looks thinner and it seems to be 'floating' on the table too. :grin: The ports work good and are firm. The sim card tray is very easy to open!

The Nokia Lumia 930 has amazing specs! The best you can get in a Windows Phone and most certainly future-proof. Windows Phone doesn't NEED these specs, but believe me, you do WANT them! I did a little speed comparison with my brother's Nokia Lumia 620 and the difference in just loading a webpage is big!


Then there's also the camera, which takes amazing pictures!! I haven't really had the chance to go out and test it, but the few shots I've taken all looked amazing. I also filmed my brother while he was playing the guitar and the sound was great. Just like Nokia advertises, you get a great surround sound.

I can't tell much about battery life, because it's been only 24 hours. But it seems OK. Nothing amazing, but just good.

I'm coming from an Android device, so the software is a big change for me. I won't compare WP8 to WP8.1, but Android to WP8.1.
I already said it was a cheap device, so I never got ANY update! I had been stuck on Android 2.3 for two years and that was quite frustrating! I used many, many launchers, which is a big advantage to Android, but I never found the perfect one! From the first second I started using the Windows Phone homescreen, it just felt right! Live tiles, different sizes of icons, ... Why need a replacement, if the standard launcher is perfect?


Then there are the apps. There are less apps on Windows Phone than on Android, but I'm not missing a single app! Instagram (6tag), Snapchat (6snap), Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, ... They're all there and that's all I need! Plus on Windows Phone there is consistency, something Android really lacks. It will improve with Android L, but when I started using Windows Phone it just felt like one big whole. Some apps do lack some functions that are present on Android, but it is not as big as a problem as some say.

Switching between apps was very fast with almost no 'Resuming...'-screens. Playing games was fast too. The loading times were very short and on the amazing 5-inch Full HD screen, everything just looks fantastic! Watching YouTube-videos (or normal videos) on this device is a beautiful experience. The sound goes quite loud and when you plug in your headphones (my phone came with a pair in the box), it is even better.

One little thing I have to say is that I also have the screen issue. When the brightness is low (even on automatic) everything that is supposed to look grey, turns purple. It can be quite ugly if you have set your accent color to blue for example. Hope there will be a software fix!

If you got a question, feel free to ask!
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I saw in those Ads and in photos. In that it is dark orange. But while seeing it live, its horrible. Its better to paint it back with some paint colors:orly:

Tempted to replace the back cover as per my post on these forums about the tear down. I need to look into it more, but am tempted to go white or black lol

I too assumed the orange would be a little more darker.
Even i aslo thought orange is some what diff color rather than usual colors like black or white, thts y i pre-ordered orange, but it is very bad decision
Can someone say how much 100% charged battery last with "normal" usage (i.e little bit of everything). I relay like a device but I have concerns about battery life.
I charged battery in morning around 5am with 100%, and now 5:20pm evening(in Malaysia) it was showing 44%. I just played 20 mts game in lunch break(the right side corner of the phone was very hot) and modified few settings in phone. Yet to see how long 100% battery charge will long

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