Nokia Network Setup app.

so I restarted my 900 and no sending. I then changed the mms name from "STalk" that I made it to "straight talk". I saved it. I then was able to send a picture. I am assuming it just takes a little time to setup because I can't imagine the name change did anything.

Edit: So when I press send on the mms, it then tells me it couldn't send and displays "try again" under the message. I press it and it works. I really hope I don't have to do that every time.

Edit again: It just let me send a pic without issues. After you change the settings, restart the phone and try sending a picture in like 30 minutes. I think it just needs a little time.
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Umm, are you guys playing some kinda joke? The link says "App not found" and I don't see it anywhere in the marketplace. :confused:

*Edit: Never mind, did a manual search in the marketplace and found it :D. Expected to have seen it in the Nokia Collection.
Umm, are you guys playing some kinda joke? The link says "App not found" and I don't see it anywhere in the marketplace. :confused:

*Edit: Never mind, did a manual search in the marketplace and found it :D. Expected to have seen it in the Nokia Collection.

Scan the QR code on the blog entry that announced it.
For anyone on Red Pocket:

Tried a bunch of stuff until I got it to work. Here's what I did:

Connection Name: Red Pocket (this can be whatever you want)


Access point name: att.mvno
Proxy address: empty
Proxy port: empty
Username: empty
Password: empty


MMS access point name: att.mvno
Proxy address:
Proxy port: 80
Username: empty
Password: empty
MMSC address:

Make sure to restart your phone after. It only worked after I restarted. Good luck.

P.S. This should probably work for all AT&T MVNOs.
Seriously, I have tried the multiple settings in this thread. I still don't have mms working. Has anyone who couldn't get it working yesterday gotten it working today? This is crazy. The tier 2 techs are talking about replacingmy phone??? I just want a Good grief.
Seriously, I have tried the multiple settings in this thread. I still don't have mms working. Has anyone who couldn't get it working yesterday gotten it working today? This is crazy. The tier 2 techs are talking about replacingmy phone??? I just want a Good grief.

Silly question maybe, but did you restart the phone after applying the settings I posted?
Silly question maybe, but did you restart the phone after applying the settings I posted?
Hi hasasimo, yes, I have. I've called ST to confirm their settings. I entered them. Restarted phone. Attempted to send a pic text and can't send message. Try again. I edited the apns. I reentered the apns. I tried all of the different ones in the thread (I'm on Straight Talk). All this feels like is being a glutton for punishment. I think I understand now why people like Macs. This is a pain.
Hi hasasimo, yes, I have. I've called ST to confirm their settings. I entered them. Restarted phone. Attempted to send a pic text and can't send message. Try again. I edited the apns. I reentered the apns. I tried all of the different ones in the thread (I'm on Straight Talk). All this feels like is being a glutton for punishment. I think I understand now why people like Macs. This is a pain.

Man, that sucks. Not sure what the problem could be. Your grammar and spelling suggest you're a reasonably intelligent person, so I don't doubt that you're entering everything correctly. Did you make sure to check the "Use as current network" box when you created the new network settings? It look took a little fiddling around to get it to work on my Lumia 800, messing with entering and not entering any port information, etc. It was a bit easier on my 900 though.

I know Einstein said doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insane, but that actually worked on my L800 (and again, it was easier on my L900). Just keep messing with it, including multiple reboots.
I'll keep at it, but in honesty I'm nearing the point of diminishing returns. You know? Waiting for a new phone would be quasi-insulting. I just want to send a picture text. lol at the Einstein quote. Yes, I did select the make this my current setting option. That's why I hoped maybe someone else may have hit upon the secret somewhere. Thanks for your patience. :)
Hi hasasimo, yes, I have. I've called ST to confirm their settings. I entered them. Restarted phone. Attempted to send a pic text and can't send message. Try again. I edited the apns. I reentered the apns. I tried all of the different ones in the thread (I'm on Straight Talk). All this feels like is being a glutton for punishment. I think I understand now why people like Macs. This is a pain.

iPhone needs to be jailbroken to do the same thing!
I put my Lumia on straight talk this past week - I had trouble with MMS after putting in the settings above - I had to remove the APN I added via the 'Add APN' screen on the Cellular settings page & instead only use the Nokia Network app - i.e., the settings in the Nokia app don't do anything with any APNs you already have setup.

It also required a reboot and about 20 minutes before pictures started flowing properly.
MMS APN: att.mvno, not StraightTalk. (sorry hasasimo, I just noticed you put that in the red pocket post, I was going off of mocs posts earlier for the mms apn name)


my phone is now complete. :D

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